Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

Fundraising Letters: 7 Free Examples to Successfully Ask for Donations

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Get Donations Using Fundraising Letters

Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

Fundraising Letters: 7 Free Examples to Successfully Ask for Donations

Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

  • What are fundraising letters?

    Fundraising letters are typed (or handwritten!) correspondences that are used to ask for standard donations, in-kind contributions, volunteer time, sponsorships, auction items, and more.

  • Why are fundraising letters important?

    Fundraising letters are important because they let you spell out your financial needs, give donors a way to get involved, and help create an emotional bond with your donors through true, powerful messaging.

  • How should you send fundraising letters?

    Partnering with a dedicated direct mail platform like GivingMail makes it easy to send beautifully-designed letters and postcards. Simply choose the type of mail you want to send, upload your text and graphics, and the GivingMail team will send your message to your supporters. 

Write Successful Fundraising Appeals

#1: Fundraising Letters to Ask for General Donations

What Are They?

General fundraising letters are what most people think of when they think about written fundraising appeals. They’re a standard way to ask individuals for donations. These letters are typically one page, but never longer than two pages.

General fundraising letters detail your organization’s needs, let the donor know how they can help, and thank the donor for any previous involvement they may have with your organization.

When Should You Use Them?

Fundraising letters for general donations can be sent at any time of year, but they are particularly effective during end-of-year fundraising. They allow your nonprofit to spell out your needs and speak directly to donors about how they can help.

You can also send fundraising letters out as part of your annual campaign. Send out several letters a year, but don’t stuff your donors’ mailboxes! Space out your mailings over several months.

What Are They?

Sponsorship letters are very similar to general donation request letters; however, they typically contain information about an incentive that a donor can receive in exchange for a donation.

Fundraising letters asking for sponsorships are used to raise money for events. Nonprofits usually are unable to cover all of the costs associated with an event, particularly a large one such as a gala or a marathon.

Instead of paying for everything out of pocket, the nonprofit will send out a sponsorship fundraising letter asking a business or individual to help cover the cost of the event. In exchange, the nonprofit offers an incentive, such as advertising space in a program or on t-shirts, a special booth at the event site, or inclusion on the nonprofit’s online “Partner List.”

When Should You Use Them?

Sponsorship letters are used in conjunction with other fundraising methods to help cover the cost of an event. They should be sent at least a few months before the day of the event itself.

Most of the time, a nonprofit will send a sponsorship request letter to a corporate partner, but they can also be sent to individuals who already have close ties with the organization, either through volunteerism or donations.

In both cases, it’s important to pick the right recipient for your sponsorship letter. If you send a letter to a random company or individual, you aren’t likely to hear back. Your best bets for successful sponsorships are your current corporate partners and volunteers or donors who have repeatedly demonstrated their dedication to your nonprofit.

Write Successful Fundraising Appeals

#3: Fundraising Letters to Ask for Volunteer Time

What Are They?

If your nonprofit needs more volunteers for an event or project, you can send out letters to your supporters to recruit more people.

Volunteer time request letters spell out your organization’s need for volunteers and often give your supporters a chance to indicate how they would prefer to get involved with your nonprofit.

This allows everyone to be a part of your volunteer efforts in a way that works best for them and your nonprofit.

When Should You Use Them?

Letters that are asking for volunteer time should be sent to your supporters a few weeks or even months ahead of your designated volunteer event. You should also supplement your letters with emails and phone calls.

You’ll need time to figure out where to place all of your volunteers and work out the logistics of your event or project. 

Volunteer letters can be sent to existing volunteers as well as donors who you think might be interested in volunteering.

#4: Fundraising Letters to Ask for Corporate Donations

What Are They?

While most of a nonprofit’s revenue comes from individual donors, there is still a significant portion that is supplied by companies and businesses.

However, your organization has to ask for these corporate donations, and that’s where these fundraising letters come in!

Unless you know a particular corporate leader or business owner particularly well, you can’t just march into a company and ask for money or in-kind donations. Fundraising letters are a way to introduce yourself and your nonprofit and ask for monetary or other kinds of help.

When Should You Use Them?

Most corporate fundraising letters are used to ask for in-kind donations for special projects, events, or other initiatives.

Nonprofits often can’t cover all of the costs associated with these projects, so they turn to companies and in-kind donations to help make up the difference.

Fundraising letters that ask for corporate support are used when you need to get your foot in the door of a company or business. They’re the perfect way to introduce yourself and your nonprofit, ask for a meeting, and illustrate your need for monetary or in-kind donations.

Write Successful Fundraising Appeals

#5: Fundraising Letters to Ask for Auction Items

What Are They?

