15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

Every woman experience pregnancy differently hence it is safe to also say that pregnancy symptoms can also vary. Though the symptoms of IUI Pregnancy is almost similar to that of a normal pregnancy, it can be slightly tricky to correctly ascertain a positive pregnancy. The main reason for this that the intake of drugs with progesterone as part of the IUI treatment process can also induce pregnancy like symptoms. The tenderness in breasts, bloating, fatigue could might as well be effects of the medication on the body.

The IUI process which is an artificial insemination method involves placing the sperm inside the uterus for further fertilization of the egg and conception. The process itself lead to certain symptoms developing right after the procedure is done but if the outcome is positive, the actual pregnancy symptoms may likely start to show after two weeks. It is best to take a pregnancy test to confirm 14 days after the IUI procedure.

When you have opted for conceiving via an IUI method, it is important to understand what exactly is expected after the procedure in terms of symptoms. This can greatly help so you are well prepared and if any unusual occurrences or signs are seen, a specialist may need to be consulted as soon as possible.

Let’s look at some of the commonly seen symptoms of an IUI pregnancy;

Implantation Bleeding – This type of bleeding may seem like the spotting that happens right before your periods. The bleeding that happens two weeks after the IUI procedure, is a natural consequence of the embryo implanting itself to the uterus wall. In some women this implantation bleeding may not happen whereas in others this can also happen after six to twelve days of conception. Slight cramping can accompany the bleeding.

Menstrual Delay – Similar to a normal pregnancy happening the hormonal changes in the body can lead to a delay in menstruation. Once this is noticed it is best to loop the doctor in. Spotting and cramping can also continue once the pregnancy has been confirmed.

Breast Tenderness – Sensitive, sore and tender breasts is a common symptom as a result of doing an IUI procedure. But if the breast soreness continues after the periods are delayed then a pregnancy test may be required.

Fatigue – It is quite natural to feel weak and tired after an IUI procedure. The high levels of progesterone are likely to cause sleepiness and tiredness. Much energy will also be used up to increase the body’s blood production in preparation for pregnancy.

Nausea – The high level of estrogen hormone that drains the stomach can cause nausea. Like in normal pregnancy the play of hormones in an IUI pregnancy can also lead to nausea or morning sickness. This may not be the case for all women though.

Food Cravings & Aversions – The hormonal shifts in the body are the main culprit responsible for the various food cravings or aversions seen in a normal or IUI pregnancy. Some cravings are also attributed to mineral deficiencies in the body. Make a note of this to discus with your doctor for clarity.

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If you have gone through an IUI cycle and now waiting for the happy news, you must be searching for what are the most visible pregnancy symptoms after IUI? The long wait after the IUI treatment is though very hard and is like a roller coaster ride of emotions but if the treatment comes to be successful, there is nothing more joyous than looking for the pregnancy symptoms after IUI. Not every woman will have the same symptoms but more or less they all are similar. Pregnancy symptoms after IUI appear within two weeks of the treatment if it is a successful attempt.

To understand what are the most visible pregnancy symptoms after IUI, one must understand what IUI treatment is?

Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is a simple procedure that can be performed in the clinic under an infertility expert’s supervision or at home using the home IUI kit. At the clinic, an infertility expert places the semen, previously collected and processed in the laboratory, in the uterine cavity. Before insertion, the expert “washes” the sperm by removing seminal fluid and concentrating the sperm.

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

IUI can be performed using fertility medicines to increase ovulation function or performed during a woman’s natural ovulation. An anovulation pregnancy kit can be used to determine when a woman is ovulating.

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

The semen is placed higher in the uterine cavity so that it bypasses the cervix, which shortens the journey through the fallopian tubes. This increases the number of sperm that have a chance to meet the mature egg(s).

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

IUI is the best option for many infertility issues who have the following infertility conditions

Low sperm count or motility

IUI is a big help with these problems as sperm doesn’t need to travel far.

Infrequent ovulation

IUI increases the chance of successful fertilization, as IUI drugs can trigger ovulation.

Unexplained sterility

IUI eliminates several variables.

Structural or Sexual Problems

Structural or sexual problems that make fertilization difficult – for example, if a man cannot ejaculate, the doctor can surgically remove the semen and then insert it directly into the woman’s body.

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

Immune System Problems

Immune system problems cause the woman’s body to attack the man’s sperm and kill them.
Additionally, IUI can be a good option for people who don’t want to try IVF, can’t afford IVF, or have objections to the IVF process.

IUI cannot treat all infertility problems, especially implantation problems or recurrent miscarriages. Therefore, it is important to get a comprehensive study from a fertility specialist. Clearing all the doubts with the expert will help you in choosing the best treatment for you. A skilled fertility specialist can help you determine if the IUI is a good choice and can help you evaluate the prospects for success.

