Impacted wisdom teeth removal cost without insurance

Wisdom tooth removal is a common type of oral surgery that most adults will experience at some point of their lives. These third set of molars come out after all the adult teeth have come out and is usually causing problems such as:

  • Partial eruption -When the teeth partially erupted, it can allow for the bacteria to enter around the opening which can lead to swelling, infection, and pain.
  • Misaligned eruption – Gums and tissue between the last molar and the incoming wisdom tooth could get pinched which can cause pain and swelling.
  • Angled – When the wisdom erupts at an angle, it will push other teeth which can cause pain or more severe dental health problems.

Wisdom teeth come out at a later age, usually from ages 17 to 24 and we advise to have the teeth removed at that age range. Removing them beyond the said age range makes the extraction more complicated; thus, the treatment will cost more since the bone and root have fully developed as the person gets older.

How much is wisdom teeth removal?

Cost of wisdom teeth removal can range from $75 to $250 per tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth cost between $200 to $600 per tooth. All 4 wisdom teeth removal typically cost around $300 to $1000. A single wisdom tooth extraction cost with General anesthesia sedation varies from $600 – $1100.

Dental insurance helps pay for extraction of wisdom teeth.

The cost is determined by the complexity of the procedure. If the wisdom teeth grew misaligned or is being extracted from an older person, the surgery will take longer.

All four wisdom teeth – You can save at least $1,000 when you remove all four wisdom teeth at once.

Additional costs may include:

  • Diagnostic costs:
    • Digital Xray – will be required to determine where the decay is located; these are typically between $60–150
    • Exam – An examination will always be done first
  • Treatment options – These can include a local anesthesia, and extra fees that may arise from an emergency or after-hours appointment
  • Aftercare – This would include a prescription, if necessary, and perhaps gauze or ice packs

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost with general anesthesia sedation?

Cost of wisdom teeth removal with general anesthesia sedation can vary from $600 – $1100. On average, Cost for removing all 4 wisdom teeth with general anesthesia sedation is between $1500 to $2200.

Dental insurance helps pay for extraction of wisdom teeth.

Is extracting worth it?

While there is no such as thing as cheap wisdom teeth removal without compromising quality, this type of treatment shouldn’t be ignored. Ignoring the early signs of the impacted wisdom tooth or tooth pain will lead to a more expensive and complicated surgery in the future. An impacted wisdom tooth never gets better on its own.

How to Pay With and Without Insurance?

Removing your wisdom teeth is the best way to have a healthy smile, but the treatment is not cheap. So, here are some ways you can get this treatment at discounted rates.

  • Your Insurance Coverage and your Dentist

    Wisdom teeth removal cost with insurance is the best way to pay for this procedure – at least part of the treatment cost. Insurance policies differ greatly and some won’t cover for it unless the teeth are partially or completely impacted as it can lead to permanent damage if not removed. However, if the teeth are impacted, some policies may not be able to pay for the removal. Talk to your insurer to find out if this procedure is covered.

    Rolling Hills Dental Group is insurance-friendly and accepts PPO & HMO. We can help you by checking your benefits, filing insurance claims on your behalf, and helping you best maximize the benefits you do have.

  • Government Run Programs

    Unfortunately, Medicare cannot pay for dental care procedures. It may be able to pay for emergency in patient hospital care in a dental emergency, but not pay for the dental care itself. Review your coverage to make sure.

  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Pre-Tax Spending

    FSA or Flexible Spending Arrangement deducts a fixed amount from your salary and puts it in this account so you can use it to pay for your healthcare expenses. FSA is only available through an employer who has this option, but the good news is the majority of employers have FSA as a part of their employee benefits package. These are often simple to use with a debit card that you can access anytime and anywhere. Keep in mind that FSA funds do not roll over next year, so we suggest to use it all up before the end of the year. You can learn more about FSA’s here.

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA) to Pay Less Tax

    HSA is a government-regulated savings account similar to FSA that deducts a portion of your income to be put into this account and pays for healthcare expenses not covered by your insurance. The contributions in HSA are tax-deductible and you need to have a high-deductible insurance premium to avail this. The good news is funds in HSA can roll over next year. Find out more about HSA’s.

  • Dental School Treatments Within your Budget

    Check out your local dental schools as they may offer low cost wisdom teeth removal. You’ll find that those who do, will have a student perform the dental care, but don’t worry since there will be a board certified dentist nearby to ensure the student does quality work.

  • In House Monthly Financing Plans

    Many dentists offer monthly payment plans so that you don’t have to pay for it all at one time. Patients sometimes avoid seeking care because they cannot afford it. We never want our patients to choose to be in pain from not receiving care because they can’t pay for it. We want to help you avoid this dilemma by offering you some affordable options or assistance in making payments for dental services.

Palos Verdes, Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost

Rolling Hills Dental Group accepts all major credit cards, including Visa, Master Card, and American Express in Palos Verdes, CA. We also work with outside finance providers like: CareCredit, GreenSkyCredit, and the Lending Club. Best yet, we have our own in-house payment plan with 0% interest, allowing you to get the care you need without having to pay for it all at once or worrying about a heavy wisdom teeth removal cost without insurance.

FAQ for pricing for third molars removed

What is the cost of having wisdom teeth removed?

The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies, but simple removal can range from $75 to $250 per tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth cost between $200 to $600 per tooth. The good news is that most dental insurance plans cover Wisdom Teeth Extraction General Dentistry.

How much does it cost to remove all 4 teeth?

The average cost of removing all 4 wisdom teeth can vary from $300 to $1000.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extraction Near Me

When choosing a dentist for this treatment, location is important as it can help save a lot of time and money during the course of this treatment. There may be several treatments and follow-up appointments along with your routine visits; thus, having a dental office close to you can make appointments more convenient. Look for a specialist with excellent reviews for tooth extraction and one you feel comfortable with. To find out more about our office at Palos Verdes, California, the insurance providers we work with and other information Schedule an appointment. You can also visit our office at Palos Verdes.

How urgent is it to remove impacted wisdom teeth?

In extremely severe cases, you may even experience a fever, serious issues moving your jaw, or bleeding from around your wisdom tooth. If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms, your impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed immediately.

How much does it cost to extract an impacted tooth?

For simple extractions of erupted teeth, you can expect to spend between $200 and $700 per tooth, with $300 being the average. Removing impacted teeth costs between $250 and $1,100 apiece, with the average ranging from $350 to $550.

Are impacted wisdom teeth more expensive?

If your wisdom tooth is impacted under soft tissue, it may cost slightly more ($250-$1250) and if the impacted tooth is partially bony, the cost will increase to $300-$14500. A fully bony impacted wisdom tooth is the most expensive type of wisdom tooth to have extracted and typically costs between $350-$1,900.

Is it cheaper to get all wisdom teeth removed?

It's also more cost-effective to get all four teeth removed at once, so it's better for your body and your wallet to lose all four wisdom teeth at the same time. Before your wisdom teeth extraction, your oral surgeon will perform a thorough oral examination to determine the size and position of the teeth.