Which is a scalar quantity acceleration momentum speed displacement

Video Transcript

Which term identifies a scalar quantity, acceleration, speed, momentum and displacement. We know that acceleration is a cost to course divided by mass. Also the vector quantity, then we can say exhalation is also a vector quantity. In option two, we have given speed. In option two we have given momentum. So momentum is a vector quantity because we know that momentum P is equals to mars into velocity velocity is a vector quantity. So we can say that momentum is also a vector quantity. Number 30. We have given speed. Speed is a scalar quantity. Okay, it is a scalar quantity Number four We have given displacement, displacement is a vector quantity, so the correct option will be speed.



Hint: There are two types of physical quantity. Scalar quantity and vector quantity. Scalar quantity is physical quantity which has magnitude but they don’t have direction. On the other hand vector quantities are the physical quantities which have both magnitude and direction. Among four given physical quantities see which of them have both magnitude and direction and which of them has only magnitude.

Formula used:
  & \text{Velocity(}v\text{)=}\dfrac{\text{Change in displacement}}{\text{Change in time}}=\dfrac{ds}{dt} \\
 & \text{Acceleration(}a\text{)=}\dfrac{\text{Change in velocity}}{\text{Change in time}}=\dfrac{dv}{dt}=\dfrac{{{d}^{2}}s}{d{{t}^{2}}} \\
 & \text{Force=}ma=m\dfrac{{{d}^{2}}s}{d{{t}^{2}}} \\
 & \dfrac{d}{dx}\left( UV \right)=U\dfrac{dV}{dx}+V\dfrac{dU}{dx} \\

Complete step-by-step answer:
Velocity of a particle is defined as the rate of change of displacement. If the change in displacement $ds$ occurs over a time $dt$, then velocity $v=\dfrac{ds}{dt}$
As displacement is a vector quantity i.e displacement of a particle obeys vector laws of addition and the time is not a vector quantity because it is added algebraically. So velocity will be a vector quantity.
Acceleration of a particle is defined as the rate of change of velocity. So $a=\dfrac{dv}{dt}=\dfrac{{{d}^{2}}s}{d{{t}^{2}}}$. As velocity is a vector quantity acceleration would also be a vector quantity.
Mass of an object is defined by the amount of matter it contains. So when two masses added it will add up algebraically so the mass of an object has only magnitude not direction. So mass is a scalar quantity.
The quantitative definition of force is given by Newton’s 2nd law, which states that Force acting upon an object is directly proportional to the rate of change of its momentum.
If momentum of a object is $p$then force is given by,$\begin{align}
  & F=\dfrac{dp}{dt}=\dfrac{d(mv)}{dt}=m\dfrac{dv}{dt}+v\dfrac{dm}{dt}=m\dfrac{dv}{dt}\ \ \ \ \left( \because \dfrac{dm}{dt}=0 \right) \\
 & \Rightarrow F=ma \\
As acceleration is a vector quantity and mass is not a vector quantity so force will be a vector quantity.
So only mass is a scalar quantity among the given 4 quantities.

Note: Every vector is represented by an arrowhead over the magnitude. i.e. if $A$ is the magnitude of a vector then it is represented by $\overrightarrow{A}$. Every vector obey the laws of vector addition and subtraction. If a quantity doesn’t obey vector addition is called scalar. So scalars are added algebraically.


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Which of the following quantity is a scalar quantity? A Length B (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Time C Displacement D Speed E Velocity F (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Force G Work H Energy I Weight

  1. A, B, C, D, G
  2. A, D, E
  3. B, E, F, H, I
  4. A, B, D, G, H

  1. Speed
  2. Velocity
  3. Acceleration
  4. Force

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Speed


  • Physical quantities which have only magnitude but no direction are called scalar quantities.

Examples: mass, speed, volume, work, time, power, energy, etc.

  • Physical quantities which have both magnitude and direction are called vector quantities.

Examples: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, torque, etc.


  • From above it is clear that speed is a scalar quantity whereas velocity, acceleration and force is a vector quantity.

Let's discuss the concepts related to Laws of Motion and Newton's Laws of Motion. Explore more from Physics here. Learn now!

Is acceleration a scalar quantity?

In contrast to vectors, ordinary quantities that have a magnitude but not a direction are called scalars. For example, displacement, velocity, and acceleration are vector quantities, while speed (the magnitude of velocity), time, and mass are scalars.

Which one is a scalar quantity?

The correct answer is Pressure. A scalar quantity is defined as the physical quantity with magnitude and no direction. Mass, Speed, Distance, Time, Area, Volume, Density, Temperature are examples of Scalar Quantity.

Is momentum a scalar?

While momentum and kinetic energy are compounded of the same two ingredients, mass and velocity, they are quite different concepts, and one aspect of their difference may be seen in the fact that momentum is a vector while energy is a scalar quantity.

Is acceleration and displacement a scalar quantity?

The remainder of this lesson will focus on several examples of vector and scalar quantities (distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration).