What do i need to fly with my service dog

What do i need to fly with my service dog

If your companion is registered as a service dog, he/she can legally accompany you onto the cabin of an airplane during flights. Your rights are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, but it’s important to know every airlines policy prior to booking travel.

While they are required to accommodate you, each airline may have slightly different rules when it comes to flying with your service dog. When it comes to living with a Service Dog, it’s important to always stay as up to date as possible on the rules and regulations. Here is an overview of the policy on service dogs for the major American airlines.

Remember, if you are traveling abroad or to Hawaii, you should look into whether your destination requires animals be quarantined upon arrival. Service Dogs must follow the laws of foreign governments at all times.

While not all airlines have the same rules, there are certain rules that apply across the board. For service animals that are traveling free in the cabin, they must be small enough to sit in their handler’s lap, or on the floor below the seat in front of them. On all airlines, animals cannot obstruct the aisle. Most airlines also make it clear that travelers with an animal cannot sit in an emergency exit row.

When it comes to service animals, airlines do not require more proof than “credible verbal assurance.” However, if the airline feels less than confident, more documentation may be asked for at the time of boarding. Because “credible assurance” is a vague term, we strongly encourage you to check with the airline in person prior to booking tickets and bring additional documentation just in case.

Finally it is important to note that the information below is not necessarily complete. Just because an airlines doesn’t state a particular rule on their website does not mean the rule does not apply. For example, several airlines make it clear that some species of animal are not allowed on flights, while others make no mention one way or the other. You should not assume that the airline’s website is providing the whole pictures.

We ALWAYS encourage our travelers to check with the airline in person or over the phone prior to booking passage to make sure you understand all the details of their policies. This is especially true when booking international travel, as other nations do not always abide by the same laws when it comes to service animals.

What do i need to fly with my service dog

Alaska Airlines: View Policy

Alaska Airlines allows a passenger to travel with a service animal, and encourages travelers to inform one of their customer service agents upon arrival at the airport so that accommodations can be made. There is no additional charge for the service animal, and if you are taking a kennel with you, you may ship it as checked luggage for no fee as well.

As with other airlines, the animal must be able to fit at your feet, or in your lap without obstructing the aisles or other passengers’ space. Travelers with a service animal are not allowed to sit in an emergency exit row, and Alaska Airlines recommends trying to get a window seat so your animal is safe from foot traffic in the aisle.

Alaska Airlines also encourages passengers with service animals to provide some kind of harness or other distinguishing paraphernalia, but if that is not available, credible verbal assurance will suffice as long as the animal is well behaved.

If you animal cannot fit in the space allotted in the cabin, Alaska will find another flight for you or check your animal to travel in the cargo area free of charge. Please remember that the Airline will NOT provide you with a kennel if you have not brought one with you.

Service Dog in Training

Service animals that are still being trained sometimes need to be delivered to their handlers in other parts of the country. Alaska Airlines allows service animals in training to travel on flights, with certain conditions.

The service animal MUST be traveling with its trainer, and the trainer must be able to identify the new owner’s name and home city. The trainer must also provide documentation with official letterhead clearly stating that the animal has successfully completed training. For the animal to be able to travel in the cabin, space must be confirmed ahead of time.

Additionally, service dogs in training to not necessarily travel free of charge, unless the following criteria are met. Travel is wholly in the U.S., an official health certificate can be provided, the trainer who is traveling with the animal can provide their official ID card identifying them as a trainer.

What proof do airlines need for service dogs?

Airlines may require: (1) a U.S. DOT form attesting to the animal's health, behavior, and training; and. (2) a U.S. DOT form attesting that the animal can either not relieve itself or can relieve itself in a sanitary manner, if the animal will be on a flight that is 8 or more hours.

Can my service dog fly on a plane with me?

Service dogs can travel in the cabin. You'll need to contact the Animal Quarantine Service no less than 40 days before your arrival. Only dogs can be accepted as service animals; emotional support animals of any kind cannot be accepted.

How do service dogs go through TSA?

You and your service dog/animal will be screened by a walk-through metal detector. You may walk through together or you may lead the animal through separately on a leash. If you opt not to be screened by the Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), or a walk-through metal detector (WTMD), you will undergo a pat-down.

How do I make my service dog fly?

try to exercise your service dog before your flight, either at home or walking through the airport terminal. plan ahead for each airport terminal and locate the animal toileting areas before arriving at the airports. limit water and food that you give your service dog prior to your flight.