Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

What is Vaginal Steaming?

Throughout the course of our lives, our vaginas and reproductive systems go through a lot. Monthly menstruation for decades, intercourse, and giving birth can put a lot of stress on the vagina and uterus. Many people also struggle with issues such as imbalances leading to infections, painful sex, infertility, pelvic floor issues, changing hormones, endometriosis, and other factors that can contribute to physical discomfort and emotional distress. 

So what is vaginal steaming and how can it help? Vaginal steaming is an ancient practice that is thought to be beneficial in cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulating the menstrual cycle, easing the pain of period cramps and bloating, and aiding in healing and soothing after childbirth. The practice can also be very meditative.

The Yoni steam process involves sitting over a steaming pot of herb-infused water, generally for about 10-30 minutes per session depending on your body’s constitution and menstrual cycle history. As the steam rises and the herbs penetrate vaginal tissue, it is thought that the vagina and uterus are cleansed and soothed.

You can receive your vaginal steam session as a spa treatment or at home. We encourage you to connect with a practitioner for further support, instructions, and personalized yoni steam herb recipe recommendations.

Yoni Steam Herbs Recipe DIY

The herbs you use for vaginal steaming are important. There are a variety of different yoni steam herbs recipe DIY projects available online, which list ingredients that you may already have in your own kitchen. This can be a good starting point if you’re looking for a DYI recipe. There are also many places to purchase pre-made herbal blends online.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Yoni steam ingredients generally involve some combination of the following herbs:

  • Basil (cleansing)

  • Rosemary (anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

  • Oregano (antiseptic)

  • Calendula (anti-inflammatory)

  • Motherwort (cleansing, pain-relieving)

  • Mugwort (all purpose)

  • Lavender (anti-microbial)

  • Marigolds (anti-inflammatory)

  • Thyme (anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

Each herb used for steaming has its own unique benefits, and the right herbs for your mixture depend on your specific needs and wants.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Yoni Steam Benefits

There are many benefits of yoni steaming. It functions as a natural and simple method of cleansing and detoxifying the uterus and vagina. Yoni steaming can also aid in maintaining reproductive health, increasing fertility, and balancing hormones, which can help to regulate periods and ease unpleasant symptoms of menstruation such as cramps, headaches, and vaginal discomfort. 

Anyone with a vagina can experience the benefits of yoni steaming, especially those who suffer from painful or irregular periods, are looking to increase fertility, or are experiencing general discomfort. Yoni steam benefits are more than just physical. The practice has been used for ages to encourage mental and emotional wellbeing by improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Vaginal steaming provides benefits through natural herbs that soothe, balance, and nourish the reproductive system without disrupting the natural environment of the vagina and uterus.

Although there is no empirical evidence to back these claims, many people report experiencing a sense of relaxation after steaming, and choose to incorporate the practice into their self-care regimen.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Cervical Fluid Discharge After Yoni Steam

There are a few potential side effects of yoni steaming to be aware of before you try it. For example, some people experience cervical fluid or discharge after yoni steam. Some discharge is absolutely normal and nothing to be concerned about. The yoni steam is simply allowing the vagina to release dead cells and bacteria.

Cervical fluid discharge after yoni steam:

  • should have a color somewhere between clear, milky white, yellow, and brown.

  • should have an odor that would not be considered strong.

  • can vary in intensity based on your menstrual cycle, hydration level, and stress level.

If you experience any sort of rash, pain, or itching, then you could have an infection and would want to consult a medical professional immediately.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

How to Avoid Yoni Steam Side Effects

It’s very important that you take precautions to ensure your health and safety whenever you yoni steam. Here are a few important steps to take to avoid any potential yoni steam side effects and risks:

  • If the steam is too hot, you could burn the sensitive vaginal tissues. Make sure when you sit/squat above the steam, you feel comfortable with the temperature of the steam and are not simply “bearing the heat”.

  • Do not steam longer than 30 minutes. We recommend that you talk with a yoni steam practitioner about the length of steam time that is best for you.

