What essential oils are good for stomach pain

To help with bloating there are 4 essential oils you can apply topically to help reduce the effects of bloating. Always use a carrier oil to dilute an essential oil before applying it topically. (Carrier oils include: jojoba, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and sweet almond).

1. Ginger Oil
Ginger can be used to soothe a stomach internally, but applying on the tummy for bloating relief is almost as effective and will certainly give you a boost.

2. Chamomile Oil
Chamomile reduces bowel inflammation and eases the cramping pain. It can also eliminate gas in the intestines. It’s also been noted (though scientifically unproven) that it helps rid the body of parasites.

3. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil, diluted with a carrier oil, can help with most forms of pain but can help eliminate symptoms of bloating as well. Peppermint calms stomach muscles, reducing pain from cramping. It also helps eliminate gas from the intestines.
You can also use peppermint tea (not the oil) in combination to help clear the symptoms internally.

4. Cumin Essential Oil
Cumin oil is great for pain, cramps, and detoxing. It can help with IBS symptoms like diarrhea and constipation. This oil should only be applied at night as exposure to sunlight can turn it toxic. Pregnant women should NOT use it.

You can now order DoTerra essential oils via our online account here –

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only. Essential oils are very highly concentrated and potent and it is important to always check the specific safety data provided. Keep out of reach of children, the elderly, and pets. For external use only. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. If any essential oils have contacted your eye, wash out with a vegetable oil such as olive oil, not water.
Some oils may cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin. It is recommended to perform a patch test before use. To patch test, place one drop on the back of your wrist and leave for an hour or more. If irritation or redness occurs wash the area with olive oil then cold water and do not use the oil.

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Stomach and digestive upset is frustrating, but this simple DIY can help! Use essential oils for digestion and stomach ache to ease discomfort.

What essential oils are good for stomach pain

Guest Post By Grace Furman

Having an upset stomach is awful, and there are so many different symptoms and causes that it can be hard to even know what brought it on.

I am lactose intolerant, and while I have drastically reduced my dairy consumption, I have not cut it out completely. That is often the cause of my stomach discomfort. I am even beginning to wonder if I might have a slight gluten sensitivity as well (isn’t everyone?)

Regardless of the cause, you can use these essential oils for digestion to help reduce your tummy troubles. Some common symptoms of an upset stomach that this massage oil may be able to relieve include:

  • Bloating or Excessive Fullness
  • Burping and Belching
  • Flatulence
  • Indigestion and Abdominal Pain
  • Nausea
  • Constipation

There are many varied causes of stomach upset. If you are having digestion woes, one of these may be to blame:

Problems Essential Oils for Digestion May Help:

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the sugar found in milk and milk products. Those who are lactose intolerant cannot digest this sugar which can result in abdominal pain, bloating, burping and gas, indigestion, and diarrhea.

Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten is a combination of two proteins found in wheat and some other grains. People whose systems do not respond well to gluten, but do not have the antibodies or intestinal damage of celiac disease, may have gluten sensitivity. Symptoms may include gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and fatigue.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is characterized by abdominal pain and drastic changes in bowel movements from constipation to diarrhea or vice versa. It is also linked to stress and depression as they commonly occur together.


This is an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. They are specific kinds of carbohydrates and sugars that some people have a hard time absorbing during digestion.

Stomach Flu

The stomach flu is an intestinal infection called viral gastroenteritis (not influenza which affects your respiratory system). The symptoms typically include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, achy muscles, and a fever.

Food Poisoning

Also called foodborne illness, it is caused by eating contaminated foods or food that has not been properly prepared. Food poisoning is characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Thyroid Problems

Hyperthyroidism speeds up the digestive tract which can lead to cramps and diarrhea. On the other end of the spectrum, hypothyroidism slows down digestion which can cause abdominal pain, gas, and constipation.

Certain Foods

There are other particular foods that are more likely to cause digestive issues. These include highly acidic foods such as tomatoes and oranges, spicy foods, and food or drinks that contain caffeine.

