How much does ftm hormone therapy cost

Shopping around for hormone replacement therapy costs isn’t easy. There are lots of hidden factors beyond the costs of the therapy itself. You need to learn about several factors to make sure you’re getting the most value for the price you’re paying.

What complicates this, even more, is the insurance companies don’t like revealing prices or even whether or not they will pay for a specific treatment before getting the prescription. What you pay in insurance costs, co-pays, doctor’s visits, and blood work may be different depending on the type of hormone replacement therapy you get.

What complicates this, even more, is the insurance companies don’t like revealing prices or even whether or not they will pay for a specific treatment before getting the prescription. What you pay in insurance costs, co-pays, doctor’s visits, and blood work may be different depending on the type of hormone replacement therapy you get.

What Is Involved With Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Various methods of HRT have different benefits, detriments, and costs. In the table below, we review the common types of HRT. As you can see, they each have various frequencies and prices.

How much does ftm hormone therapy cost

Basic Costs of HRT

The basic cost of HRT covers just hormone replacement therapy itself. There are additional costs associated with these therapies and the factors you need to consider to make an accurate financial decision we have below.


Monthly prescription costs for oral HRT run $130 to $240 per month, for an annual fee of $1560 to $2440. But, because most insurance companies pay for HRT pills, most people only see their prescription co-pay costs, which typically average $30 per month or $360 per year.

Creams, gels, & patches:

As you can see on the graphic, the prices are about the same, $120 to $1,020, but you have much more work to do on your own. On the plus side, you may also have fewer side effects using creams, gels, and patches.


Injectable hormone therapy primarily relates to men, although some women do prefer this method. It’s one of the more expensive options, with some treatments running several thousand dollars per year and requiring frequent visits to the doctor.


Pellet therapy is a cash-based procedure and is not typically covered by health insurance. Therefore, you will incur the total cost yourself, which, surprisingly, is comparable to the other treatments. You pay close to the same, and there are other benefits!

Other Factors To Remember:

Hormone replacement therapy works very well and has multiple different options you can choose from. Based on the cost of just the prescription, you may want to say the pills are your best bet. However, we want you to remember that there are other factors involved.

The cost of the doctor’s visit is not in the price of the prescription. If you have a co-pay for a doctor’s appointment, this can quickly add up to hundreds of extra charges for your therapy.

The same is true with bloodwork to monitor your levels. You have to pay for these tests, as many insurance companies have caps on how many blood tests they will pay for in a given year.

How Often Do You Need To Get Your Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The frequency of use may be a significant driving factor for some people. You need to take the pills every day, knowing if you miss one, you may be facing mood swings and an increased risk of various side effects, and will also make the first pass through the liver. If you are disciplined, this may not be an issue. But, you have to take into consideration your habits.

People who are seeking a more natural application can use creams and gels. These need to be used several times per day without fail. It is the most cost-effective method, but the most labor-intensive. Absorption rates may vary greatly from patient to patient and also within the same patient.

Injections need to be done one to three times per week, requiring you to have a doctor’s visit for each injection or do the injection from yourself. Each time you visit the doctor’s office, you have to take time off from work, have transportation, and possibly face additional charges that include co-pays for the office visit. Injectables are often associated with uneven absorption and a roller coaster effect of hormone delivery, resulting in high peaks and low valleys.

Pellet therapy requires two to four doctor’s visits per year and requires no additional work on the patient’s part. Once the pellet gets injected, you forgot about them until your next doctor’s appointment. Pellet therapy provides the only form of Testosterone or Estrogen that is considered to be long term and the only hormone therapy that: maintains physiological levels, 24/7 in both women and men.

How Often Do You Need To Visit The Doctor?

Every time your prescription renews, you will need to visit the doctor. There will be an office charge that may or may not be in your co-pay. Most of the time, you will also need a test to evaluate your hormone levels. A blood test is typically the best in the form of testing to identify your hormone levels and is used to verify the level of hormone therapy you are receiving is accurate. This test may range from $80 to well over $500, depending on what the doctor needs to test—blood test range from$80 to $200.

How Long Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Last

Whenever you begin taking a new prescription, there is a period where it needs to build up in your system. This can be a few hours to a couple of days.

Then, once you hit the optimal level, the type of replacement therapy will dictate how long you remain at peak level. Pellets give you the longest-lasting average level ranging from 3 to 6 months, followed by injections that typically last 1-2 weeks. Patches may last a few days, and pills a single day. Creams and gels only last a few hours.

How much does ftm hormone therapy cost


When you choose a hormone replacement therapy, factor in how often you need to go to the doctor’s office, travel expenses, how often do you need a real application of the treatment, and any insurance deductibles, co-pays, or unexpected expenses. And, ask your doctor about the out-of-pocket costs, which may surprise you how much lower they are.

HTCA providers are trained to bioidentical pellet therapy, plus keep the additional costs to a minimum. They enjoy the ease of prescribing the pellets and how fast and consistently their patients experience relief.

In our opinion, even though pellets only have a cash payout option, the ease of use and the low frequency of doctor’s visits and application requirements needed is the most convenient and cost-effective method of treatment. You can search our list of doctors to find one near you.

How much does it cost to go from FtM?

Female to Male Surgery Bottom surgery for FtM people is often more expensive, as the surgical procedure is more involved. It may cost between $20,000 and $50,000 depending on the surgeon you see and the techniques used.

How long does FtM hormone therapy last?

FTM Testosterone Changes Timeline:.

How much does it cost to get male hormones?

Without insurance, the cost of a 200 mg/mL testosterone vial can range from $40 to $100 per month. Testosterone cream can cost as much as $500 per month.

How long does it take to get hormones FtM?

You'll see the full effect within 2 to 5 years. Clitoris become larger, and the vaginal lining thins and become drier. This will begin 3 to 12 months after treatment starts.