How to make dulce de coco

What you do: 

1. Lightly grease a cookie sheet. In a saucepan, bring the coconut and water to a boil. Add the brown sugar and stir well.
2. Cook on low for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the coconut extract. Turn the flame off and stir occasionally until mix begins to harden and becomes sticky.
3. Once sticky, drop by tablespoon on cookie sheet and let cool. They cool in about 10 minutes.
Source of recipe: This is a puerto rican candy recipe that has just been handed down for years.

This recipe for Dulce de Coco (Coconut Fudge) calls for few ingredients, is easy to prepare, and results in a delectable dessert with tropical flavors that you can not resist.

How to make dulce de coco
Dulce de coco.

Why we ❤️ it

Sometimes the simplest things are the best. This is the case of Dominican Dulce de Coco (Coconut Fudge), one of our most popular desserts, and one of the most sought after recipes in our blog.

Personally, coconut is one of my favorite ingredients, and frankly, left to my own devices, I would put coconut in more things than is reasonable to do so.

Dulce de Coco variants

There are several versions of Dulce de Coco, the most popular being "coco seco", and "de coco tierno". Each has its fans. Our Dominican dulce de coco recipe can be used for both.

Dulce de coco (coconut and milk fudge).

How to make Dulce de Coco Seco

For this the coconut "meat" is used when the peel has dried, much of the water has evaporated, and the coconut has a firm texture. This is the presentation that we show you here and gives a firmer texture. This is made with grated or shredded coconut.

How to make Dulce de Coco Tierno

For this version, the coconut should still be new and tender, and the coconut meat is soft and juicy. The coconut is difficult to grate when it is tender, so in that case, the coconut is chopped or sliced into tiny pieces. The result is a softer and juicier dessert, although the coconut flavor is less strong.

How to make dulce de coco


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How to make dulce de coco

[Recipe + Video] Dulce de coco (Coconut and milk fudge)

You'd think that dulce de coco (coconut fudge) would be hard to make. Wrong! As desserts go, it can't be easier. Few ingredients and great flavor.

Prep Time 30 mins

Cook Time 40 mins

Total Time 1 hr 10 mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine Dominican, Latino

Servings 6 servings

Calories 265 kcal

  • 1 coconut
  • 4 cup evaporated milk, or 6 cups of full milk
  • ½ cup sugar (white, granulated)
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, (optional)

How to crack and prepare the coconut

  • Crack the coconut (my favorite method is wrapping it in an old towel and cracking it with a hammer). Remove the flesh (careful with sharp edges) using an old table knife or spoon.

  • Remove the dark peel using a potato peel. Wash and pat dry.

How to make Dulce de Coco

  • Grate in the food processor or by hand, the consistency (fine or coarse) will depend on on your own taste

  • Mix the all the ingredients in an iron pot and bring to a boil over very low heat. Stir regularly to avoid sticking and keep an eye on it to prevent it from overboiling.

  • When it reaches pudding-like consistency remove from the heat (it may take up to 40 minutes). Chill before serving

You can either prepare it with new coconut (the kind that still has the soft husk and water) or dry coconut.

Each has a different taste and each has its fans. Some people like the coconut grated finely, some coarsely. I prefer a combination of both.

If you are not able to procure a coconut you can use dry packaged shredded coconut, although the taste won't be the same.

Calories: 265kcalCarbohydrates: 20gProtein: 11gFat: 15gSaturated Fat: 10gCholesterol: 49mgSodium: 182mgPotassium: 553mgFiber: 1gSugar: 18gVitamin A: 410IUVitamin C: 3.5mgCalcium: 469mgIron: 0.7mg

Nutritional information is calculated automatically based on ingredients listed. Please consult your doctor if you need precise nutritional information.

READERS SEARCHED FOR coco dessert, coco fudge, dominican coconut dessert

Published Jan 3, 2012, revised Oct 15, 2022

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Edited: Oct 15, 2022 | Publish: Jan 3, 2012

What is Coco con leche?

Coco – Leche (milk crème-coconut candy) is a special soft candy for children and adults. Coco – Leche (milk crème-coconut candy) is rich in delicious taste and can be served with tea or coffee. Coco – Leche (milk crème-coconut candy) tastes like coconut in the mouth and meets expectations.

Is leche de coco sweet?

The flavor is great (coconut), but it has too much sugar, and it ruins the coconut flavor. You can't eat a whole piece in one day, because of all the sugar it contains. Sugar Shock! WAAAAAY TO SWEET!!!