Workout routine for womens weight loss at gym

Ever wondered what weight training for weight loss looks like when you've never picked up a dumbbell before, let alone an Olympic bar? Well, you're in luck.

One WH staffer undertook a beginners' weight lifting for women routine specifically designed for fat loss. Keep reading to find out how she got on, and more importantly, what she learnt.

Okay, so I’m no stranger to a challenge. In 2017, I took part in a staff 12-week challenge and dropped 10% body fat. I felt tonnes fitter, but 12 weeks of gruelling HIIT training—one of the best cardio for weight loss forms—and a very strict diet wasn't sustainable (who knew?) I quickly fell off the bandwagon, and when I say fell, I mean I spectacularly tumbled off the wagon and into a proverbial pile of everything I’d tried so hard to avoid over the past 12 weeks.

Without having the structure of a lifestyle transformation plan, I’d lost my gym mojo; feeling lost without the regiment of the classes or someone (even a booking system) to be held accountable to. (Little did I know the absence of IRL classes and training was soon to temporarily become the only option thanks to old Father Covid.)

I realised my personal gym workout knowledge was, well, average to poor. As a former cardio queen, my workouts would start on the treadmill and end on the cross trainer until I’d burnt at least 600 calories. Give me a weight bench and I probably would’ve taken a seat to scroll through Instagram.

So, I made a vow with myself to stop the endless hours of cardio purely for calorie burn and educate myself on how to go to the gym, and learn to lift weights.

I know, it’s not exactly radical given the rise in popularity of strength training, but without my trusted cross trainer, the idea of entering the free weights area was terrifying. Despite working for a health magazine, I was still cloaked with fear at even the sight of a squat rack.

Enter Evolve’s 12-week transformation plan, designed to get you leaner and stronger with minimal cardio and a lot of picking up and putting down heavy stuff – otherwise known as strength training.

Evolve claim to help you make ‘big changes and kick bad habits so you can achieve things that you once thought unachievable’. So, it was time to make the unachievable, achievable.

Can you really lose fat lifting weights?

It's the age-old question – is it really possible to lose body fat by weight lifting. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, yes but it's nuanced.

Resistance training (or weight lifting) should be a mainstay of your workout routine no matter what your goal is. Why? These are just a few reasons, but read on for more benefits:

  • It improves bone density
  • Increases muscular strength
  • Improves posture
  • Improves power

    Cardio workouts are also important for our heart and mental health but, crucially, doesn't build or maintain muscle in the way strength training does.

    The more muscle tissue we have, the faster our metabolism will work. This is because muscle tissue burns more calories at rest (when we're not doing anything) than fatty tissue, meaning you'll use more calories to do less. In an ideal world, you'd find the right balance between strength training, cardio and NEAT exercise (remaining active throughout the entire day, not just during your workout).

    Read on about how I got on with my weight lifting for women training plan and what I found out about weight lifting for fat loss.

    My weight training for weight loss routine

    My training routine began with three sessions a week, which after two weeks increased to 4 sessions. My head trainer Otaniyien Ekiomado designed a strength training program for me, along with a protein-rich and low(er) carb diet (complete restrictions of food groups are NOT the one).

    A typical full-body training workout:

    • A1 - Deadlift: 4 x 10
    • A2 - Bench press: 4 x 10
    • A3 - Rope slams : 4 x25
    • B1 - Static lunge: 4 x 12
    • B2 - Knee highs: 4 x 12
    • B3 - Single arm row: 4 x 10
    • C1 - Sled push-pull: 3
    • C2 - Med ball slam with walk out: 3 x 15
    • C3 - Burpees: 3 x 15

      You do all the A exercises together before moving onto B then C. The first number is the sets and the second is reps. E.g. 4 x 12 is four sets and 12 reps.

      The benefits of weight training for women

      In the first week, I was introduced to two new exercises; the squat and the deadlift. I later realised these big lifts were key to my training.