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

What To Expect On The Day Of The IUI Procedure

Once the doctor determines when you ovulate, your appointment will be scheduled for the procedure to be as close to your ovulation as possible. You will come to the fertility clinic and the male partner will be instructed to provide his sperms or sperms will be collected from the sperm bank. At this point, the sperm will be “washed.” When the sperm is “washed”, it is the lab technicians who separate the best sperm from the sample. They also remove seminal fluid that should not go to the uterus. All this is done to introduce the best viable sperm into the uterus to create the most favorable conditions for conception. The female will then lie on the table in the examination room. The doctor will slide a thin tube or catheter through the cervix and into the uterus. The main symptom mentioned in this part of the procedure is a slight urgency. But most women say it’s not painful, it’s just awkward. There is no need for anesthesia and the IUI procedure will be completed within 20 to 25 minutes. Once done, the patient is advised to rest for up to 20 minutes before getting up because a symptom that may occur in some patients is dizziness or mild cramping after completion.

What To Do To Increase The Success Rate Of An IUI Cycle?

Timing is very important while going for an IUI cycle. The procedure occurs around the middle of your cycle when you are ovulating. If you are on a drug cycle, you will be using drugs to trigger ovulation. Else an infertility expert will help you in tracking the natural cycle.
Following an IUI procedure, it is important to act as if you are already pregnant. This ensures that, if the implantation is successful, the pregnancy starts as well as possible. Talk to your expert about all the medications you take, especially prescription medications that can affect pregnancy. Also, do the following:

  • Avoid alcohol, illegal drugs, and cigarettes.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in protein.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Stay physically active, but don’t try to lose weight or start an exercise routine that is too intense.
  • Find ways to deal with stress.
  • Take a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid or folate.

Following the above points helps to develop a plan to manage the two-week wait – the two weeks between the IUI treatment and your first pregnancy test. Additionally, go for a vacation, try a new hobby, have fun dates, and try interesting activities that can distract you. While it can be tempting to spend all of your time contemplating a potential pregnancy, it’s important to deal with your emotions no matter what the outcome.

15 days after iui negative pregnancy test

When Do The Pregnancy Symptoms After IUI Appear?

Although the IUI procedure results in the insertion of sperm directly into the uterus, it will take about four to six days for the zygote to reach the uterus after the fertilization of the egg. Implantation can take five days or longer. It will take a few more days for the HCG levels to rise, allowing pregnancy to be confirmed in the pregnancy test. Therefore, it is best to have a pregnancy test at least two weeks or 14 days after the procedure.
Waiting for pregnancy symptoms after IUI cycles can be both stressful and emotional. However, you need to stay calm and not stress. Trust your infertility expert and support each other at this crucial stage, and try delaying home pregnancy tests for at least two weeks. And when the time is right, the best way to determine if you are pregnant is to have a blood test as it provides an accurate result.
The symptoms of implantation following an IUI procedure are similar to the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

Following are the most visible pregnancy symptoms after IUI

Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding is one of the very first pregnancy symptoms after IUI. Although not every woman experiences this, it is considered normal either way. Implantation bleeding occurs when the egg builds up on the lining of the uterus causing a small vaginal discharge, which can be easily confused for periods. Cramps can often accompany this. It usually occurs about six to twelve days after conception.

Menstrual Delay

The delay in periods is a big clue to the possibility of conception. While spotting or light bleeding can be noticed in between, it’s likely nothing to worry about. You can always consult a doctor if you notice any unusual bleeding that worries you.

Breast Tenderness

If your breasts are heavy, sensitive and a little painful, you may head towards pregnancy. Swelling and tenderness in the breasts are also common symptoms during menstrual periods. But if these symptoms remain even after delayed periods then it will be wise to take a pregnancy test.


One of the very common pregnancy symptoms after IUI includes nausea or morning sickness. This can be triggered by an intense odor, an aversion to a particular food, or sometimes for no reason at all. This is due to an increase in estrogen hormone levels in your body.


Feeling tired during this time is normal. Since the hormone in your body that is in abundance is known to cause sleepiness, you may feel very tired during this time due to the high level of progesterone in your system. Also, your blood pressure and blood sugar levels drop, causing an increase in blood production in your body. This consumes a lot of energy and contributes to the feeling of tiredness.

Desires and Reluctance

While you may develop an intense, almost unnatural craving for certain foods, you may also be unable to tolerate certain smells as a part of pregnancy symptoms after IUI. This is a pregnancy symptom that may stay with you for a long time until the end of labor. Your food cravings can often cause you to forage at odd times! These cravings and aversions to smells and food are caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Consistently High Body Temperature

An increase in progesterone levels can raise your body temperature. If you have noticed an increase in your body temperature for more than 20 days, this is a good sign and you may be pregnant.

When To Take A Pregnancy Test After IUI?

Although the IUI procedure leads to the delivery of sperm directly into the uterus, after the egg is fertilized, it takes about 4 to 6 days for the zygote to reach the uterus. Transplantation may take another five or more days. The HCG level, which confirms pregnancy on a pregnancy test, will take a few more days to rise. Therefore, it is best to have a pregnancy test at least two weeks or 14 days after the procedure.

Waiting for pregnancy symptoms after IUI can be stressful and emotional. However, you must stay calm and avoid the stress of it. Talk to your partner and support each other during this critical period and get a home pregnancy test. And when the time is right, the best way to determine if you are pregnant is to have a blood test, as it guarantees accurate results.

