How to remove wallpaper glue with vinegar

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Old wallpaper gets a dry and brittle look and begins flaking off the walls, especially if it wasn’t properly hung. Before applying new wallpaper or painting the walls, you need to remove the old paper. Vinegar and water are strong enough to remove the wallpaper glue.

Old wallpaper gets a dry and brittle look and begins flaking off the walls, especially if it wasn’t properly hung. Before applying new wallpaper or painting the walls, you need to remove the old paper. Vinegar and water are strong enough to remove the wallpaper glue.


Fill a bucket with 1 gallon hot water and then add 1 cup distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.


Completely wet down the wallpaper by dipping a sponge in the bucket and then rubbing on the walls, until the mixture permeates the paper. Peel the wallpaper away from the walls and add more of the vinegar solution to the leftover glue on the walls. Scrape the wet glue from the walls with a chisel or scraper.


Score the wallpaper before applying the vinegar mixture. This creates small holes in the paper that let the solution seep through and reach the glue underneath.


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Over the holidays, I finally started on the spare bedroom in my Mom’s house. It has not seen any decorating love since the 80’s, and it was time to strip the wallpaper and give the walls a fresh coat of paint. I was a little apprehensive because I had never removed wallpaper before, but I soon realized it was more tedious than difficult. I also learned that it was a job that could be made easier with our favorite friend: white vinegar.

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Before I began, I read AT’s wallpaper removal tutorial. I decided I did not want to invest in a pump sprayer if I did not have to, and I wanted to avoid fabric softer and commercial wallpaper remover formulas if possible. I did a little more research and read that a spray bottle filled with hot water and vinegar might just do the trick. I decided to give it a try and got to work.

First I prepped the room, and then I prepped the walls. I gently ripped off what paper I could using a wide putty knife, and then I scored the rest of the wallpaper surface with a scoring tool. Once my walls were ready, I mixed equal parts boiling water and vinegar into a spray bottle, with the understanding that the hot water would loosen the wallpaper glue and the vinegar would help dissolve it. I sprayed a small section, waited about 5 to 10 minutes, and then gently scrapped off the wallpaper with my putty knife. For more challenging areas, I reapplied the vinegar/water solution several times, and waited another 5 to 10 minutes in between sprays and scrapes. The whole project took an afternoon, and now the walls are ready to be prepped for paint!

Related Tutorial: How To Remove Wallpaper
Reader Intellegence Report: How To Survive Removing Old Wallpaper

Once a very popular wall surface, wallpaper has waned somewhat in popularity. Hanging new wallpaper is now less common than removing old wallpaper in order to restore walls to a painted surface. Removing wallpapers no easy feat, especailly in older homes, where you may find layer upon layer of wallpaper, each adhered with a coat of dried glue that must be removed entirely to prepare the walls for painting. Complete removal of the old glue is also essential if you plan to apply new wallpaper.

Fortunately, it takes only a few tools and supplies to do the job—though it does take time and patience.

Before You Begin

Before complete glue removal begins, you must remove the wallpaper. This process usually easily removes the top design layer of the wallpaper, but some of the cellulose backing layer can remain attached to the wall by its glue. Cleaning off the glue, then, can also involve scrubbing away some of the backing that's still adhered to the wall. It can be a messy job if there's a lot of backing material still stuck to the wall, so be patient and refresh your bucket with fresh water and cleaning solution when needed.

Safety Considerations

Wallpaper glue removal uses a considerable amount of moisture, so it's important to cover floors and mask off electrical outlets and wall switches to prevent water damage or electrical short circuits.


  • Plastic sheeting
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Baking soda

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  1. Clear the Room

    You probably cleared the room of furniture and accessories when you began the wallpaper removal process. If, however, you're working in stages, clearing the room while you do the glue removal will give you more space to move the ladder and work. If you can't remove the furniture from the room entirely, at least move it away from the walls and cover it with protective plastic sheeting.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  2. Cover Electrical Outlets

    Cover electrical outlets and wall switches with painter's tape to prevent the moisture of the cleaning solution from causing electrical problems. If practical, it's also a good idea to turn off the electricity to the work area.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  3. Protect the Floor

    Since removing the glue involves a wet cleaning solution and scraping, you should protect the carpet or flooring from drips and stains. Cover the floor with plastic tarps that are taped securely in place with painter's tape.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  4. Mix the Cleaning Solution

    In a large bucket, mix a solution of 1 gallon of hot water, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and 1 cup of distilled white vinegar. Stir well to mix. Depending on the size of the room, you will need to mix this solution several times so it can be applied to the walls while the water is hot.