      This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

      Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, help to 'stimulate the most amount of muscles with one movement,' Otaniyien tells me. One simple move to combine all muscles? Sounds like a transformation dream – that is until you’ve tried squatting your own bodyweight. Not as simple as I first thought…

      As well as a traditional barbell squat, I also learnt how to nail a front squat – similar to the back squat except with the barbell across your shoulders.

      Otaniyien recommended I stick to these, as my calves are tighter than a pair of Lululemon leggings. They also allowed me to get the depth that a back squat just couldn’t deliver. Front squats are great as they not only target your quads and glutes, but also fire up your core as you keep the barbell level and lifted on your shoulders.

      Note: you will get a sexy pair of bruises on each shoulder, but they’ll go nicely with the calluses on the palm of your hands from deadlifting. Who said strength training was pure glamour?

      This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

      Getting to grips with my beginner weight lifting routine

      After my first week, walking downstairs was nearly impossible and getting my sports bra over my head was near torture. I’d previously heard of DOMS but my word, I’d never experienced them like this.

      Alongside the compound movements, Otaniyien introduced conditioning supersets of burpees, battle ropes, slam balls and the much-hated prowler. I’ve never experienced quad and glute burn quite like pushing a large weighted metal sled up and down a gym. I could feel my fitness and strength levels improving.

      This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

      Moreover, my measurements weren’t lying either. By week three I’d lost almost 3kg in weight and 1kg of fat mass, as well as doubling my leg press weight from 90kg in week one to 180k.

      My weight lifting for women plan

      To keep my body guessing, Otaniyien would ensure each day would focus on a different body part:

      • Monday = legs
      • Tuesday = arms & core
      • Thursday and Friday = full body

        Slowly but surely the weights were going up as my body weight was going down. By week five, I was deadlifting 100kg. For the girl who always used to pick up the trusted 7kg hand weights for squat thrusters, I begin to understand what Evolve have been preaching this whole time.

        Weightlifting isn’t just heavy lifts and grunting; I feel stronger in myself, both mentally and physically. Whilst I’m not quite yet loving the pain that comes with lifting heavy, I definitely love the results that come with them.

        Otaniyien tells me the key to getting in the zone for strength training is down to visualisation. 'Visualise the legs you want, the arms you want, the butt you want, the chest you want' (you get the idea).

        Moreover, Otaniyien tells me that I need to learn how to switch off the feeling of discomfort, re-teaching the brain to view pain as a positive and focusing on the results that will come from this current excruciating burning sensation in my legs. 'Weightlifting is like meditating', he tells me as I shake off the lactic acid and hit the squat rack again.

        Counting macros

        One thing I have learnt on my weight lifting for women journey is the importance of the philosophy ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’.

        In order to get the results I wanted, I had to nerd up on how to count my macros (that’s the ratio of protein, carbs and fats you eat). I was initially put on a higher protein, lower carb diet to get the fat loss started. This featured items like eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast, chicken and quinoa for lunch, protein shake snacks and a chicken and veg-based dish for dinner.

            To figure out how to calculate your macros, use the handy infographic below.

            how to calculate macros, women's health uk

            I’ll be honest, training hard on a lower carb diet was tough. But the weight came off and carbs were reintroduced, along with a new burst of energy and enthusiasm. My macro divide from here on was along the lines of protein: 118g, carbohydrates: 118g, fats: 30g.

            Tracking progress

            By week nine, although I’m hitting weight training personal bests, I’m nowhere near my personal weight loss goal. It doesn’t help either when I see men who started their transformations at the same time as me lifting their shirts up to reveal chiselled abs.

            Turns out that weight loss for women isn’t quite as simple, partly as we’re naturally more likely to carry more body fat. According to Science Daily, ‘Women’s ability to store fat more efficiently than men, despite eating proportionally fewer calories [is down to] a link between one hormone – estrogen – and its impact on fat storage for childbearing.' So slow and steady when it comes to fat loss wins the race, then.

