What to wear to a baptism godmother

In our time, the words "modest clothing" are very often painted with the meaning of bad taste, fading and poverty. But it is not so. If you are going to the Temple, and even more so to baptism, then try to make your clothes as closed as possible, with long sleeves or the hem of the dress, be expressive, beautiful and noble, but not colorful.

What to wear to a baptism godmother

What to wear to a baptism godmother

Especially carefully you need to think about the style of the outfit for those who order the baptism of a child, because the appearance of those present at the sacrament will be imprinted for years. When choosing the right clothing option, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Skirts or long sundresses are suitable for girls, just do not forget about scarves.
  • It is better for the mother of the baby and the godmother to give preference to dresses or blouses with short sleeves and in soothing colors. Patterns on them should be simple and discreet. Traditionally, with her appearance, a girl in the Temple creates an image of chastity and nobility. Pastel colors look very nice in clothes: white, apricot, beige, blue, mint and pink.
  • The length of a women's dress or skirt should be below the knee. Variants of such outfits with a hem to the floor are welcome.
  • When choosing shoes, you should pay attention to closed models with low heels, without platforms and high soles. The sacrament of baptism lasts an average of 40-50 minutes, all this time you will need to stand in the Temple, so shoes with heels may not be very comfortable. Low shoes or sandals will do.
  • Women's heads must be covered with a scarf. Men, on the contrary, are supposed to enter the Temple without hats.
  • When preparing to visit the church, do not forget about the consecrated pectoral cross.
  • Men should wear trousers and a shirt, preferably in festive light colors. It is necessary that the shirt has a collar and is buttoned up to the top (you can leave only one, the top button on the collar, unbuttoned).

The godmother can agree with the godfather and dress together in the same scale, as well as parents. This will allow you to take beautiful, tender photos, especially if you order.

Baptism is an important ceremony, and therefore it is worth paying due attention to the preparations. If you have the honor to become a participant in this sacrament, when choosing a suitable outfit, you must follow Christian canons and traditions.

Baptism is perhaps the most important event in life from a spiritual point of view. That is, it is not just a ritual, not just a tribute to tradition, but it is a new birth - a birth in a spiritual hypostasis. If you have the honor of becoming a godmother, you should not refuse, motivating the refusal with doubts about the fact that you do not know how to behave correctly, or what to wear for christening. This review provides tips to help answer the exciting question of the wardrobe.

Baptism is a celebration: choose the appropriate outfit

For some reason, one often gets the impression that a woman in a church must necessarily look like a gray mouse: a full floor-length skirt is dull and uninteresting, a black or gray turtleneck that completely covers her arms and neck, and a scarf tied in a rustic way. In practice, everything turns out to be completely different. Of course, dressing modestly in the temple is the duty of any woman, but there is no need to look ugly and gloomy at the same time. Moreover, you can not choose gloomy clothes for christening. This is a holiday, that is, you need to dress beautifully and solemnly.

Church dress code: what the godmother and female guests need to know

Going to the temple, you can finally feel like a woman - after all, everyday jeans and trousers that have become familiar have completely deprived most of us of this feeling. Putting on a skirt or dress, we begin to behave more feminine.

Therefore, going through your wardrobe in search of what to wear for christening, you can put an end to trousers, shorts, bermudas and jeans in advance. It is best if it is a dress or skirt with a blouse or jacket. The length of the hem should be no higher than the knee, optimally - to the floor. Luckily, maxi length skirts have recently gained the status of a fashion item. If such an outfit still seems too extravagant to you, a knee-length pencil skirt will be quite appropriate for the occasion - it is moderately strict, moderately businesslike and moderately elegant.

Remember to keep your arms and shoulders covered. The most convenient and easiest option to do this is to choose an outfit with long sleeves, or at least with sleeves up to the elbow.