Day by day pregnancy symptoms after IUI

3 days after IUI: Symptoms that can be expected

Some women experience spotting immediately after the IUI procedure. This is caused by irritation of the fine tissue of the cervix and vagina and is not implantable bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs later, usually 7-11 days after the procedure, when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus.
In about three days, any initial staining will stop. If you are still bleeding, have cramps or pain, contact your doctor. Because it is impossible to get pregnant so early in the process, you will not have any symptoms of pregnancy. Consider keeping a list of all the symptoms you notice during the first few days. This will give you an idea of what is normal for your body and help you decide what is and is not a pregnancy symptom after IUI. For example, if you experience breast tenderness, you will know that tenderness is a typical symptom for you and may not necessarily be a sign of pregnancy.

6 days after IUI: Implantation and more

In the six-day stamp, you may be approaching implantation. Implantation usually occurs approximately one week after the IUI procedure, so now is the time to start monitoring for signs of implantation. If you notice any slight spotting, it may be implantation bleeding. Some women also experience convulsions after implantation. However, most women do not have implant bleeding and do not have symptoms so soon. Therefore, the absence of pregnancy symptoms after IUI does not necessarily mean that you are not pregnant or that the procedure has failed. Also, in some women, implantation occurs much later – 11 or 12 days after IUI. You may need to wait a few more days for any noticeable signs of implantation or pregnancy.

14 days after IUI: pregnancy symptoms after IUI

Ovulation usually occurs between the 11th and 21st day of your cycle, depending on its length. During ovulation, one of the ovaries releases a mature egg that travels to the fallopian tube. To become pregnant, sperm must travel to the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg. If this happens, an embryo is created and then implanted in the uterus.

While some people experience many pregnancy symptoms on the 14th day, others have very little or no symptoms. Also, on the 14th day, the symptoms of pregnancy can be very similar to those that occur during PMS, ovulation, and when taking fertility drugs. If you pay close attention to changes in your body every month, you can find out if your symptoms are related to pregnancy or something else.
14 days after IUI, human chorionic gonadotropin hormone levels may be high enough to cause pregnancy symptoms.


Mild cramps in the abdomen or uterus may be a sign of early pregnancy. This is usually accompanied by light spotting or bleeding, known as implant bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs after implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining, approximately 10 to 14 days after IUI. Implantation bleeding and cramps usually occur at the time you are about to menstruate, usually a few days before. It usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days and the flow is very easy.


Fatigue is also a common symptom of pregnancy on the 14th day. Hormonal changes in early pregnancy can make you feel tired all day long. Drowsiness and extreme exhaustion are some of the first pregnancy symptoms after IUI. During the first days of pregnancy, your progesterone levels rise, making you tired and asleep. Your body will also start producing more blood to support your growing fetus. It also leads to increased exhaustion and fatigue.

Tender Breasts

Swollen and tender breasts are also pregnancy symptoms after IUI on the 14th day. During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can make your breasts painful, sensitive, and heavy with darker nipples. Breast discomfort is likely to decrease after a few weeks as your pregnant body adapts to hormonal changes.


Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, you may have cravings for certain foods around the 14th day. During the first weeks of pregnancy, you may develop aversion or sensitivity to certain odors or smells and other tastes. These symptoms may or may not persist throughout the pregnancy.

The pregnancy symptoms after IUI treatment will be different for every woman. Depending on the type of IUI undergone, i.e., medicated or unmedicated will also decide the symptoms. Two weeks after the IUI treatment is the best time to go to the expert for a pregnancy test. You can take a home pregnancy test also but the reliability is not too much. The expert will perform a blood test to check the HCG levels in your blood. Testing for HCG helps in evaluating if pregnancy is processing normally or not. Falling or slowly rising HCG level means there are complications in the pregnancy. Subhag infertility clinic is equipped with all types of equipment to cater to all the needs of the patients. It is a trusted name in the field of infertility clinics.

Can you get a false negative pregnancy test 14 days after IUI?

After an IUI procedure, you have to wait at least two weeks to see if you have conceived. Even though it's incredibly hard to wait, checking too early with an at-home pregnancy test can generate a false-negative result because pregnancy hormone levels are not yet high enough to measure.

Is a pregnancy test accurate after 15 days?

Instead, it's best to wait until at least 14 days past ovulation (DPO) before doing a pregnancy test. This is typically when enough hCG hormone would be circulating in your body for a positive reading, Holding off to 15 DPO is even better.

Can you get a negative pregnancy test at 15 DPO and still be pregnant?

After all, getting pregnant can be difficult. But a negative pregnancy test result at 15 DPO doesn't always mean that you're not expecting. It might mean that your hCG levels were still too low when you took that first pregnancy test. If your period still doesn't come for the next few days, take a new pregnancy test.

How many days after IUI should I get my period?

If you do not get a period after 17 days, a pregnancy test will be done. If the treatment has been unsuccessful, you will start a period about 9-14 days after insemination.