Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

The Mayo Clinic: “Polymyalgia rheumatica,” “Lyme disease,” “Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,” “Chronic fatigue syndrome,” “Dermatomyositis,” “Hypothyroidism,” “Fibromyalgia,” “Dystonia,” “Statin side effects: Weigh the benefits and risks,” “Rheumatoid Arthritis,” “Lupus,” “Influenza (flu),” “Symptoms: Muscle Pain,” “Claudication.”

I am 26 yrs old i first went to my doctors 18months ago with pain in my neck, at first they thought it was a traped

nerve. when i later went back and told them i had not gone away but infact was getting worse. i now have pain all the way down my left side of my body. i have pins n needles in my hand sometimes goes numb my bones hurt its as if they are being pulled and twisted i am alot weaker now in my left side also that side of my face hurts aswel my musles at the back of my shoulder and my neck often spazrm.i was sent for an xray which nothing showed up they then sent me for a neck mri scan when the scan finnished the people that did the scan on me asked me what was going on i told them and they said to me they thought i should be having a brain scan by the sound of it not a neck scan.

i am so confused my doctors say they dont know what is wrong so now just say oh you have chronic pain we think. but i dont understand why when i had my MRI why they said they thought i should be having a brain scan can anybody help me with this or give me any advise? i am so stressed out with all this i know something is not right i know my know body but its as if know body wants to find out know that they have put down that it maybe chronic paini would be so greatful if someone could explain

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Why does the whole left side of my body hurt


Posted 8 years ago

Hi I am currently having the same symptoms. It started in my arm, pain and tingliness all the way to my fingertips. I have also experienced tingliness in my face and pain in my bones (on left side of body). I've gone to the doctor and my doctor ordered 3 MRIs, one of the brain. Unfortunately my insurance sucks and they denied all 3 MRIs. We have repealed their denial and hope I am able to get a scan soon.

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    nicola_93837 Mpee

    Posted 8 years ago

    Google fibromyalgia. That's what your symptoms sound like to me - and just about everyone else in this thread. I was very fortunate to find a good doctor who has been worth his weight in gold helping me with this. There is no cure, but there are medications that can provide relief. 

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    my01796 nicola_93837

    Posted 6 years ago

    Hi Nicola, I have no been diagnosed yet with FM but conditions are the same as described in the thread. Just to confirm the symptoms can you mention the type of medicines you are using. Like antibiotics , pain killers or anti depressants. i get some relief with anti depressant called clomfranil.

    Thanks in advance.


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Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

nicola_93837 Mpee

Posted 8 years ago

Google fibromyalgia. That's what your symptoms sound like to me - and just about everyone else in this thread. I was very fortunate to find a good doctor who has been worth his weight in gold helping me with this. There is no cure, but there are medications that can provide relief. 

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Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

my01796 nicola_93837

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Nicola, I have no been diagnosed yet with FM but conditions are the same as described in the thread. Just to confirm the symptoms can you mention the type of medicines you are using. Like antibiotics , pain killers or anti depressants. i get some relief with anti depressant called clomfranil.

Thanks in advance.


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Why does the whole left side of my body hurt


Edited 11 months ago

Im in the States and have the same problem, found this post from a google search, my hip is the worst of my pain , they can not figure out what is going on.

I get flash headaches, blurry vision, face, neck, shoulder, every thing on my left side.

My hip and thigh feel like im being stabbed with knives.

I have gone thru xrays, blood work, mri, ct scans. All puzzle the doctors.

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    nicola_93837 bryan1284

    Posted 8 years ago

    Fibromyalgia. I sound like a stuck record on this thread, I know, but I have fibromyalgia and that's what my symptoms were like before I got treatment. I hope you get better soon. 

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    ann23820 nicola_93837

    Posted 6 years ago

    I have been only given plaqinil for my fibro and my symptoms have worsened to the above pain in whole left side of body. May I ask what treatment your getting that is helping you? I am even getting more fatigued, try

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    kadrikadri bryan1284

    Posted 6 years ago

    Hello, Bryan! Did you get any diagnose? I have exactly the same symptoms as you and I do not know what is wrong with me.

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    tbay bryan1284

    Posted 6 years ago

    Did you check your Vitamin D levels as well

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    mejerry kadrikadri

    Posted 5 years ago

    I see you posted about a year ago I have all my symptoms under Lauraspot. did you find out anything concerning your symptoms?

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    april81609 nicola_93837

    Posted 5 years ago

    Hi Nicole I have all the same symptoms on the left side?? and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia too. Can I ask what your treatment and medication is? And have you been able to manage it

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    diana59213 april81609

    Edited 15 months ago

    Please understand fibromyalgia is just a made up word for pain that doctors have no answer for .. 1. Because they don't want to investigate and 2. Because traditional doctors are not educated in treating autoimmune - they are only educated on treating the symptoms- which is what fibromyalgia is.. it's a symptom of something bigger that is going on .. 

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    jessica63077 bryan1284

    Edited 11 months ago

    Hi Bryan-

    Did you get an answer. Have you gone to rheumatology?

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    dee85203 diana59213

    Posted 4 years ago

    Agreed 100%! Everyone should be very wary of letting a doctor diagnose and medicate you for a condition that there is no objective criteria for. 

    There are a lot of auto immune disorders, hereditary disorders, and inflammatory disorders that cause neuropathy. All of them are time consuming and expensive to test for. Accepting fibromyalgia is practically a verbal contract with your doctor that you are ‘ok’ enough to carry on with no answer. Doctors tried to diagnose me with fibromyalgia even when I kept telling them I did not have pain. 

    ...still don’t know what I have after 5 MRIs and about 100 blood tests, but I’m working with my neurologist currently to have nerve conduction tests done. If he won’t order them, I’m taking it to complaint and an independent review board. 

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    chin85077 diana59213

    Posted 4 years ago

    U r right... I am from India.. I also have the same symptoms except pain on face, I had done my thyroid level test uric acid test and so many test..bt all are normal and my doctor was confused and finally confirmed as FM.. but they told me that there is no specific treatment for this and I have to change my life style... Some months later I decided to consult another doctor he asked me to check my vit D levels but unfortunately it was only 3 and he prescribed me the supplements... Now I have my D level 20 and it's normal level is above 30..i hope after completing the supplements I will be better... So my request to all those who have the same symptoms must check their D level...

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  • Why does the whole left side of my body hurt

    michelle36435 bryan1284

    Posted 11 months ago

    I feel the same. I also have neck pains and low back pains on the left side. recently my left shoulder has been limited to moving and now for the past three days my left eye has been Twitching. my hip and ankle go out all the time and I'm just now getting a brace to help me walk because they found out that some muscles behind my left shin no longer activate. I was diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction, I recieved new ligaments in my left ankle that straight up disappeared, and fibromyalgia. but I think I have something else. I take meds for fybro but they don't do much for me.

    When should I worry about left side pain?

    If left side pain is due to gas or indigestion, it will go away on its own. However, if you experience pain on the left side of your body in conjunction with any of the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor: Fever. Vomiting or nausea.

    What does it mean when one side of your body hurts?

    Side pain can be a symptom of a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions, such as infection, infarction, inflammation, indigestion, trauma, intestinal obstruction, and cancer. Side pain can occur on one or both sides of the torso at a time.