If the christening takes place in the summer, in hot weather, you can choose clothes without sleeves, but at the same time carefully drape your shoulders and arms up to the elbow with a wide, light scarf. True, this option may not be very convenient: after all, the godmother will need to take the baby in her arms after the ceremony, and the movement of the scarf can move a little and expose her shoulders. If you are just a guest, this option is quite acceptable.

Naturally, in the temple a woman should be with her head covered. And let the emancipe prove that this is, they say, discrediting, in reality it turns out that with a skillful and competent approach, this is an opportunity to decorate your own image. A beautifully tied scarf or a scarf draped with soft folds adds even more charm to a woman's appearance.

Let's talk about shoes

There are no strict rules that must be followed. When choosing what to wear for baptism, you need to be guided only by a sense of common sense and comfort. Since you will have to stand for quite a long time, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​wearing high heels. Low-cut shoes will be much more comfortable in this case.

Well, it is desirable that the shoes are not defiant: ankle boots richly decorated with rhinestones and sequins should be saved for another occasion.

Makeup: pros and cons

The church does not encourage the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it is definitely not worth creating an Indian war paint on the face. If possible, it is best to go to the christening without makeup. However, discreet makeup in a natural way will not look defiant. The only restriction that must be adhered to is to give up lipstick or gloss. You will have to kiss the cross and the icon, and leaving lip marks on them is impolite and ugly.

As for the use of perfume, it can only be a light unobtrusive aroma, but not a heavy bouquet.

Don't forget the pectoral cross

In general, it is desirable that every baptized person come to church with a cross on his chest. This is especially true for godfathers and mothers. Just remember that the cross should not be just a decorative decoration that is worn over clothes - you need to put it on right on the body.

Summing up

Now you know how to dress for a christening. As you can see, even under the rather strict restrictions that exist in the church dress code, the godmother and any guest can look beautiful and elegant.

In the life of every family, baptism is a responsible and important event, since an adult or child becomes a full member of the Church. In Orthodoxy, such an event is considered solemn and celebrated as a bright holiday. And so that within the walls of the church you do not feel awkward and do not receive a reprimand from the priest, you should be especially careful when choosing an outfit for baptism. In this article, we will talk about how to properly dress for christening, based on Orthodox traditions.

In the old days, when people gathered for Sunday service, they put on only the best clothes. Today this rule is not respected. Nowadays, everyone dresses casually, and sometimes they don’t even follow the basic rules that no one has canceled. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable and not distract others from the sacred sacrament with your outfit, you should think in advance how to dress for, and especially if you are the godmother, since all attention will be riveted on you, because the baby is on your hands.

Recommendations for women:

  1. Clothes for christening should be modest and not attract much attention to yourself. Women should avoid short skirts, shorts, blouses with open shoulders and large cutouts, as well as jeans and trousers. The best option is a skirt or dress of medium length with closed sleeves.
  2. An obligatory tradition is a scarf or scarf tied around the head, because the appearance of a woman with an uncovered head in the Temple of the Lord, according to the canons of Orthodoxy, is considered absolutely unacceptable.
  3. Christening clothes can be any color, but to feel more comfortable, you should choose outfits that have modest shades.
  4. It is also not recommended to do bright and defiant makeup. Only slightly tinted eyelashes will be appropriate, and lipstick is strictly prohibited. In addition, jewelry should not be worn, so it is better to remove bracelets and earrings at the entrance to the church.

Recommendations for men:

  1. Men are also encouraged to dress modestly. It is better not to wear jeans and shorts, as this is considered casual wear. A suitable option would be ironed and clean trousers.
  2. You can refuse a tie and a jacket, but a shirt is required. Her collar must be buttoned up. If you are so uncomfortable, then only one unbuttoned button is allowed.
  3. Before entering the church, males are required to remove their hats.

Baptism is a festive feast dedicated to the Baptism of an infant. The celebration of the great Sacrament of the Church over the baby is a special event that happens only once in a baby's life. During Baptism, a special, heavenly grace is sent to the soul and body of the baby. It can be compared to a spark from which the flame of love for God and neighbors should ignite.

