How do i cancel a paid app

How do I cancel a subscription that is billed through my Google Play account?

Follow these steps to cancel subscriptions and recurring charges billed through your Google Play account.

How do i cancel a paid app

Written by Marshall
Updated over a week ago

Cancel a subscription on the Google Play app

Note: Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store.

  2. Check to make sure you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.

  3. Tap Menu > Subscriptions.

  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.

  5. Tap Cancel subscription.

  6. Follow the instructions provided.

Cancel a subscription online

Note: Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

  1. Go to

  2. Check to make sure you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.

  3. At the left, click My subscriptions.

  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.

  5. Click Manage > Cancel Subscription.

  6. Within the confirmation pop-up, click Yes

For more information regarding subscriptions billed through Google Play, please visit their support center here.

Click here to learn how to cancel subscriptions billed through services other than Google Play.

How do i cancel a paid app
Several TV and music services and other apps offer free trials through the App Store that automatically renew to become paid subscriptions after the trial period ends.

If you want to prevent an ‌App Store‌ subscription from running beyond the trial period or cancel a subscription you're currently paying for, then read on. This article explains how to cancel any ‌App Store‌ subscription on iOS, Mac, and Apple TV.

How to Cancel App Store Subscriptions on iOS

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the page.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Tap on the subscription in the list that you wish to cancel.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription at the bottom.

How to Cancel App Store Subscriptions on Mac

  1. Launch the ‌App Store‌ application.
  2. At the bottom left corner, click on your name to load your account and previous purchases.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  3. Near the top right of the window, click View Information. Enter your ‌Apple ID‌ credentials if required.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  4. Scroll down to the Manage section and on the Subscriptions line, click Manage.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  5. In the Active section, click Edit next to the subscription that you want to cancel.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  6. Click the Cancel Subscription button.
    How do i cancel a paid app

How to Cancel Subscriptions on Apple TV

  1. Open Settings on your ‌Apple TV‌.
  2. Select Users and Accounts.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  3. Select the user you wish to manage subscriptions for.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  4. Scroll down and select Subscriptions. Enter your ‌Apple ID‌ credentials if requested.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  5. Choose the subscription that you want to end.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  6. Select Cancel Subscription.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  7. Confirm that you want to cancel.

How to Change a Subscription or Re-subscribe to a Canceled Service

Apple keeps a record of your subscription history, which makes it easy to re-subscribe to a service you previously canceled. (Note that after re-subscribing to a service, your subscription will automatically renew until you cancel it again.) You can also change an existing subscription from the same screens. The following steps relate to iOS and are largely similar to the ones for canceling a subscription.

  1. Open Settings on your ‌iPhone‌ or ‌iPad‌.
  2. Tap your ‌Apple ID‌ at the top of the page.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Under the Expired section, tap on the service that you wish to re-subscribe to, or tap an active subscription to change it.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  5. Tap the in-app purchase payment method you want to use to purchase the new subscription and authorize with Touch ID or Face ID.

How to Change or Re-subscribe to a Service on Mac

  1. Launch the ‌App Store‌ application.
  2. At the bottom left corner, click on your name to load your account and previous purchases.
  3. Near the top right of the window, click View Information. Enter your ‌Apple ID‌ credentials if required.
  4. Scroll down to the Manage section and on the Subscriptions line, click Manage.
  5. In the Expired section, click Edit next to the service that you want to re-subscribe to, or click Edit next to an active subscription to change it.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  6. Select your desired subscription option.
    How do i cancel a paid app
  7. Click the Done button at the bottom of the page and authorize with your credentials or ‌Touch ID‌.
    How do i cancel a paid app

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How do I cancel a paid app subscription?

Important: When you uninstall the app, your subscription won't cancel. On your Android device, go to your subscriptions in Google Play. Select the subscription you want to cancel. Tap Cancel subscription.

How do I cancel an app purchased?

Here's everything you need to know about canceling an Android in-app purchase, including how to get a refund..
Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device..
Find and tap the app you would like an in-app purchase refund for..
Tap the “Refund” button..
Read the prompt, and tap “Request refund.”.

How do I stop an automatic payment on an app?

Cancel Auto Renew Subcription on Android phone and tablet.
Open the Google Play Store. ... .
Tap the profile icon located at the top-right corner..
Tap Payments & subscriptions, then select Subscriptions..
Select the Trend Micro subscription you want to cancel..
Tap Cancel subscription..
Follow the remaining instructions..

How do I cancel a paid app on my iPhone?

How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone or iPad.
Open the Settings app..
Tap your name..
Tap Subscriptions..
Tap the subscription..
Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button..