What does it mean when a guy misses you

“I miss you.” When a guy says he misses you, looks for these 15 signs and you’ll know he really means it.

They all say it, right? “Oh, I miss you, I miss you so much”. And you want to believe it. But is he genuine, or is it just a cheap ploy to get into your pants? You might think it’s impossible to tell, but here are 15 signs that will tell you if he’s being truthful, or just a smooth liar.

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What does it mean when a guy misses you

1. You talk all the time

Does he text you or call you all the time, even when there is no real reason to? Men usually don’t just call you for small talk like women will, so if he’s calling, he either goes straight to the point – if he has one – or he’s just calling to hear your voice and be connected with you, which is sweet and a sign that he probably does miss you.

MORE: How To Give Him Space So That He Misses You And Comes Back

2. He calls you late at night

We all know what a late-night, possibly drunk phone call means – it’s a booty call! But not necessarily. If he calls you drunk in the middle of the night telling you how much he misses you, maybe even slipping an “I love you” in there, that’s him without a filter. In vino veritas, my dear.

What does it mean when a guy misses you

3. He says he wants to see you

There’s a long way from words to actions, and this is where you’ll be able to tell the difference. When he talks about wanting to see you, that’s really nice, but does he follow through, or are you left with just the longing? A man who truly misses you and is dying to see you will actually make time for you.

MORE: How To Tell If He’s Testing You By Pulling Away From You

4. He makes plans

And if he wants to see you and truly misses you, then he’ll make a plan and stick to it, right? Here is where actions absolutely speak louder than words. Is he all talk, or is he ready to put his money where his mouth is and book a ticket?

5. He doesn’t exaggerate

You can generally tell if he’s telling the truth or not based on just how often he expresses that he misses you. Once in a while is okay, but if he’s just pestering you about it all day, then chances are he’s lying to get something. To miss someone is a feeling, and it’s special, and you share it with the other person reasonably.

MORE: The 10 Biggest Signs Your Ex Misses You

6. He stalks your social media

Okay, there’s creepy stalking and then there’s cute stalking – he’s in the latter category. It’s not that he’s obsessed with you, but that he’s keeping tabs on you. He’s liking your selfies, wants to know where you’ve been going, and most importantly – with whom. We’re going to talk more about that in a moment.

What does it mean when a guy misses you

7. He asks for pics of you

We want to see people we miss, right? So when he asks you for pictures, what he wants is to see your face. You know when you miss someone, so you go looking for pictures, just to catch a glance at them? Imagine how much he must want to see you if he’ll step on his ego and come out and ask you for a pic.

MORE: Exactly Why Guys Start Acting Distant All Of A Sudden (And What To Do About It)

8. He video calls

There’s no real reason to video call someone when you can just text or make a plain phone call, is there? You video call very close friends and people you love and care about, because you miss them. So, if he’s asking to video call, it’s because he wants to see your pretty face, and the way you smile at him. I’ll bet you he’s never video calling his best friend.

9. He’s jealous of your friends and outings

You know what I said about keeping up with your life on social media? Well, he sees all the guys you go out with, that work friend you’re close to, and all the bars you’ve been going to lately. That hand on your waist? He’s clocked it. And he’s super jealous. He won’t say it to your face, mind you; but he’ll make passive-aggressive remarks, or acquire a sudden and mysterious dislike for your male friends.

MORE: 13 Unmistakable Signs Your Ex Misses You

10. He asks about your personal life

This move is about as subtle as a wrecking ball, but he’ll start asking “casual” questions about your personal life. He’ll motivate it as being “just curious”, or interested in your life. But his real motives are finding out if you’ve been dating, if you’ve been sleeping with other guys, or if you’re in love with someone else, so he can gauge how much of a chance he’s got.

What does it mean when a guy misses you

11. He keeps reminding you of shared memories

There’s a saying that goes “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way”. But he has been looking back a lot lately, and you’re right there, in his cherished memories. He’s been reminiscing about the good times together because he misses you, and by asking you if you think about these memories sometimes, what he’s really asking is whether you miss him too.

MORE: Decoding Male Behavior: How Guys Deal With Breakups

12. He’s just really happy to see you

Do you remember falling in love and being positively giddy at the thought of seeing your man? Well, that’s how he feels about you now, because he can’t seem to stop smiling whenever he sees you. That ear-to-ear grin says so much, and he probably doesn’t even realize it. All those feelings he has for you are resurfacing and you can see it on his face. No guy is so happy to see someone, unless you’re his best friend who just came back from basic training or something. He misses you.

13. He doesn’t have much interest in going out

He doesn’t seem to be going out much lately, and you know why? It’s because he’s a bit sad. What’s the point of going out if you won’t be there? You’re not with him, so he doesn’t enjoy anything much these days. I’m afraid you’ve got him hooked.

MORE: 10 Signs He Misses You

14. He’s angry and frustrated

He sometimes seems very…intense, and you’re not sure why. He seems almost angry, but you’re not sure if with you. Well, can’t you see he is so into you? He’s been trying to show you and you don’t see it, and you’re not there with him and he misses you, and he probably just feels helpless.

What does it mean when a guy misses you

15. He asks people about you

Lately, a lot of people have been telling you that he’s been going around asking about you – how you’re doing, who you’re dating, and all sorts of other personal details. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he misses you bad.

MORE: 5 Ways You Know He Loves You Before He Actually Says It

Now, a problem almost all women experience: At some point he starts to lose interest. He doesn’t call you back or he becomes emotionally closed off. He seems like he’s losing interest or pulling away – do you know what to do? If not you’re putting your relationship and the future of your love life in great danger, read this now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…

Want to find out whether the man you are with loves you or not? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…

Take The Quiz: Does He Love You?

What does it mean when a guy misses you

Does He Love You?Take the Quiz

In summary…

1. You talk all the time

2. He calls you late at night

3. He says he wants to see you

4. He makes plans

5. He doesn’t exaggerate

6. He stalks your social media

7. He asks for pics of you

8. He video calls

9. He’s jealous of your friends and outings

10. He asks about your personal life

11. He keeps reminding you of shared memories

12. He’s just really happy to see you

13. He doesn’t have much interest in going out

14. He’s angry and frustrated

15. He asks people about you

What to say to a guy that says he misses you?

How to respond to I miss you: best responses to someone you like or love..
01“I miss you too.” ... .
02“What do you miss about me?” ... .
03“I've been thinking about you too.” ... .
04“I wish you were here.” ... .
05“I can't wait to see you again.” ... .
06“I am counting down the days until we're together again.”.

How long does it take for a guy to realize he misses you?

So, a few weeks to two months is the answer to the question, “How long does it take for a guy to miss you?” Typically, men realize what they lost when they can't find a woman with their personality. By then, they learn not all women are the same, and they shouldn't have broken off the relationship.

How do you know when a guy misses you?

One of the signs a guy misses you is that he may take his attention to the online version of you. At this point, he would begin to like all your posts, comment on the places where he's sure you'd see them, and even checks out everything you post on your Instagram stories.

Is I miss u the same as I love u?

While “I love you's” are often joyous moments, “I miss you's” come from a different place. They come from a place of reflection and recognition that something didn't go as planned. The hope that you once had in that relationship, that person, isn't there anymore.