If your nonprofit hosts a silent, live, or online auction, you’ll need to obtain unique and desirable items for your attendees to bid on. It doesn’t make sense to go out and buy these items, and the less you spend on auction items, the greater your return on investment will be for your auction.

Instead, you should have these unique items and experiences donated by companies or individuals in your community.

A fundraising letter asking for auction items allows you to explain your nonprofit’s needs and enables donors to fill out a small sheet that lets you know that they’re interested in contributing.

When Should You Use Them?

Fundraising letters that ask for silent, live, or online auction items should be sent out a few months ahead of your event date. You need to give your recipients time to think about your request and figure out what product, item, or experience they’d be willing to donate to your auction.

You can send out your letters to both corporate partners and donors who have a relationship with your nonprofit.

If you’re looking for items or experiences to auction off at your next event, you’ll need these fundraising letters to get the word out and put biddable items on the auction block.

#6: Fundraising Letters to Ask for Donations Online

What Are They?

Much of fundraising has moved online. From crowdfunding to other methods of online donation collection, asking for donations online is now commonplace. While you might be sending a letter analog-style, via direct mail, your supporters could be interested in donating online.

As such, an online donation request letter is a fundraising letter that includes mention of an online campaign and provides the URL for the campaign.

When Should You Use Them?

The short answer is simple. You should use online donation request letters when you’re running a campaign. Make sure to send them out at the beginning of the campaign so that the messages have time to reach your prospects and donors.

While your online donations might be digital, your promotions should go beyond digital if you truly want to reach a broad audience of supporters.

#7: Fundraising Letters to Raise Money Through Events

What Are They?

Fundraising event invitations are more than just invites, they’re fundraising letters. When someone buys a ticket to your event or sponsors a table, they’re donating to your cause, even if it isn’t a donation in the traditional sense.

Event invitations should always include the date, the location, the start time, a brief background on your cause, and ticket pricing. 

When Should You Use Them?

Event invitations should be sent out as early as possible in order to ensure your supporters have time to consider and respond. Additionally, if you’re needing RSVPs, you’ll want to build in a buffer so your team can plan according to invite responses.

Send your fundraising event invitations no later than 4 weeks out from the event, but it’s best to send invites approximately 3 months ahead of time.

Write Successful Fundraising Appeals

Additional Resources

Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

Donation Request Letters

Are you looking to raise money for a cause, project, life event, or charity?

Donation request letters can be a traditional (yet effective!) way to ask companies and individuals for cash and in-kind donations as well as sponsorships. You can also use them as invitations to your fundraising event.

Click below to take a look at (and download!) our amazing donation request letter templates that will help you raise more money from individuals and local businesses.

Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

How to Ask for Donations

Now that you’ve learned how to write different types of fundraising letters, you can learn even more techniques on how to ask for donations.

Soliciting gifts can be intimidating, but with a few strategies and some practice, you’ll be on you way to being an expert at asking for donations.

Read our in-depth guide for more assistance on how you can approach potential donors and the best methods to ask for donations for your fundraiser. 

Sample letter requesting donation for medical expenses

Sponsorship Letters

Sponsorship letters are used by organizations who need help paying for larger fundraising campaigns or annual events.

Nonprofits, clubs, and schools offer perks to local businesses and individuals in exchange for donations. Each donor gives a certain amount that corresponds to a sponsorship level. The perks might include free advertising , event tickets, and more!

If you need help writing a sponsorship letter or a sponsorship levels document, don’t worry! We’ve got some awesome templates for you to use.

How do I ask for medical expenses for money?

77 Other Fundraising Ideas for Medical and Health Expenses.
Virtual 5K. 5Ks and other races are one of the most popular fundraisers out there. ... .
Online Cookbook. ... .
Virtual Auctions. ... .
Merchandise Sale. ... .
Facebook Fundraiser. ... .
An Online Voting Contest. ... .
Host a Fundraising Walk. ... .
Donation Matching..

How do I request a medical donation?

How to Write a Medical Expenses Fundraising Letter.
The tone of the letter has to be formal..
The letter has to be short and specific..
The purpose of the fundraising should be clearly stated..
The amount of donation must also be included..
Invite questions, if any..
Don't forget to thank..

How do I write a letter requesting a donation?

How To Write the Perfect Donation Request Letter.
Start with a greeting. ... .
Explain your mission. ... .
Describe the current project/campaign/event. ... .
Include why this project is in need and what you hope to accomplish. ... .
Make your donation ask with a specific amount correlated with that amount's impact..

What to say when asking for donations examples?

“Please donate” message example Right now, we're facing [current challenge]. We need just [donation amount] more to meet our goal and [impact]. Please donate to [cause] today to ensure we have the strength to [impact]. Just click below and select an amount.