Can you put a comma before but

It can be difficult to know when you should put a comma before the word “but” in a sentence. After all, “but” is a conjunction that can join together different parts of a sentence. Sometimes, it is okay to use “but” without a comma. Here are some guidelines on whether you need to use a comma before the word “but” and some examples of best practices.

The Rules

In general, you should put a comma before the word “but” when the word connects two independent clauses. An independent clause can function on its own without the rest of the phrase. A dependent clause needs the other clause to work as a sentence.

For instance, the sentence: “I would accept the assignment, but I have too many assignments to write already.” 

In this case, both clauses can function independently. “I would accept the assignment” works as a sentence on its own. “I have too many assignments to write already” also works as an independent sentence. Because of this, there should be a comma before the word “but.” 

If one of the clauses is a dependent clause, then you should not use a comma before the word “but.”

For instance, “I would accept the assignment but for my existing workload.” 

In this sentence, “for my existing workload” does not have a verb. It is not a complete sentence and cannot stand on its own. It is a dependent clause. For this reason, you do not need a comma before the word “but” because both phrases are not independent clauses.

Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but

Examples of Correct Comma Usage

Generally, you need to use a comma before the word “but” when it connects two independent clauses. Some examples of this are:

  • Content marketing takes time, but it is worth the effort. 
  • Writing a book is only the first part of the process, but you could spend just as much time editing it.
  • An interview with a subject manner can provide a lot of information for upcoming articles, but taking accurate notes is equally important.

Examples of Correct But Without Comma Usage

Some examples of sentences that would not need to have a comma before the word “but” are:

  • He is young but ambitious.
  • She wrote a song and submitted it to a contest but lost anyway.
  • She loves to read novels but hates nonfiction books.

Best Practices

When writing complex sentences, it is important to look at whether the clauses are independent or dependent clauses. If the clauses are independent and could function as separate sentences, you do need a comma. However, if the clause is dependent and relies on the independent clause before it, you do not need the comma.

If you are not sure what to do, you could rely on an online grammar checker such as Grammarly or Hemingway. Both programs should be able to provide feedback about proper comma usage. With Grammarly, you may need to use Grammarly Premium, the paid version, to get access to advanced grammar review. The free version provides some basic guidance on clauses and comma usage.

Comma After But

There are actually some rare instances where it might be appropriate to use a comma after the word “but.” This is when the word “but” is used as an interrupter. The sentence or clause will still retain its meaning without the word. For example, an interrupter might read something like: “but, of course, sometimes interviews need to be rescheduled.” The sentence “sometimes interviews needs to be rescheduled” is a full sentence on its own. The only reason that there is a comma after the word “but” is because of the interrupter that comes after it.

Proper grammar usage is an important part of writing, whether you are creating long-form content or short social media posts. It is a way to maintain the clearest level of communication and ensure that your comma usage is consistent across the written content that you produce. In most cases, you should use a comma with an independent clause. It can be that simple.

You use a comma before but when you connect two independent clauses. It means each clause has a subject and verb.

There is no comma before but when you join an independent and dependent clause. In this case, the second clause has no subject and verb.

You only need to use a comma after but when it’s followed by an adverbial clause or interrupter.

In This Article Hide

The comma with but

Two simple but comma rules

When do you use a comma before but?

When do you omit the comma?

When do you use a comma after but?

The good news about the rule

Examples before and, so, yet, and or

Examples after and, so, yet, and or

A comma after and before however


The comma with but

Yes, you often need to add a comma.

There are two simple rules for you to remember.

After you do, it will be easy for you to decide.

All you need to do is look at your complete sentence to know when a comma is required.

If you follow these two rules, you’ll get the comma right every time.


Two simple but comma rules

There are two basic and simple rules to follow for comma usage.

Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but

1. You insert a comma when the two halves of your sentence can stand alone.

2. You omit the comma when the two sentence halves can’t stand alone.


When do you use a comma before but?

To make sure you are correct, check if your sentence joins two independent clauses.

In this case, both clauses will have a subject and a verb. If each part of your sentence is independent, they can stand apart as whole sentences.

Then but, which is your coordinating conjunction, needs a comma to separate your two clauses. Here are some examples of when to use a comma.

I wanted to go out for breakfast but my local café was closed. Incorrect

I wanted to go out for breakfast, but my local café was closed. Correct

This is because each part of the sentence can stand alone as an individual complete sentence.

Each one has a subject and a verb, so you are connecting two independent clauses.

I wanted to go out for breakfast. Complete  My local café was closed. Complete

More examples of correct usage:

He left home early, but he forgot to take an umbrella. Correct

My sister is leaving for Canada tomorrow, but she will return in three weeks. Correct

Susan doesn’t like sardines, but her sister loves all kinds of fish. Correct

We wanted to go to Spain for our holiday, but the hotels are too expensive in summer. Correct

I meant to buy some bread, but I forgot to stop off at the bakery. Correct


When do you omit the comma?

