Energy oracle cards rest and rejuvenation

Energy oracle cards rest and rejuvenation
Rejuvenation, from the Return Of Spirit Oracle Card deck, by Cheryl Lee Harnish

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Rejuvenation, from the Return Of Spirit Oracle Card deck, by Cheryl Lee Harnish

Rejuvenation: “The Rejuvenation  card is symbolically the same as the calm after a storm – when the clouds have parted and the air is fresh and crisp. You are about to move into a place of calm within your own life. This is rejuvenation of both the heart and inner spirit.

Life certainly has its ups and downs. You are about to embark on the up cycle for a while. During this time, you will be able to experience a sense of ease within your life. You may even feel that for once, everything is right in your world. The normal stresses of the everyday will not seem so stressful. While your life will always have its demands, it will feel easier and more manageable. You will feel strong within yourself for this upcoming period of time.

During this time of ease, you will find that your sense of feeling good about your life, and who you are as a person, is restored. It will strengthen your feeling of connection to Source, and of being supported and provided for. Somehow, the path ahead will seem clearer and easier to follow.

This will also have physical benefits as well. You will experience being more in-sync and in-tune with your body. You may very well find that you have more energy to do things and that your body wants to be active. The harmony you feel in your life will be reflected throughout your physical expression too.

Take advantage of this beautiful experience in every way you can. Being brave enough to come down here and wear that human skin suit all these years says you deserve it. Now it is time to reap the rewards and experience the joy of being a soul incarnated in human form!”*

– Cheryl Lee Harnish

The alignment of Venus, Mars and the Moon has created an abundance of peaceful and magical energy! We are in for a treat this week; we will finally have time to step away from stress and embrace calm focus and creativity. Anything is possible, and we are encouraged to look at every aspect of our lives with new eyes. Don’t take anything, or anyone for granted, look at every detail and find the love. See the people around you and everything they do for you on a daily basis. Look for the opportunities that present themselves to you in unexpected ways. Listen to the messages in your dreams and watch for signs and messages all around you as you receive Divine guidance and inspiration from your angels and guides.

Animals are a powerful resource for you at this time. Be aware of your encounters with animals and birds, as they may have something special to share with you. Leave the electronics behind and spend some time outside observing the abundance of nature around you, holding the intention to strengthen your connection to your higher self and Mother Gaia.

This is a magical time and the Universe is asking that you come out and play.


* The Return Of Spirit Oracle Card deck, by Cheryl Lee Harnish

Energy oracle cards rest and rejuvenation

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Sandra Anne Taylor is the New York Times best-selling author of several titles including Quantum Success, Secrets of Attraction, Your Quantum Breakthrough Code, and The Hidden Power of Your Past Lives. Her most recent deck of cards, The Quantum Oracle, reveals both universal influences and upcoming events with amazing accuracy. She and her sister, Sharon Anne Klingler’s The Akashic Tarot, opens the records in spectacular, predictive and inspirational ways. Her beautiful and widely popular deck of Energy Oracle Cards helps to identify and predict energy patterns as well as future results in your life. Her most recent book, The Akashic Records—along with her online video seminar of the same title—reveals incredibly powerful and practical techniques to open one of the Universe’s most life-changing forces. Sandra’s books are available in over 32 languages worldwide.

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What are energy oracle cards used for?

The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide.

How often should you pull oracle cards?

If you are constantly giving yourself readings several times a day, the accuracy rate will plummet. Some people like to draw one card for themselves every morning or evening. I usually do a reading for myself every Sunday afternoon. Find a rhythm that works for you, but allow adequate space between readings.

How do you practice with Oracle cards?

7 steps for using oracle cards to tap into your intuition.
Infuse the cards with your energy. ... .
Be clear about what you want guidance on. ... .
Give your oracle cards a good shuffle. ... .
Spread out the cards. ... .
Sit with the card(s) ... .
Look in the guide book. ... .
Sum up the main message..

What's the difference between Oracle Cards and Tarot?

Tarot cards have a traditional structure and common meanings, whereas Oracle cards can have any content and any number of cards. Oracle cards hold a bigger energy and give an insight into a greater sense of what is going on. Tarot cards are a bit more detailed.