Christening of a child. Scenario

During the celebration of christening, our ancestors performed this ceremony in a special way. Now some fragments of it have been preserved. Previously, only the closest relatives and friends of the family were invited to the christening, and then among those who came to visit the baby, there could be women who have a husband and their own children. Now not only all relatives are invited to the christening holiday, but also close and distant friends and colleagues. According to the scenario of Christening the child, the guests give various gifts, sweets, bring ready-made dishes with them, since it is difficult for the hostess, who has endured the burden of childbirth, to do everything herself.

What you need to know about the christening of a child?

The parents of the baby, his godparents and everyone who gathered to celebrate the christening are interested in what you need to know about the christening of a child. First of all, everyone should know the main reason for the celebration. This occasion is the spiritual birth of a child. The Sacrament of Baptism opens for him the entrance to the Church of Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven. The seed of eternal life is sown in the soul of a child. With proper care, it should grow and bear fruit. Proper care is the Christian upbringing of the child. often bring the child to church to participate in its holy sacraments. As soon as possible after Baptism, you should try to give communion to a girl or a boy. In the future, the fruits of the grace given during the Sacrament of Baptism to the child will be works of mercy, prayer for neighbors, compassion, help, care, strong faith in God and hope in Him.

Christening of a child. Traditions

A couple of centuries ago, the celebration of christening took place according to some traditions. Special respect during this celebration was expressed to the midwife - she was called "grandmother". The health of mother and baby depended on how she delivered the baby. Not every woman could be a midwife; she had to have a special gift given by God, and she had to be able to control her hands well. People have composed many sayings dedicated to midwives. For example: “God is with mercy, and the grandmother is with hands”, “They drag that midwife.” The second proverb says that this profession was especially popular and was in great demand. Previously, childbirth took place much more naturally than now: women gave birth at home in their usual conditions. This prevented the negative psychological moments that are now often found in hospitals. The child was immediately applied to the breast. From this, the hormone axicitacin began to be produced naturally in the mother's body. In modern maternity hospitals, the child is immediately taken away from the mother and they want to give her the opportunity to rest. At the same time, the artificial hormone aksitacin is injected into the woman's blood through a dropper. The task of the midwife was to help the woman during childbirth. To improve the physical condition of the mother, various herbal preparations were used. In modern medical institutions and maternity hospitals, there are advantages and disadvantages compared to how it was before. Doctors for the purpose of reinsurance often artificially induce childbirth. This complicates the process of labor activity, and serves as an additional psychological and physiological burden on the mother and child. During contractions and labor, artificial medicines are used, which have a number of side effects. After giving birth, the child may be separated from the mother for some time - it is very difficult for him. For five or more days, a woman can stay in the ward with other women in labor and their children. Different babies have different sleep and wake times. Weakened after childbirth, the female body needs peace and rest, and this is very difficult to do in such conditions. The advantages of maternity hospitals include the fact that if a child is born very weak and needs strong therapy, then this assistance can be provided as soon as possible and thus save the baby's life. The same can be attributed to the woman in labor.

During the celebration of christening, the birth of a child is also celebrated. This is usually the first meeting with the baby of many of his relatives and family friends. For the christening, traditional dishes were prepared for this holiday. They were called "grandmother's porridge", "grandmother's pies". Thus, according to the traditions of the christening of a child, gratitude was expressed to the midwife.