            Withings Body+ Wi-Fi Body Composition Smart Scale

            Withings Body+ Wi-Fi Body Composition Smart Scale



            Salter Smart Body Analyser Scale

            Salter Smart Body Analyser Scale

            RENPHO Wi-Fi Body Composition Scales

            RENPHO Wi-Fi Body Composition Scales



            Tanita BC543 Body Composition Monitor Scale

            Tanita BC543 Body Composition Monitor Scale



            Weight training for weight loss: The results of my weight lifting for women program

            By week 12, Evolve has arranged a celebratory ‘after’ photoshoot in celebration of our strong new bodies. I step on the scales amazed to find out I’ve lost 9kg, 7kg of body fat and 5 inches from my waist. And no, I wasn’t perfect throughout the 12 weeks and yes, maybe I had the odd few drinks after work and maybe even a Five Guys (sorry, Otaniyien), but I feel strong, I’ve lost fat and I’m eager to continue my strength training going solo.

            Turns out, you kind of can have your cake and eat it.

            For the first time in a long time, I’ve felt comfortable in my skin and actually like the toned reflection staring back at me. 'Strong not skinny' runs truer than ever. What’s more, I’m still strength training to this day and loving it.

            Shoulder, Standing, Arm, Human leg, Leg, Joint, Muscle, Thigh, Calf, Hip,

            I know that training with a PT four times a week isn’t financially feasible for most (nor is it sometimes possible at all when there's an ongoing pandemic) but the gains that come from a structured plan are unquestionable.

            For me, I’ve learnt that transformations shouldn’t just be about losses, but about gains, too. Gains in strength, gains in self-confidence and most importantly #gains all round.

            If you're not sure where to start, this gym workout will get you off on the right foot. You can also read this guide on strength training for beginners or our back to basics resistance training guide.

            Next, download one of the best fitness apps. Fitness brands such as Fiit, Sweat and Tone & Sculpt have dedicated strength-building plans.

            BRB, off to the gym to smash Eddie Hall’s deadlift PB. (That’s 500kg, btw).

            Form Vegan Performance Protein - Chocolate Peanut

            Form Vegan Performance Protein - Chocolate Peanut

            Whey Less protein powder -  Cookies And Cream

            Whey Less protein powder - Cookies And Cream

            MyProtein THE Whey+ protein powder

            MyProtein THE Whey+ protein powder



            Complete Protein Blend - Whey, Milk, Eggs

            Complete Protein Blend - Whey, Milk, Eggs


            The full 12-week one-to-one programme at Evolve costs £4,000. Head to their website for more information.

            What should a girl do at the gym to lose weight?

            Lifting weights, eating in a calorie deficit, and doing 30 minutes of cardio 2-3 days per week are your best bets for seeing results. You should also prioritize protein as much as possible and increase your NEAT throughout the day to accelerate your fat loss.

            What should I do at the gym to lose weight at the gym?

            15 Best Workouts for Weight Loss.
            Jumping Rope. This, says indoor spin instructor and personal trainer, Nicole Murray, is a full-body workout that gives you a great calorie burn. ... .
            High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) ... .
            Low-intensity cardio. ... .
            Running. ... .
            Mountain climbers. ... .
            Strength workouts. ... .
            Yoga. ... .
            TRX Bodyweight Workout..

            What diet is best for weight loss with gym?

            The best diet for losing weight while working out is one that includes high-quality foods that are unrefined and minimally processed. A balanced diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy (unsaturated) fats, and healthy protein sources.

            What workout burns the most fat at gym?

            The most fat burning exercises you can do:.
            Burpees. Exercise explained: Most hear the word 'burpee' and let out a fearful shudder. ... .
            Mountain climbers. ... .
            Jumping squats (wide stance) ... .
            Jumping jacks..