If the second part of a sentence is a dependent clause, there is no comma.

This happens when you cannot make a logical sentence from the second clause because it depends on the first clause for its meaning.

It is because there is no subject with a verb in the second clause.

Look at these examples.

The restaurant was fantastic, but very expensive. Incorrect

The restaurant was fantastic but very expensive. Correct

You can see that the second phrase is not a complete sentence.

The restaurant was fantastic. Complete  Very expensive. Incomplete


More examples:

Studying grammar is hard sometimes but interesting all the same. Correct

I went to the concert but left early with a headache. Correct

The rest of the sentence was easy to write but with poor spelling. Correct

Going to the gym is tough some mornings but good fun all the same. Correct 

He played as well as he could but lost the match. Correct

The example sentences above show that there is no subject with a connecting verb in the second clause.

Be careful, though, because there can be a verb. If the verb doesn’t have a subject, it is not an independent clause.

You can see this is the last example sentence above with the verb lost.


When do you use a comma after but?

If you start a sentence with but, you don’t need to use a comma.

You might want to refresh your memory about starting a sentence with but.

You only add one when there is an adverbial clause or an extra word or phrase following it.

Think of it at the beginning of a sentence as marking an interruption to a sentence.

Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but

For example:

But, yes, indeed, there is plenty of space in the car for you.

But, on the other hand, I might go to Spain instead.

I was going to buy tickets for the new show, but, in fact, my husband had already bought them for me.

But, if you really want to know the truth, I can’t stand my boss.

College isn’t easy, but, well, you know how it is.


The good news about the rule

Does the comma go before or after but? Now you know the answer.

You have mastered the rule. I told you it was super easy.

I have more good news for you.

You can use the same three-part rule for a sentence with and, or, yet, and so.


1. Use a comma before the conjunction when the sentence halves can stand alone.

2. Don’t use a comma before the conjunction when the second clause can’t stand alone.

3. Use a comma after the conjunction when it is followed by an interruption.


Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but


Examples before and, so, yet, and or

He went to London for two weeks, and he stayed at an expensive hotel.

Susan loves her cat, and she lets it sleep in her bed.

Mary loves her dog, yet she doesn’t let it onto her bed.

There was no chance of changing our flight, so we had to stay for two more days.

Tim missed his train, so he was two hours late for the meeting.

You can try for a free upgrade, or you can pay extra to be sure you get it.

My advice is don’t pack too much, or you will be charged for excess baggage. 


Examples after and, so, yet, and or

He went to London for two weeks, and, just like him, he stayed at an expensive hotel.

Susan loves her cat, and, naturally, she lets it sleep in her bed. 

Mary loves her dog, yet, like many dog owners, she doesn’t let it onto her bed.

There was no chance of changing our flight, so, unfortunately, we had to stay for two more days.


A comma after and before however

Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but

Because you can use however as a synonym for but, it is worth noting this extra related rule.

If you use however, therefore, furthermore, or moreover at the beginning of a sentence, there is always a comma after the adverb.

However, she expects to finish her novel by summer.

Furthermore, we will buy twenty copies of your new book.

Therefore, we will be an active promoter of your new novel.

Moreover, we would like to write a review for our newspaper.

When you are joining two independent clauses, however, take care.

You could wrap the word however in two commas. But for conjunctive adverbs, it is always better to use a semicolon.

I plan to finish my book by summer; however, it could be a little later.

I received your suggested edits; therefore, I’ll take your advice and start on my second draft.

The edits were incomplete; moreover, it seems that the proofreading was poor.

You missed so many errors; therefore, I think I will need to find a new editor.

If you use these adverbs for emphasis, it is quite easy. Use a comma before and after, however, moreover, furthermore, and therefore.

You can, however, proceed with the corrections.

It was, moreover, a very poor effort.

It is, furthermore, out of my control.

You may, therefore, continue with the project.



It is easy to learn the punctuation rules for coordinating conjunctions.

You can also use a reliable grammar checker to help you check and correct your comma usage.

Can you put a comma before but
Can you put a comma before but

Just take a few minutes to make sure you understand the basic rules, and then lock them away in your memory.

If there is a subject with a verb in the second clause, use a comma. If there is no subject with a connecting verb, omit it.

Yes, there are some complicated rules that can cause confusion. The ones for cumulative and coordinate adjectives or a comma splice can be a bit tricky.

It is true that punctuation can be complex and often open to interpretation. It is especially so for the Oxford Comma.

Luckily, the rules in this article are easy. So you can leave all the other comma rules for another day.

Can you put comma after but?

You should always use a comma before but when joining two independent clauses. A comma after but is only necessary if you're using it as literary device to draw attention to something.

Do you put a comma before and after but?

Should you use a comma before but or after but? You should use a comma before but whenever you're connecting two independent clauses. It's much rarer to use a comma after but. In this article, we explain this comma rule and give you examples of sentences that use commas before and after but.