Christening of a child. Rules

According to ancient customs, it was customary to bring money for christening. They were given to the mother of a born and baptized child. Part of the money could be given to the midwife. The most important role at the festive feast was played by grandmother's porridge. This porridge was prepared by the midwife, and she brought it with her to the christening. Different localities could have their own special local customs for celebrating christenings. According to the rules of christening a child of that time, at first, under the guise of grandmother's porridge in a pot, they could bring anything. It could be boiled potatoes, pumpkin. In some cases, a live cat was hidden in the pot. Then there was a bargaining for porridge. Who gave more money to the young mistress, he had the right to break the coveted pot of porridge. Most often, this role fell to the godfather of the baby. Babkin's porridge was a symbol of procreation. If childless women were present at the feast, then they tried to break the pot of porridge in such a way that a large number of fragments flew in their direction. At present, very often, instead of grandmother's porridge, various sweets are put in a clay pot. At the end of the feast, children and all guests are treated to these sweets.

Gifts for the christening of a child

As a gift to a child, various toys, clothes, as well as items useful for the spiritual life of the baby are brought to his christening. When choosing baby christening gifts you need to pay attention to the holy icon-paintings, spiritual books, for example, the Orthodox prayer book, the Bible, the lives of the saints, and many other gifts. If a person does not know what to bring to the christening of a child, then he can simply take an envelope with him with a certain amount of money. The parents of the baby will buy themselves what is needed for the child at this moment.

How to celebrate a child's christening

Each family makes its own choice about what. There are families who prepare a certain scenario, invite a toastmaster or host, order traditional ancient dishes. And there are families who simply prepare a festive table. In any case, christening should be filled with joy about a baby born and baptized in the Orthodox Church. The little man seems still quite fragile and defenseless, but he is already the crown of God's creation, for the sake of which the Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself came to earth, suffered, resurrected and ascended to heaven.

How is the christening of a child

Experience shows that the way the Baptism of a child takes place can be characterized by an atmosphere of celebration. After a prayer during the Sacrament of Baptism, guests gather at the festive table, they make toasts and can even sing songs dedicated to the baby and his mother. On this holiday, dishes traditional for this holiday can be served: grandmother's pies, grandmother's porridge, grandmother's cakes and cheesecakes.

Music for baby's christening

It is customary to accompany the biggest events of our life musically. During the celebration of Epiphany, you can pick up light, pleasant music for the christening of a child and turn it on as a background during a feast. There are parents who try to find special songs dedicated to christening or just a baby and include them at certain moments of the celebration. The day of the child's christening should remain in the memory of parents, godparents and all guests as a unique event in their lives. Congratulations on the Baptism of the child should sound throughout the celebration.

Christening a child in the Church

In the Orthodox Church, the main moment is celebrated, in honor of which baptisms are celebrated. This is the Sacrament of Baptism (the christening of a child in the Church). The parents of the child and his godparents should prepare well for this Sacrament, since the baby cannot consciously take responsibility for serving God and His holy commandments, then his parents and godparents should do it for him.

How to dress for a child's christening?

When a woman goes to church to participate in the Sacrament of the Baptism of a baby, she must know how to dress for the christening of a child: be with her head covered, in a skirt or dress, preferably below the knee. Men, on the contrary, should be bareheaded. The baby is dressed in a baptismal set, or at first they can be dressed in ordinary clothes, and they can take the baptismal set with them for baptism, so that after immersion in the holy font, put it on the baby. How to dress a child for christening to celebrate this event at home, parents decide for themselves, although very often the baby remains in a festive white outfit. Everything you need for the christening of a child should be prepared in advance so that there is no additional fuss during the celebration itself.

Signs for the christening of a child

Among the people there are many signs for the christening of a child. A believer should not attach special importance to these signs. The most important thing is to believe in the saving truths set forth in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The Lord has given us His commandments that we must obey. These commandments must be memorized. A person who pays attention to various signs, superstitions and folk beliefs can fall into paganism. Thus, he betrays his Creator and Lord. Refusing to believe in omens, a person retains his loyalty to the Savior.

Where to celebrate the christening of a child?

Most parents prefer to celebrate their child's christening at home, although this is not a strict rule. You can send an invitation to the christening of the child and celebrate them in the restaurant. It all depends on what material, time and other resources you have. In any case, the question of where to mark the christening of the child is decided by the parents of the baby, consulting with close relatives and friends.

