What countries can you buy tretinoin over the counter

TRUE. Virtually no one can sensibly argue that retinOL is better or more effective than RETINOIDS (like tretinoin or adapalene, also known by the brand name Retin-A or Differin, respectively – these are pharmaceutical grade medications). Most 'actives' don't penetrate the skin at all but retinoids are lipophilic meaning they are attracted to lipids (fats) and can easily penetrate the epidermis (However, retinol (retinyl) esters such as RETINOL (retinyl) PALMITATE do not penetrate the skin due to their chemical structure). Only tretinoin (retinoid) and tazarotene (retinoid) are approved by the FDA to treat photo aged skin.

Remember, retinOL refers to the weaker type of retinoid available globally without a prescription and used in formulations made by skincare brands.

However, if you have ever googled these products before you might get a little confused when you hear people saying that retinOL is ‘just as good’ or ‘is better than’ a pharmaceutical-grade RETINOID. What’s going on here?

A lot of misunderstanding and some blatant lying to gain market share and sell products by Big Skincare, of course.

There are certain countries where you can buy a decent quality pharmaceutical grade RETINOID over the counter at your local pharmacy. Dubai is one of these places (it costs about £4 for a tube!). Spain is another country where you can pop over to your local pharmacy and pick up a 0.02% tretinoin combined with a 4% AHA for €40 (Interesting combo, btw – not sure if I would recommend that to anyone!) 0.025/0.05/0.1% tretinoin for €20.

Mexico is another place you can pick up some decent retinoid from a local pharmacy. In the UK, some of the states of the USA and in some European countries, you have @dermatica.skin where you can get a retinoid as a prescription if deemed appropriate for you by the clinical team after filling out the online consultation.

So why are some people trying to tell you that retinOL is better than pharma-grade retinoid? Money. There is one blatantly unethical yet well-known dermatologist in a European country who actually posts about this on her instragram and says that skincare brand retinOL is superior to retinoid because retinoids ‘cause chronic inflammation in the skin’; this is completely untrue and this doctor does not provide a reference or any evidence for this statement.

She is also a big seller of a very expensive skincare brand that also sells a 15 g tube of tretinoin for close to £100 per tube as part of the £600-£700 set of ‘skincare’ products they claim is the ‘secret’ to great skin. And she works in a country where pharma-grade tretinoin is available to buy over the counter.

Remember – when faced with skincare confusion – this is a billion-pound industry, most people are not looking out for your skin or wallet’s best interest and it’s a business. Sadly, even doctors have fallen prey to this which negatively affects the entire medical profession. Please don’t judge us all by the one or two bad seeds among us. And don’t shoot the messenger.

Tretinoin (the generic form of Retin-A) is a proven effective treatment for acne, aging skin, scarring, and hyperpigmentation.

While it is very popular, tretinoin is not available over-the-counter. If you’d like to try tretinoin, you’ll have to reach out to a healthcare professional to obtain this prescription product.

Why can’t you get tretinoin over-the-counter?

While you can get other helpful skincare acids over-the-counter, these products are not classified as medications.

Like with other prescription medications, patient consultation and evaluation are required for safe usage; prescribed dosages and duration of treatment should be overseen by a medical professional.

Tretinoin is a powerful medication

In the same way, you can buy the anti-inflammatory Advil at the grocery store, you’d have to go to your doctor for prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medications. When it comes to prescription retinoids, these are pharmaceutical-grade treatments.

Retinoid products purchased over-the-counter are cosmetic-grade. The FDA regulates and approves pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, while cosmetic-grade over-the-counter treatments are not evaluated by the FDA.

What about over-the-counter alternatives?

If you want to dip your toes in the retinoid treatment waters without a prescription, there are a few over-the-counter options.  Keep in mind that these treatments are not tretinoin (aka retinoic acid), and do not behave exactly like tretinoin. They are in the same family with varying strengths and effects.

  • Retinol is available over-the-counter

Retinol is a part of the vitamin A family but is considerably weaker than tretinoin. For this product to work, a 2 step oxidative conversion must take place on the skin. This makes retinol very gentle and the effects take much longer (than tretinoin) to become visible.

Learn more:Is Tretinoin The Same As Retinol?

  • Adapalene is available over-the-counter

Commonly known as the brand name Differin, adapalene is available in low concentrations over-the-counter. This treatment is great for those treating acne and have very sensitive skin. (Tretinoin is a great acne treatment, but it can be very irritating to some.)

The retinoid cheat sheet

Where to buy, Retinoid, Uses:

OTC: Retinol - Gentle on the skin but requires a conversation process so benefits up to 6-12 months to become visible.

OTC: Adapalene (Differin) - A comedolytic that helps keep pores clear. Slightly less effective at treating acne than tretinoin but comparable.

Prescription: Retinoic acid topical (tretinoin)(Retin A) - Resurfacing anti-aging treatment great for wrinkles, scars, discoloration, and signs of aging. Also treats acne.

Prescription: Oral isotretinoin (Accutane) - Oral treatment for severe acne.

Now, you can buy tretinoin online

While you can’t buy tretinoin over-the-counter, you can get a tretinoin prescription online. It’s never been easier to try the real thing.

You can consult with a doctor remotely, and if they find you’d benefit from tretinoin, they’ll approve your prescription and some online companies can fill this prescription too.

Strut Health offers compound tretinoin products online

No, tretinoin is not available over-the-counter, but this is the next best thing.

If you’d like to try a prescription-strength retinoid, simply complete our questionnaire-based online doctor's consultation.

Our doctors will review your input and if you’re a good fit, we can prescribe one of our tretinoin-containing formulas and ship it right to you.

We have expertly formulated tretinoin-containing products designed to improve acne, melasma, signs of aging, and acne scars. If you think you’d benefit from a prescription-strength retinoid, we’re here to help make it as easily accessible and cost-effective as possible.

Do you need a prescription for tretinoin in Canada?

Vitamin A acid, also known as tretinoin, is a prescription medication applied to the skin that acts as a peeling agent.

What is the brand name of tretinoin?

Tretinoin comes as a lotion (Altreno), cream (Avita, Refissa, Renova, Retin-A), and gel (Atralin, Avita, Retin-A). Tretinoin usually is used daily at bedtime. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.

What does tretinoin cream 0.025 do?

Tretinoin is used to treat acne or other skin diseases as determined by your doctor. It works partly by keeping skin pores clear. One of the tretinoin creams is used to treat fine wrinkles, dark spots, or rough skin on the face caused by the damaging rays of the sun.

What are the side effects of tretinoin cream?

More common.
Burning, itching, stinging, scaling, or redness of the skin..
chapping or slight peeling of the skin (mild).
darkening of the skin..
lightening of normal skin color..
lightening of treated areas of dark skin..
redness of skin (mild).
unusual dryness of skin (mild).
unusually warm skin (mild).