  • Make sure your pot and any other equipment you use are thoroughly cleaned before use, in order to avoid unnecessary irritation and infections, such as yeast infections.

  • Yoni steaming is not recommended during your period or during pregnancy.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

DIY Yoni Steam

There are many spas that offer vaginal steaming as a pampering treatment. You can also purchase a steam stool from a variety of spas and retailers, but a high quality stool or treatment can be expensive. 

Luckily, there are a variety of DIY yoni steam options that you can use in the comfort of your own home. Creating your own yoni steam stool can actually be quite simple. All you need is to find a flat surface such as a chair, stool, box, or plank and cut a hole into it so that it can be comfortably placed over a pot of the herbs of your choice. 

Alternatively, if you would prefer to avoid any handiwork, you may be able to use your toilet by placing a small pot with your mixture in the bowl. Just be sure that your toilet is deep enough so the hot steam won't burn you. If you use this method, we also recommend thoroughly cleaning your toilet bowl with a gentle cleaning agent.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

How Often Should You Yoni Steam?

While yoni steaming is a fantastic and natural option that has been used in many cultures to promote health, it’s important to consider your own individual needs and concerns before diving into the process. Many people will have their own preferences and considerations in terms of ingredients and frequency. So, you may be wondering, “how often should you yoni steam”?

The answer will be different for everyone. A steaming schedule should be based on your menstrual cycle history and your body’s constitution. Personalized information about how often you should steam can be attained by consulting a local Peri-Steam hydrotherapist. However, if your goal is to increase fertility, especially during pre-ovulation, getting on a steam schedule could support your fertility journey greatly!

Additionally, people who suffer with severe period symptoms such as bloating, discomfort, or painful cramps will likely benefit from steaming two or three times in the week leading up to their period. Ultimately, the frequency at which you choose to yoni steam depends on your personal needs, comfort level, and cycle.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Yoni Steam Stool

The goal of yoni steaming is to soothe and heal any vaginal or reproductive discomfort and cleanse the area. Having a comfortable seat or stool to sit on for the 10-30 minutes of vaginal steaming is extremely important.

The vaginal steaming stool the appears at the top of this page can be found on Etsy. There are also a variety of yoni steam stools and kits available on Amazon and other online retailers. These vaginal steam chairs generally come with a comfortable circular cushion with a hole in the middle to allow steam to rise. Many yoni steam seats also come with a sample blend of herbs to try.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

Yoni Steam Near Me

Many people choose to do DIY yoni steaming from the comfort of their own home. But if you’re looking for a more relaxing, spa-like experience and professional advice, many spas, clinics, and wellness centers offer vaginal steaming as a treatment.

A quick google search for “yoni steam near me” or “vaginal steaming near me” should give you a list of local spas that offer vaginal steaming services in your area. You can also check out the Steamy Chick directory of 600 certified practitioners all over the world!

It’s advisable to look at reviews of any place you decide to go for yoni steaming. You may also want to call ahead and ask about how they clean their equipment and steps they take to ensure their treatments are properly pH balanced.

Where can i get a yoni steam near me

How much does v steam cost?

Compare with similar items.

How long should you Yoni steam for?

It's a gentle yet powerful self-care treatment for women. A woman usually wears a gown and sits or squats over a steaming bowl of water infused with herbs. The session lasts for about 20 minutes to an hour. This procedure has been practiced by women, mostly from Asia, Africa, and Central America ages ago.

How do you Yoni steam at home without equipment?

Directions for your DIY V-Steam.
In a medium-covered pot, pour 8 cups of water (preferably purified water)..
Place one handful of fresh herb(s) or 1/4 cup dried into the water. ... .
Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes..
Turn of the heat, leave the lid on, and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on..

How do you know if Yoni steam is working?

If the discharge is normal, it's a sign that, despite the fact that you just sent a swoosh of herby air into it, your vagina is functioning as it should. If the discharge is abnormal, it's a sign of an infection.