What company pays the most for cdl drivers

Starting out in the trucking industry can be frustrating for rookies. What most new truck drivers do not understand is that experience is where the money is. Just like with any other job, entry level positions do pay considerably less. Going through a truck driving school that offers employment placement assistance really is your best bet. Inexperienced tractor trailer drivers are a high risk to companies. There are several reputable companies that do pay very well for first year drivers.

Swift Transportation is the highest paying company for rookie drivers. Not only can new truck drivers get their schooling through Swift, they can go right into employment with the company when the schooling and training are complete. Swift allows student drivers to repay their tuition and schooling costs over a period of 26 months while employed with the company. On average, first year dry van drivers earn $41,110. Team dry van drivers, in their third year can earn roughly $88,710. The pay does gradually increase year by year, based on performance, safety and experience.

Con-way Freight also hires new CDL license holders. Several types of drivers are accepted with them from expedited freight van drivers to tractor trailer drivers. The salaries do vary depending the position and number of runs taken, but the average van driver can earn $800 – $1,000 per week easily. Con-way Freight does keep strict delivery deadlines that must be met. It is a fast paced environment that requires drivers to be alert, self-starters and dependable.

J.B. Hunt is a reputable trucking company that does hire rookie drivers. The average yearly salary for rookies is $40,000. Of course, bonuses and additional perks are available for their top drivers. J.B. Hunt is a company that has many benefits including no forced dispatch. The fuel surcharges are adjusted weekly based on the price of fuel that week. For owner-operators, parts and other repair materials can be purchased through the company at a discounted price. These are just a few of the benefits of working for this well-paying company.

Which States Pays the Highest Rookie Truck Driving Salary?

Truck driving salaries tend to not follow suit when it comes to the cost of living in an area. It is more about the job being performed and the company you are with. It does seem that the jobs that no one seems to want do pay more, even for rookies. A lot of those jobs are available in the state of New York according to CNN.

West Virginia and Mississippi are also high paying states for rookie drivers according to PayScale.com. Several technical driving positions pop up all year long. These positions require precision driving and dedication. In West Virginia, local or state-wide drivers earn top wages simply due to the terrain within the state.

Important Notes to Keep in Mind as a Rookie Truck Driver

It is important for rookies to understand that they may have to go to a different state for employment if their company of choice does not have a local terminal. This will also get them the highest wages. Some truckers do suggest that you find the company, then work out the terminal details and how to juggle for an out-of-state terminal second.

Rookie drivers are more likely to get hired with a large company such as Swift, Con-way, J.B. Hunt or Werner Enterprises. Schneider Trucking is another large company that has a truck driving school and hires many of their graduates. Although their pay is slightly lower than others, drivers learn invaluable lessons and have top notch training.

The first year as a truck driver is essentially a learning year. Although the schooling is complete, there are things that must be learned only by performing the job. Rookies have to have a lot of patience and must be willing to take constructive criticism in order to be successful in the trucking industry. In this ever-growing industry, safety and dedication go a lot further than a driver that can get the most miles per week. Positions are always available for rookies along with experienced drivers as the truck driving industry always has the demand for drivers.

Truck Driving Pay Calculator

What CPM do you need to make your target annual salary? How much can you make in a year at a certain CPM? Use our per-mile salary calculator to find out quickly. Choose the figure you want to find out and enter the other values.

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A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver

Jonathan Knope, contributor with The Rideshare Guy, discusses his experience as a truck driver in the video below.

Last Updated: June 8th, 2022

Have you given any thought to switching careers and pursuing a job as a truck driver? Or maybe you are already a truck driver and want to find ways to earn more money? If so, you might be wondering what the highest-paying trucking jobs are, and which trucking companies pay the most money to work for them, too. In this post, we’ll talk about the top 10 most lucrative CDL jobs.

What company pays the most for cdl drivers
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash.

Our list of the highest-paying jobs for truckers is below. The pay rate for a given trucking job can vary, depending on location or trucking company. The list below is just a general guide to what jobs tend to pay more than others.

Tanker Hauler

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

These drivers are real transportation experts who have to move a lot of different gasses and liquids. These drivers must have a CDL permitting them to do their job, carefully load and unload the material they are transporting. 

They must also have it to make frequent safety checks, keep good records, and last but not least, keep all safety rules in mind at all times. According to ZipRecruiter, tanker haulers are one of the highest-paying trucking jobs. Top earners can make over $90,000 a year. 

Hazmat Truck Driver

What company pays the most for cdl drivers
Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Like transporting unstable liquids, transporting hazardous materials is another way to earn more money as a truck driver. A hazmat truck driver has to make sure that toxic materials are transported safely. Hazmat truck drivers follow very strict rules to protect the public’s health and safety.

Apart from having a CDL, this group of haulers has been approved and trained to dispose of and deliver dangerous materials. They can earn over $80,000 per year, as per Salary.com.

Oversized Load Hauler

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

These people are licensed and trained to move big things like heavy machinery or anything more than 8.5 feet wide. When a truck is more than 12 feet wide, it may need one or two pilot cars in the front and/or back. People who work as truckers often make a lot of money. That’s because they have to deal with more difficult and strict rules when they transport big loads. 

Based on what is being transported and how often you are on the road, oversized load truckers can make up to $175,500, ZipRecruiter says. However, most drivers of oversized loads will make about $55,000 a year.

Ice Road Truck Driver

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

People who work as ice road truckers make the most money when it comes to trucking jobs. They get paid based on how long they work or how much they make per season. Ice road truck drivers have to drive their trucks over pure ice during the winter months. It’s clear that it’s a very dangerous job, but as a result, it also pays very well. 

Despite the fact that ice road truckers can make up to $250,000 a season, it is more common for them to make in the range of $60,000 per season. Please keep in mind that this payment is often for only two months of work. Meaning you can keep working as a truck driver for the rest of the year if you want to make even more money.

Owner Operator Driver

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

They want to be their own boss and start their own trucking company. In the end, a lot of money could be made. Even though there are a lot of big costs to think about, you’re likely to still make more money than most drivers when it’s all said and done. 

You are also highly probable to spend a lot less time in the field, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. In fact, according to Indeed.com, owner-operators make an average of $294,000 a year, which is a lot of money for sure!

Private Fleets 

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

It’s not the only company that owns its own trucks. If you want to earn a lot of money as a truck driver, you should check out this job. They pay a company truck driver between $70,000 and $85,000 a year. 

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

Walmart’s private fleet requires that you have a clean driving record (no accidents, no moving violations, no serious violations, etc.), and that you have a clean criminal background check. This is true for any high-paying driving job. The expectations are higher than at most businesses, but in return, they pay a higher salary than most people make.

Specialty Car Haulers 

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

There are a few carriers who are very good at transporting very valuable, old cars. The trailers are all closed up. It takes a very patient driver and one who is very careful when handling the high-dollar goods to get the job done. The pay averages at $65,000 per year.

Dump Trucks – Mining Industry

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

People who work for mining companies that use “behemoth dump trucks” get paid a lot of money for their work. Some mines in Australia, for example, hire truckers who make more than $100,000 a year in wages.

Team Driving

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

Some teams make a lot of money, up to $90,500 annually. Because it’s one of the highest-paying trucking jobs, it’s often thought that working as a team is the best way to become rich as a truck driver. 

One of the problems with teams is that the drivers often get tired and can’t keep up with the hectic, stressful schedule for long periods of time. Even though the schedule is legal, the drivers can’t keep up with the schedule for long periods of time.

They always have a good deal for workers, like a high rate of pay and many miles. However, loading delays and bad weather cut down on the number of miles that teams could drive, so they didn’t go as far. It can be very good for a husband and wife to work together if both people drive. 

They can live on the road for a long time if they need to, and they don’t have to go home at a certain time. It all comes down to the ability of the trucking firm they work for to schedule their loads efficiently.

Union Drivers 

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

People who work for a union make more money than other truck drivers. All drivers who work are paid at the same rate by the unions. If you work for a union, you usually get raises that go up with the cost of living. This means that your pay is higher than that of the average truck driver, who doesn’t get raises that go up with the cost of living.

5 Highest-Paying Trucking Companies

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

As offered, here is a quick look at the top five trucking companies in 2022 that will pay the most. Keep in mind that the category of truck driver you are can have a big impact on your base pay rate.

  • Hogan Transportation ~ $83,876 per year
  • Epes Transport ~ $83,921 per year
  • Wal-Mart ~ $86,000 per year
  • Sysco ~ $87,204 per year
  • GP Transco ~ $90,000 per year


This information should help you decide whether or not to start a career in trucks or get new endorsements that will allow you to transport loads that pay well, now that you know more about the highest-paying jobs and the best trucking companies. It doesn’t matter what stage of your trucking career you’re at. We’re glad we could help point you in the right direction.

What company pays the most for cdl drivers

Geoff Craig, MBA

Geoff is a freelance writer with 20+ years of experience in driving trucks and buses, dispatching, supervising, and training commercial driving teams. His expertise is writing topics on the transportation and trucking industry, and information technology trends.

Which trucking company pays the most 2022?

The 10 Best Paying Trucking Companies.
Bennett Motor Express..
Mercer Transportation..
Sysco Foods..
GP Transco..
Marten Transport..
ABF Freight System..

What state pays CDL drivers the most?

1. Kentucky.