What can i eat after getting my tooth pulled

Jun 01, 2020

A tooth extraction involves complete removal of a tooth from its socket, leaving behind a gap. There are several reasons as to why you may have your tooth/teeth extracted which range from tooth decay, to overcrowding or even having impacted wisdom teeth. Whatever the reason for undergoing the procedure is, it is important to have the right care instructions to avoid complication and promote quick healing.

A top concern for most people after having a tooth removed is what to eat and when. Usually, your dentist will provide you with instructions of what to do depending on the position where the tooth was extracted and the technique used in extraction. The set of instructions should take you through the next couple of days following treatment, until the time where you are healed enough to carry on with your regular life without any worries.

Days 1-3

Immediately after an extraction, and in the few days following, the primary focus is usually to allow a blood clot to form on the site of extraction. You should experience low to no bleeding in the first 24 hours but in case there is active bleeding, make sure to reach out to your dentist asap.

Depending on the intrusiveness of the procedure, you may be allowed to start on liquid foods a few hours after a tooth extraction. Foods like ice-cream, soups, pudding, yogurt and cereal are okay. Completely avoid using a straw as the suction it creates can dislodge the clot covering your wound, leading to pain and bleeding which further delays healing. Rinsing, swishing, gurgling and spitting should also be avoided for the same reasons.

If by the second day there is less tenderness on site of extraction, you can begin to incorporate solid foods that do not necessarily require a lot of chewing. Within this period, you should not consume alcohol or smoke.  Take any medications prescribed to you and have plenty of rest.

Days 3-10

By now a clot will have properly formed on the extraction site. Aftercare involves keeping the clot in place and preventing any infection to the area. You can now perform saline rinses to kill any bacteria in the mouth that may cause infections. You can now begin to brush and floss like usual but while paying extra attention not to disturb the extraction site. For the areas you cannot brush or floss, a mouthwash or saline solution will do for the meantime.

When it comes to your diet, you will continue eating soft foods that are less likely to be trapped in the empty tooth socket. You can now eat foods with a thicket consistency like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, avocadoes, bananas, hummus and even salmon.

What can i eat after getting my tooth pulled

2 Weeks Later

Two weeks after the procedure, most people feel well enough to go back to their normal diet. Provided there was no complication you can resume eating more solid foods. You can also resume activities like exercise and sports.  During your next dental appointment your dentist will also be able to start preparation to replace the extracted tooth/teeth.

Foods to Avoid

It is obvious that after a tooth extraction, whether simple or through surgery, you should avoid eating hard foods. But that is not all you should stay away from, spicy foods and foods that may get trapped on the empty socket can just be as bad. Spicy foods can cause pain and irritation while crunchy and crumbly foods or seeds and grains can get into the empty socket and disrupt the healing process. Foods that need a lot of chewing are also not goods as there is risk of biting yourself, especially when the anesthesia is yet to completely wear off. Lastly, alcohol and cigarette are a no-go to after any dental procedure.

At Starry Dental, our Westwood dentist uses a personalized approach for every patient to ensure a pleasant dental experience. We will only recommend a tooth extraction if it is the best chance you have at ensuring good dental health. The dentist and staff are friendly and gentle while providing effective and quality tooth extraction treatments.

Key takeaways:

  • After wisdom tooth extraction,drink lots of water, and eat soft foods that you can easily tolerate, such as yogurt and applesauce.

  • Avoid alcohol, hot beverages, and carbonated drinks after surgery, since they may irritate tooth sockets.

  • Hard, crunchy, scalding hot, or spicy foods can cause pain and bleeding and may prolong the healing process.

By age 12, most baby teeth have been replaced with adult teeth. But there are still some teeth yet to come: your wisdom teeth. The name comes from the idea that these teeth grow in at a more mature age, usually between ages 17 and 21.

Many people find it painful when wisdom teeth grow in, and it’s common for them to be impacted. That means they are trapped in your jaw or under your gums. Most people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.

If wisdom teeth are impacted; they’re not growing in the right position; or there is evidence of pain, infection, cysts, gum disease, or decay, your dentist may recommend surgery to remove your wisdom teeth. You will likely be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for the procedure. You’ll receive local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. Usually, removing wisdom teeth doesn’t cause much pain. 

After surgery, there may be some swelling and mild discomfort, and you’ll have to modify your diet to include foods that are not painful to chew. Pain and trismus (difficulty opening the mouth) occur in about 7% of people after wisdom tooth surgery, which can affect chewing, swallowing and food intake. 

