How much do echo techs make a year

Ultrasound technician salaries rank among the highest when compared to other medical technician specializations. The salary for ultrasound techs may depend on several variables, including location, qualification, work experience, certification, and education. Typically, the more credentials and work experience, the higher the salary. The state of employment also plays a major factor due to the cost of living and demand variables.

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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the 2013 national annual median salary of diagnostic medical sonographers was $66,400, while the median hourly wage was $31.93. Salary is also dependent upon the level of education, with most ultrasound technicians completing a degree or certificate program from an accredited institution.

Ultrasound Technician Salary by State

Find your state below and learn more about the median annual salary and hourly wage earned by ultrasound technicians in your area.

StateMedian Hourly WageMedian Annual SalaryAlabama$23.92$49,800Alaska$39.63$82,400Arizona$37.87$78,800Arkansas$26.92$56,000California$41.35$86,000Colorado$36.50$75,900Connecticut$37.47$77,900Delaware$32.35$67,300Florida$28.98$60,300Georgia$28.66$59,600Hawaii$37.58$78,200Idaho$29.85$62,100Illinois$33.14$68,900Indiana$30.47$63,400Iowa$27.96$58,200Kansas$30.83$64,100Kentucky$27.58$57,400Louisiana$27.51$57,200Maine$34.73$72,200Maryland$35.07$72,900Massachusetts$38.71$80,500Michigan$28.04$58,300Minnesota$35.34$73,500Mississippi$27.50$57,200Missouri$32.06$66,700Montana$33.41$69,500Nebraska$29.37$61,100Nevada$34.48$71,700New Hampshire$36.11$75,100New Jersey$32.85$68,300New Mexico$32.74$68,100New York$32.20$67,000North Carolina$30.49$63,400North Dakota$30.13$62,700Ohio$28.88$60,100Oklahoma$30.86$64,200Oregon$40.76$84,800Pennsylvania$27.85$57,900Rhode Island$38.46$80,000South Carolina$27.33$56,800South Dakota$25.74$53,500Tennessee$28.82$59,900Texas$31.53$65,600Utah$32.58$67,800Vermont$33.94$70,600Virginia$33.80$70,300Washington$39.03$81,200Washington, DC$33.25$69,200West Virginia$26.00$54,100Wisconsin$38.12$79,300Wyoming$32.25$67,100

Source: CareerOneStop; Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey.

Ultrasound Technician Salary by Industry

Industries with the highest salaries for ultrasound technicians generally were those that were hospital based practices or similar facilities. Ultrasound technicians working in outpatient care centers earned the highest annual mean wage compared to all other industries. According to the BLS as of May 2013, the top five highest-paying industries with their annual mean wage include:

  • Outpatient care centers: $73,640
  • Specialty hospitals: $73,640
  • Management of companies and enterprises: $72,910
  • Management, scientific, and technical consulting services: $71,340
  • Colleges, universities, and professional schools: $70,630

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Factors that affect Salary

Several factors that may contribute to ultrasound technicians obtaining a higher salary may include education, certification, and location. Typically, the more specialized and higher level of education and training obtained by the technician, the higher the salary. If the sonographer specializes in cardiac sonography and obtains certification, the sonographer may be qualified to obtain a higher salary than someone who merely practices general sonography. Those who have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in diagnostic medical sonography may be eligible to seek higher-level positions in management. Depending upon where technicians live, they may qualify for higher pay, especially when factors such as cost of living, demand, and lifestyle play into the overall cost. In addition, those technicians who have experience in the field may demand a higher level of pay, and those who have at least 20 years of experience may demand double or triple the salary of technicians just starting out.

Employment Outlook

According to the BLS, the job growth for diagnostic medical sonographers is expected to increase by 46% from 2012-2022, which is much higher than the national average of all occupations. This increase is due to the continued evolution of imaging technology as well as the need for less expensive equipment. More healthcare providers are using these noninvasive measures over invasive ones, and sonographers are needed to operate the machinery. With the baby-boom population aging, these individuals will need to have healthcare practitioners diagnose their medical conditions, and ultrasound technicians will be needed to check for blood clots and tumors. Another benefit for sonographers is the increase in number of patients who have access to healthcare, due to federal regulations.

The echo technician is the ultrasound technician specializing in using echocardiogram technology to get images of patients' hearts. The preparation of diagnostic equipment and patients for imaging procedures will be done by you. After preparation, you will explain the process to patients to know what to expect during the procedure. In addition, you will be the one to add gel that aids sound transmission to the patient's skin before using the diagnostic equipment to create images of the patient's heart. You will interpret the data from the images and determine the image to be saved and discarded. Lastly, you will make sure all records are kept properly.

The educational requirement for the post is a degree relating to Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and a Certificate program will be an added advantage. Years of working experience in the field or related field is an added advantage. You must be able to take note of details because you are working with delicate materials. You will earn an average of $66,679 yearly.

How much do echo techs make in NYC?

How much does an Echocardiograph Technician make in New York? The average Echocardiograph Technician salary in New York is $87,104 as of October 27, 2022, but the range typically falls between $78,359 and $96,620.

How much does an echo tech make in AZ?

How much does an Echocardiograph Technician make in Phoenix, AZ? The average Echocardiograph Technician salary in Phoenix, AZ is $80,192 as of October 27, 2022, but the range typically falls between $72,141 and $88,953.

How much does a Echo Tech make in Hawaii?

How much does an Echocardiograph Technician make in Hawaii? The average Echocardiograph Technician salary in Hawaii is $85,172 as of October 27, 2022, but the range typically falls between $76,621 and $94,477.

How much does an echo tech make in Indiana?

The average Echocardiograph Technician salary in Indiana is $79,311 as of October 27, 2022, but the range typically falls between $71,348 and $87,976.