What is the time difference between texas and florida

The time difference between Orlando, Florida and Dallas, Texas is 1 hour. Subtract 1 hour from Orlando time to get Dallas time. Current local time in Orlando is 2:19 am (September 20, 2022) and time in Dallas is 1:19 am (September 20, 2022).

Orlando is in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone, while Dallas is in the Central Daylight Time Zone.

The time zone offset for Orlando, United States is UTC-04:00, while the time zone offset for Dallas, United States is UTC-05:00.

Convert Orlando, Florida time to Dallas, Texas time

Time in Orlando

Time in Dallas

Use slider above to convert Orlando time to Dallas time or see time conversion chart below.

What is the time difference between texas and florida
 Civil twilight

What is the time difference between texas and florida
 Nautical twilight

What is the time difference between texas and florida
 Astronomical twilight

What is the time difference between texas and florida

12am 11pm
1am 12am
2am 1am
3am 2am
4am 3am
5am 4am
6am 5am
7am 6am
8am 7am
9am 8am
10am 9am
11am 10am
12pm 11am
1pm 12pm
2pm 1pm
3pm 2pm
4pm 3pm
5pm 4pm
6pm 5pm
7pm 6pm
8pm 7pm
9pm 8pm
10pm 9pm
11pm 10pm

Current local times

Orlando, Florida


Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Dallas, Texas


Central Daylight Time (CDT)


Time difference between Local Time and Local time


What is the time difference between texas and florida

3 Symbols are used to indicate the time zones: Summer, Standard or Winter, and No dst.

The current time zone is shown on the right side of the locality.

What is the time difference between texas and florida
Daylight Saving Time or summer time, -except Lord Howe Island- it is 1h. more with respect to the standard o local time zone.

What is the time difference between texas and florida
Winter Time or Standard local time UTC/ GMT, is the one used the rest of the year, when there is no DST summer time.

What is the time difference between texas and florida
Do not use daylight saving time throughout the year. (No Daylight Saving Time). The whole year uses the same time zone.

The hours +1h. +2h. etc. o -1h. -2h. etc. which appear to the right side of to the Locality, inticate the Current Time Zone of the Locality just at the time of consultation.

For example, if the

What is the time difference between texas and florida
symbol appears on the clock and you want to know the local time zone, the (UTC/GMT), you must subtract one hour (except Lord Howe 30 minutes)

If the clock shows the symbol

What is the time difference between texas and florida
it corresponds just with the standard time zone of the locality UTC/GMT, or the winter time.

The time with the symbol

What is the time difference between texas and florida
, as well as the winter symbol, corresponds to the local time or standard UTC/GMT time zone, with the difference that the time zone does not change throughout the year.

How many hours ahead is Florida than Texas?

The center of the Florida (FL) is 1 hour ahead of the center of the Texas (TX). PLEASE NOTE: Texas and Florida may span multiple time zones. We are using the US/Central and US/Eastern time zones.

Is Texas 2 hours behind Florida?

The center of the Texas (TX) is 1 hour behind the center of the Florida (FL). PLEASE NOTE: Florida and Texas may span multiple time zones. We are using the US/Eastern and US/Central time zones.

How many hours is Florida to Texas?

Florida is about 20 hours and 40 minutes from Texas, or just over 1,369 miles of driving.

Are Texas and Florida in different time zones?

The center of the Florida (FL) is 1 hour ahead of Houston, Texas. PLEASE NOTE: Florida may span multiple time zones. We are using the US/Eastern time zone. For more accuracy, choose specific cities for each location.