    Fill a second bucket with clean warm water that you will use for rinsing the wall after scrubbing.


    Wearing dishwashing gloves will protect your hands from the hot water and catch drips that might run down your arms.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  5. Apply the Cleaning Solution

    Standing on a sturdy stepladder, begin applying the cleaning solution at the top of the wall. Always work from the top down. Dip a cellulose sponge into the solution and wring until it is not dripping but still quite wet. Rub the sponge over a section of the glue-covered wall. Rewet the sponge frequently as you move down the wall. The goal here is to thoroughly moisten the glue, not to scrub it off.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  6. Scrub the Wet Wall

    After two or three minutes, wipe the wet wall with a microfiber cloth that you have dampened with the cleaning solution. The glue will have softened so you may be able to simply wipe it away with the cloth. Rinse the cloth frequently, especially if it is picking up remnants of wallpaper backing material.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  7. Focus on Stubborn Spots

    If the glue isn't budging with the cloth, try saturating it again with the cleaning solution and waiting a few more minutes. If that doesn't work, dip the damp microfiber cloth in a bit of dry baking soda and gently rub the glue-covered area. If it still won't budge, make sure the glue is damp and softened, then use a putty knife to scrape it off the walls. Work slowly with gentle pressure to prevent gouge marks on the wall.


    On walls built with drywall, be careful about saturating it with too much water, as the paper facing on the wallboard can soften enough to be damaged by scrubbing. You can scrub more freely on plaster walls.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  8. Rinse and Dry the Wall

    Once the adhesive is removed. Dip a clean microfiber cloth in the fresh water and wring until only slightly damp. Wipe down the walls to get rid of all of the adhesive. Allow the area to air-dry at least overnight before attempting to paint or repaper the room.

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Tips for Cleaning Glue From Wallpaper

When hanging wallpaper, excess glue or adhesive may seep through the seams, or you may accidentally get glue drips on the front of the paper. Removing unsightly glue streaks can be easy if handled properly. 

Because there are so many different finishes and wallpaper materials, test these cleaning methods on a scrap of wallpaper or in a hidden area first to test for damage.

  • Use a damp microfiber cloth: If the glue is still damp, try wiping it off with a microfiber cloth that has been dipped in warm, clean water and wrung until only slightly damp. Start at the top of the glue area and wipe down in gentle strokes. Always use a clean area of the cloth as the glue is transferred from the paper to the cloth.
  • Use a plastic paint scraper: If the adhesive has dried in a distinct streak or droplet, try using a plastic paint scraper to chip away the glue. As you get closer to the wallpaper's surface, soften the glue with a warm, damp microfiber towel so it can then be wiped away.
  • Use rubbing alcohol: If water doesn't work, dip cotton swabs in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and carefully saturate the glue with alcohol. Do not allow the alcohol to run down the wallpaper because it may cause discoloration. Wait about 10 minutes, then use the paint scraper to chip away at the glue and finish the removal with a damp microfiber cloth.

What will dissolve wallpaper glue?

Distilled white vinegar, in particular, is usually the go-to for most home improvement projects. Particularly difficult glue may require commercial wallpaper stripper, but the vinegar method should do the trick.

What is the easiest way to remove wallpaper glue?

How to Remove Wallpaper Glue.
STEP 1: Clear the room. ... .
STEP 2: Mix hot water with dish soap and baking soda, possibly even vinegar. ... .
STEP 3: Sponge the hot solution onto patches of wallpaper glue. ... .
STEP 4: Remove wallpaper glue with a putty knife and cloth. ... .
STEP 5: Switch to a commercial wallpaper remover if needed..

Does vinegar take wallpaper off?

There's an all-natural, chemical-free and inexpensive way to remove wallpaper — and it makes use of ingredients you already have at home. Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle, according to Cecil Snider, a paint and wallpaper expert of Cecil Snider Painting Company in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Does sugar soap remove wallpaper glue?

With the old wallpaper removed and cleaned away into plastic bags, you can quickly finish the wall ready for painting. Use your hand to feel for any spots where the adhesive is still on the wall and buff this away with sugar soap and a Seriously Good Microfibre Cloth.