Same day root canal near me

Do you have a broken, knocked-out, infected, or painful tooth? Any dental emergency should be addressed by a qualified oral health care professional as soon as possible to ensure an optimal outcome. We recognize the fact that toothaches and accidents do not always occur during regular business hours. This is why our convenient Phoenix location offers expanded hours every week! Additionally, our team of dental professionals includes doctors and staff members dedicated solely to same day appointment requests. We utilize the latest equipment and advanced training to stabilize your situation and relieve your pain as quickly as possible.

If you or someone in your family is suffering from oral pain or an injury, please do not hesitate to call us immediately. Our team of urgent dental care experts is standing by and ready to offer same-day dental care when you need it most.

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Same day root canal near me
At Smile Fitness Dental Center, we have a team dedicated to handling your dental emergencies 6 days a week. This is all they do! They bring an unmatched level of expertise to each situation. From severe toothaches to fractured teeth, our emergency dentist in Phoenix and dental team swing into action the moment you call. From there, here’ what you can expect to happen next:

  • We’ll schedule your same-day appointment so you can come in and get the care you need right away. We’ll also give you first-aid instructions over the phone to use until you reach us.
  • Get an emergency exam as soon as you arrive from one of our highly trained and experienced Phoenix emergency dentists, who will work quickly to learn more about the extent and source of your emergency.
  • Once you’re out of immediate pain, we’ll review our findings with you and help you make a custom treatment plan to get your oral health back on track.
  • Our team will get to work right away to preserve your teeth and save your smile, using the latest techniques and equipment to make sure you stay comfortable and get back to enjoying a healthy, pain-free smile right away.

Your Trusted Phoenix Emergency Dentists

Same day root canal near me
We recognize accidents do not happen according to a plan. Our team looks forward to helping you get back to smiling as soon as possible. Knowing that you have an experienced and reliable emergency dentist in your corner anytime the unthinkable occurs is an invaluable reassurance. If you’d like to learn more about our emergency dental services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to speak to our team. We’re committed to your health, safety, and satisfaction and we believe that our values are evident in all that we do

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Not all dental emergencies are easy to identify as such. If you or a loved one is experiencing new, unusual, or uncomfortable dental symptoms, we encourage you to give us a call right away, even if you’re unsure if you need urgent dental care or not! We’ll be happy to help you assess your situation over the phone and determine what needs to happen next to restore your healthy smile. Below, you’ll find some of the most common dental emergencies we treat on a regular basis.

Dental Emergency FAQ’s 

Same day root canal near me
Dental emergencies happen at the most inconvenient times. In stressful situations like these, it’s important to act quickly and efficiently to ease your pain and prevent any further damage from occurring. However, with all the chaos going on around you, it can be hard to think clearly. That’s why Smile Fitness Dental Center has your back. For new patients, we’re even offering a $1 exam and complete X-rays! For your convenience, we’ve compiled some common questions we get from our patients in dental dilemmas below. 

When Should I Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

If you have experienced severe trauma to your face that has caused swelling, lacerations, or a broken or fractured jaw, you’ll need to visit your local ER before you seek treatment from your emergency dentist. If you believe you have an untreated tooth infection that’s been lingering for a few weeks, this may also require urgent medical care.

Once you’ve gotten the medical attention you need, our team at Smile Fitness Dental Centers will provide you with necessary cosmetic or restorative services to get your smile up-and-running again. 

How Can I Ease Dental Pain?

If you’re experiencing oral pain caused by a toothache or sensitivity, most people turn to over-the-counter pain medication to help. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. Also, avoid letting aspirin come into direct contact with your gums, because it could cause the area to burn. Some other ways you can relieve dental discomfort is to:

  • Rinse with warm saltwater. Mix ½ teaspoon of table salt in every 8 ounces of water. Be sure to spit it out and gently floss around your sore tooth to remove anything that may be lodged.
  • Applying a cold compress for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off on your cheek can help ease pain and bring down swelling caused by a chipped or knocked-out tooth.
  • There are also over-the-counter anesthetics that contain benzocaine, which will numb your mouth until you reach the emergency dentist’s office. Keep in mind that these are only meant to be used for temporary pain relief.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

Typically, tooth extractions are only suggested if the damaged tooth can’t be saved. If we’re able to preserve your natural tooth, we’ll suggest root canal therapy or a filling and dental crown. However, there are a few tell-tale signs that your tooth will need to be removed in order to preserve the rest of your mouth. If your tooth has sustained severe decay that can’t be treated with a root canal or you have an infection that your body can’t fight off due to a compromised immune system, it may need to be extracted.

Do Emergency Dentists Offer Sedation Options?

If you’re scared of the dentist or are experiencing intense pain, we offer multiple dental sedation techniques to help make you feel comfortable and relaxed. These include anti-anxiety medications taken prior to your appointment or nitrous oxide administered at the beginning of your treatment. We also have other amenities like headphones, so you can block out the background noise and focus on something other than your discomfort.

Can root canals be done same day?

It is safe to get a root canal and crown together on the same day. The root canal procedure will not require as much anesthetic as you might expect. A local anesthetic will go over the targeted area to numb the surface, although nitrous oxide may also be used in the treatment process to keep you comfortable.

How quickly can I get a root canal?

In most cases, simple root canals require just one appointment lasting between 30 minutes to just over an hour. However, severe cases may demand 90 minutes or more, or even a second appointment if the dentist or endodontist recommends a permanent filling or crown for the tooth.

Should root canal be done ASAP?

To prevent these complications, a root canal should be used to treat the infection as soon as possible. The sooner your tooth is treated, the more likely it is that Dr. Mark Ashy will be able to save it, and prevent the complications related to a severe, prolonged tooth infection. Contact us right away for help.