What essential oils are good for stomach pain

Essential Oils for Digestion: DIY Stomach Soother Massage Oil


2 tbsp castor oil
12 drops fennel essential oil *†
10 drops chamomile essential oil
8 drops peppermint essential oil *†

Instructions to Make the Essential Oils for Digestion Stomach Soother Blend:

  1. Measure castor oil into a suitable container, tinted glass is the best option. You can use a small bottle or reduce the recipe by about one third to keep it in a roll-on bottle.
  2. Add in drops of fennel, chamomile, and peppermint essential oils.
  3. Store the Stomach Soother in a cool, dry place away from direct light such as a bathroom cabinet or drawer.

Instructions for Use:

  1. To use, place a few drops of the Stomach Soother massage oil onto fingers, or apply it directly on to your stomach if you are using a roll-on bottle.
  2. With your fingers, massage oil into your stomach in a clockwise direction (because this is the same direction as everything moves through the large intestine).
  3. Begin near your belly button and work your way outward.
  4. Start with very gentle pressure and gradually increase to the extent that it still feels comfortable.
  5. Make between 5-10 complete rotations.
  6. If your discomfort is more severe, lie down on your back and complete the massage process for a longer amount of time.

Notes: Shake before each use. Castor oil can stain clothing, so be wary of allowing it to touch whatever you are wearing before it has fully absorbed.

*Safety note: Fennel and peppermint essential oils are not recommended for use while pregnant by some sources. Check with a professional and always exercise caution.

†Safety note: Fennel and peppermint essential oils are not recommended for use on children under 6 years old. For older children, the essential oils should be diluted twice as much.

Ingredient Breakdown

Castor Oil

  • Deeply moisturizing with a multitude of benefits for the skin

Fennel Essential Oil

  • Treats constipation
  • Relieves gas
  • Decreases bloating
  • Soothes nausea
  • Acts as a diuretic
  • Aids in digestion

Chamomile Essential Oil

  • Relieves gas
  • Decreases bloating
  • Treats pain and discomfort in the stomach
  • Soothes nausea
  • Aids in digestion

Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Relieves gas
  • Decreases bloating
  • Treats stomach cramps and abdominal pain
  • Soothes nausea
  • Aids in digestion

What essential oils are good for stomach pain

You can combine the Stomach Soother Massage Oil with essential oils for digestion with other helpful strategies for dealing with an upset stomach to get back to health as quickly and painlessly as possible.

  • Stay well-hydrated by drinking clear fluids. This includes water, broth, and tea. Ginger and peppermint teas are especially good for soothing stomach issues.
  • Ensure you are you resting your body by lying down whenever possible and going to bed early.
  • Always practice thorough hand washing to protect your body in its weakened state and ensure you don’t pass anything (if contagious) along to others.

While most stomach complaints will work their way out of your system on their own, you should definitely see a doctor if you are showing symptoms of dehydration, have a fever above 104 degrees F (or 102 degrees F for children), cannot keep liquids down for 24 hours, or see blood in your stool or vomit.

Whenever I have any stomach discomfort, ranging from just eating too much all the way up to a lactose intolerance reaction, I simply apply my Stomach Soother made with essential oils for digestion, and it quickly and effectively relieves my tummy troubles. I always keep it on hand, especially if I’m eating out. Try it for yourself!

Can you put essential oils on your stomach?

Note: If your skin is sensitive, or if you're pregnant or nursing, it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor before using an essential oil on the skin. Essential oils can be applied on the temple, chest, stomach, wrists, feet, palms and back.

How do you use peppermint oil for stomach ache?

The usual dose of peppermint oil is 1 or 2 capsules, taken 3 times a day. It's best to take it around 1 hour before meals. Wait at least 2 hours between taking a dose of peppermint oil and taking an indigestion medicine. This allows the peppermint oil capsules to work properly.

What helps calm down a stomach ache?

Try putting a heating pad or hot towel on your abdomen. The heat can help relax the muscles and relieve cramping. Taking a hot shower or bath with Epsom salts may also help. If the stomach pain is persistent, try sticking to the basics with the “BRAT” diet – that is, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

Does eucalyptus oil help with stomach pain?

Eucalyptus leaf is used for infections, fever, upset stomach, and to help loosen coughs.