How to organize a child's christening?

If there is a person in the city where you live who can provide you with qualified assistance in organizing a christening, you can use his services. The main thing is that this person be an Orthodox Christian and practice his faith with good deeds. It is important that a person does not believe in any signs at the christening of a child. The rite of christening a child can be prepared independently. It is enough to set a good table, invite guests and welcome them. It is impossible to know everything about the christening of a child, so you should try to have a moderate sense of responsibility in preparing for this celebration.

Prayer for the christening of a child

In believing pious families, you can start a feast with prayer. Every Orthodox Christian before the start of the meal should say a prayer to his Lord. This may be the prayer "Our Father" or a prayer before eating food. If you have gathered to celebrate christening, then before the feast you can also read a prayer for children. How to celebrate the christening of a child, your heart should tell you.

Christening of a child. What should mom wear?

What to wear to a mother for the christening of a child is related to how people around her can perceive her. Mom should be dressed, on the one hand, modestly, but on the other hand, do not forget about the practicality and elegance of her clothes. Now there is a large selection of clothing for feeding. In order not to cause unnecessary anxiety to yourself and your baby, it is better to wear a comfortable blouse or nursing dress.

What to buy for a baby's christening?

Now we have a very large selection of what to buy for a child's christening. If you are going to the christening of a girl child, then she can buy a christening set for a girl, clothing for growth, hats, a doll or other toys. A good christening gift for both girls and boys will be silver rattles, children's silverware, silver spoons, silver mugs and other silver items that will benefit the child's health and stay in the house for a long time.

The birth of a child is the most important event in life for every parent. Spending time with the baby, mom and dad rejoice at the long-awaited meeting with him. After some time, many newly-made parents decide to baptize their baby. But, the rite of baptism is important not only for mom and dad. This event is also important for the godparents, who at that moment will be next to the baby, since in the future they will be considered the child's second parents.

Godmother clothes

Not all women know what to dress a godmother for christening. If you were invited to be a godmother, then you need to find out in advance how the godmother should be dressed. Below are some tips to help you match this event.

  1. Clothes for the godmother should not be defiant. It can be a long skirt and a blouse with long sleeves and no deep neckline, or a dress, also of the appropriate length.
  2. Since it takes place in the church, the godmother cannot wear pants or trousers.
  3. Some people think that clothes should be light. You can, of course, and dark, the main thing is that it should not be very bright and defiant.
  4. The head of the godmother must be covered with a headscarf or scarf, since a woman is not allowed to enter the church without a covered head.
  5. In addition to clothing, it is worth remembering that you should not put on bright makeup and paint your lips on this day, because during the ceremony the godmother will kiss the cross. Also, during the baptism, the baby will be in the arms of the godmother, so it is better to refuse perfumes so that the child does not cause an allergic reaction.

As you can see, the clothes for the christening of the godmother are quite simple and monotonous. I think that every woman in the wardrobe has the necessary clothes for baptism, and if not, then it will not be difficult to find them.

What should a godmother wear to the baptism?

A good option for the godmother at the baptism is a cocktail dress, but it must be at least knee-length and not shorter. Midi skirts with some New Look flair can also look perfect for a baptism.

What should you not wear to a baptism?

Avoid low-cut tops and short skirts/dresses. High necklines and knee-length or midi or maxi lengths are perfect! Avoid extremely tight and clingy clothing. (This is not to say your attire can't be fitted, just avoid EXTREMELY tight clothing.)

What do godparents give for Catholic baptism?

Godparents often present gifts of silver to the child. These can include anything from a silver cross necklace, to something silver with the baby's name on it. Many times the gifts from the godparents will be on display in the child's room or around the house. Because of this, engraved silver is typically given.

What should grandma wear to a christening?

“For a christening, you really want your look to be less structured and softer. Athough, avoid something like a loose cardigan, as that's too informal. Midi and maxi dresses or even an up-down hem are ideal.