Tipping system exacerbates unfair pay at restaurants rhetorical analysis essay

Tipping system exacerbates unfair pay at restaurants rhetorical analysis essay

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Tipping system exacerbates unfair pay at restaurants rhetorical analysis essay

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Reference no: EM133007030

In the rhetorical essay of Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants of Kathleen Kingsbury, what is the ethos, logos, and pathos in the story?

Reference no: EM133007030


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Tipping system exacerbates unfair pay at restaurants rhetorical analysis essay

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Why should Tipping be abolished?

Tipping is supposedly a repugnant practice because it dehumanizes servers who “must grovel for our change” to make their living. It also supposedly perpetuates poverty among servers, “enshrines” racial and gender discrimination, and encourages sexual harassment.

Why the tipping system is good?

Tipping provides an incentive for exceptional customer service that creates unlimited earning potential for servers. Typically servers earn between $19-25 per hour but many earn significantly more.

Is tipping a problem?

Tipping Encourages Worker Exploitation. The restaurant industry suffers from an endemic wage theft problem. According to the Department of Labor, the food services industry is one of the biggest violators of wage and labor laws; in 2016, the department found that the industry owed $39 million in back wages.