How long should you not eat before wisdom tooth removal? 

Your dentist or oral surgeon will provide you with pre-operative instructions. One of the guidelines may be to avoid eating and drinking anything for 8 hours before surgery, but this will depend on the type of anesthesia that they plan to use. 

If your surgery is in the morning, the dentist or surgeon may advise you to have no food or liquids after midnight. Check with your dentist to know your specific guidelines.

What foods should you eat after wisdom teeth removal? 

After wisdom tooth extraction, you will likely be instructed to drink lots of water and eat soft foods that you can easily tolerate. Ensure that you get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals, because these nutrients are helpful for wound healing. 

If you’re not eating enough or only drinking broth and juice, you won’t get the necessary nutrients for healing. Malnutrition is a problem in wound healing, and falling short on protein and vitamins slows the healing process.

Soft foods that you can include in your diet after wisdom tooth removal include:

  • Applesauce or other pureed fruits (try baby food)

  • Mashed soft fruit such as bananas or avocado

  • Steamed mashed carrot or cauliflower

  • Steamed mashed pear, peach, or apple

  • Warm (not hot) broth or cream soups

  • Oatmeal, congee, porridge, or cream of wheat

  • Scrambled eggs

  • Smoothies

  • Cottage cheese

  • Milk 

  • Soft cooked pasta or noodles

  • Mashed fish

  • Pudding 

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Mashed cooked lentils, beans, or chickpeas

  • Yogurt 

  • Ice cream or frozen yogurt

Try to include a source of protein with your meals, such as egg, yogurt, milk, fish, beans, or lentils. Protein helps speed wound healing. 

How long should you wait before eating? 

You can eat when you feel like it after surgery, but be careful with your food choice. For the first 24 hours after surgery, eat only soft foods that require no chewing, such as yogurt or applesauce. 

When can you reintroduce solid foods? 

Once the pain begins to subside, you can start eating semi-soft foods that require a small bit of chewing, such as bananas, avocado, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. You will likely eat soft and semi-soft foods for a few days. Most people do feel more comfortable in 3 to 4 days, but let pain be your guide. Eat what feels good, and go back to eating regular food when you feel less pain.   

What foods and drinks should you avoid after wisdom teeth removal? 

It’s important to not drink alcohol, fruit juice, carbonated drinks like soda and seltzer, or caffeinated or hot beverages such as coffee and tea. These can irritate the surgery spots in your mouth and slow down the healing process. 

Avoid using straws for at least a week after surgery, since the sucking action can dislodge the blood clot from the tooth socket (where the tooth was removed) and cause more bleeding. You’ll also want to refrain from rinsing or spitting for the first 24 hours after surgery, as these can dislodge the blood clots from the empty tooth sockets.

If you smoke, your provider will probably advise you to refrain from cigarettes for at least 72 hours after surgery. Tobacco products can delay healing and increase the risk of complications. 

What happens if you eat the wrong foods after wisdom teeth removal?

Foods that are hard, scalding hot, chewy, crunchy, or spicy might get stuck in the socket or irritate the surgical wound, which can cause pain and bleeding and make the healing process last longer. Stick with soft foods instead. You also want to avoid nuts and seeds until you are healed, since they can get stuck in the sockets. 

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal?  

It can take up to 2 weeks to recover from wisdom tooth extraction, but you won’t have to eat soft foods for that long. Usually, the soft diet just lasts for a few days or until you can comfortably chew again.  

The bottom line

Stock your fridge and pantry with enough soft and semi-soft foods to last a few days. Try yogurt, applesauce, potatoes, and your favorite ingredients for smoothies. 

Wisdom tooth surgery is relatively low risk, but do call your dentist or oral surgeon if you have excessive bleeding, fever, or severe swelling that gets worse after three days. Also, contact your provider if you are unable to chew after a few days. They will advise on the best next steps. 

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When can I eat after tooth extraction?

Within the first 24 hours after tooth removal surgery, you should avoid consuming anything that involves chewing. Try to limit yourself to liquids exclusively. If they don't fill you up and you want to consume solid food, go for soft meals that don't need much chewing, like pudding or oatmeal.

Do and don'ts after tooth extraction?

Avoid Sucking of any type: SMOKING, SIPPING, EATING HARD VEGETABLES are to be avoided after tooth extraction. Try taking soft and liquid food options such as soups, mashed potatoes, yogurts, milkshakes, smoothies etc. after tooth extraction. Avoid hot drinks, spicy foods, sodas, etc.