Theatre can be seen as entertainment

Theatre as an Art Form:

Objectives for this lesson:

Students will examine:

the nature of theatre as an art form

the various arts that go into the making of theatre


Theatre is a combination of many art forms, but when put together equals more than the sum of its parts.

A.  Theatre is a Literary Art : The Play

Perhaps the only concrete and lasting (permanent) element of the theatre.

The other elements are ephemeral (non-permanent) [Except for perhaps set and costume design, of which photos can keep a permanent record].

We have to look at the play in combination with its time and place -- its context -- for better understanding.

What makes a good play?

Theorists throughout history have disagreed and bickered about what makes a good play. Most base their arguments at least in part on Aristotle or variations of Aristotle - the Poetics (334 BC)-disagreeing, agreeing, or reinterpreting.

Although there is not one coherent theory of a good play, many basic premises have been determined by which we can evaluate a script -- realizing, however, that our criteria may not necessarily be the same as the criteria for a good play when the play was written - how the play was looked at at the time.

Interpretations / evaluations are different based on different ways of looking at the world, at people, at life, and at the nature and purpose of the theatre.

By looking at various theories and examining playscripts of different styles and periods, our ability to discern and evaluate aesthetic elements of the drama will become more acute.

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B.  Theatre is a Performing Art: The Production

The most ephemeral and immediate.

"The home of the now" (according to Cameron and Gillespie).

Robert Edmund Jones (early 20th century designer) -- "aware of the now".

An art for everyone.

Acting, directing, design, construction, running crew (musicians, singers, dancers).

An amalgam of all the arts -- making it either the least pure or the most pure.

Needs talent and skill to plan and execute, from all elements of the production.

Final product is a result of the efforts of many.

We can increase aesthetic and technical appreciation for the individual arts going into make theatre and for the different styles and periods of theatre.

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C.  Theatre is a Major Form of Entertainment:

Holds audience's attention-the primary form of public entertainment until the advent of radio and movies.

Theatre is fun: theatre is play (work, food, exercise) for the soul, for the mind, for the body.

All work and no plays would be boring.

Eric Bentley - suggested the concept of "eros" is essential for theatre - actual sweating breathing human beings in front of us --

Perhaps we could look at the theatre in at least four ways:

At Acting Studio Chicago, we appreciate and love all forms of acting, whether it’s for film or television, commercial acting or voice over work. But we especially love the theatre and we believe that theatre is still important. Acting for the stage is an all encompassing process that involves a great deal of collaboration from many different people. We at ASC believe that the art, process and effects of live performance are incredibly important in the current world of social media, digital technology and screens. Being fully present with a group of tangible, living, breathing people is important to the art of acting and for the human spirit.

  1. Theatre helps us to see a different perspective from our own. We’re shown humanity, psychology, motivations, conflict and resolution. We as the audience get to witness the trajectory of persons other than ourselves. As artists, we put ourselves into emotional and intellectual situations that may never arise in our personal lives. Theatre promotes us to give power to truth, to take risks and to advocate for new and diverse voices.
  2. Theatre reminds us that we are not alone.  Not only are we sharing space and an experience with the artists who are performing, we are sharing the experience with fellow audience members. Movies and television don’t have the same intimacy or sense of participation. Sharing an experience with live actors and live audience members is not only valuable, it’s necessary for human connection.
  3. Theatre is immediate, evolving and always different. Although the script may be the same every night, the performance is unique, each and every time it happens. No two performances are ever the same. In this way, everyone involved has a distinct and unique experience that can never be replicated.
  4. Live theatre helps to promote social discourse, dialogue and potential social change. Theatre is a cultural phenomenon that demands that society examines itself in the mirror. We can study societal problems and attempt to find solutions.  Coming together as a community to listen to opposing points of view is necessary.
  5. Theatre promotes education and literacy. Studies have shown that students who participate in theatre do better in school.

Here’s what some of our amazing instructors have to say on why Theatre Is Still Important.

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“It’s like a sporting event of the heart – where you’re gathered in a space, often shoulder to shoulder, breathing the same air, experiencing the same sensory input, and letting your thoughts and emotions go on an unpredictable ride together.”
~ Janelle Snow


Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“The theater is the only space where people will let you lock the door, sit in the dark together with strangers and listen to stories that illuminate who we are as a people.  It’s where we work out our ever changing definition of humanity, where we eek out empathy, hope and love.”

 ~ Esteban Andres Cruz

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“The human to human connection between artists and audience where it’s always morphing – anything can happen and that’s exciting!~ Linda Gillum

“Since reading fiction engenders empathy, how many times must this empathic growth multiply when experiencing it with 50 to 500 of your fellow humans? It has been proven that live theatre audience members’ heartbeats are synchronized, so I can think 

Theatre can be seen as entertainment
of no more powerful way to experience life’s joys, sorrows, and foibles. And from an actor’s perspective, there is no more rewarding gift than feeling those hearts beat, while eliciting laughter or gasps, sighs or sobs. There is no better high.” ~ Adrianne Cury

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“Live Theatre is important because there is nothing like it. Period. Whether we are ‘holding a mirror up to nature’ or as I’ve recently heard told that our audiences’ hearts beat together as one, live theatre is essential to us as human beings in this world.” ~Christina Gorman

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“Theatre is a shared experience. Audience and performers agree to suspend their disbelief and journey somewhere together. It is a temporary kind of community and we don’t have enough of that in everyday life.”~ Allison Latta

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“When we see live theatre, there’s always the possibility  something could go terribly wrong on stage. It usually doesn’t but the the threat is there. This keeps the audience on their toes and therefore adds a level of immediacy that you just can’t get in any other medium.”~Coburn Goss

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

“Live theatre is truly the greatest sustenance for the human spirit and perhaps for our collective spirit as humans on this crazy planet. Where else can 20, 50, 500 or more people sit together, breath the same air and share a one-time-only experience. 

Where else can we pull people up out of their seats, shake them up a bit and then plop them back down to reflect and discuss. Live performance (theatre, dance, music) acts upon its audiences in palpable, tangible ways building empathy and nurturing compassion. WE NEED THIS!!!!”~Kirsten Fitzgerald

Theatre can be seen as entertainment

If you’re interested in taking acting classes with any of these incredible instructors, click here and take a look around!

Is theatre an entertainment?

No matter if you are participating or viewing, the joy and positive experience that theatre can bring into one's life is often life-changing, fulfilling and comes with a large reward or payoff. This is often what makes the theatre arts fall solely into the entertainment category.

Is theatre an entertainment or art?

Theatre is a collaborative art form which combines words, voice, movement and visual elements to express meaning. The field of theatre encompasses not only live improvised and scripted work, but also dramatic forms such as film, television and other electronic media.

What is the purpose of theatre?

Live theatre helps to promote social discourse, dialogue and potential social change. Theatre is a cultural phenomenon that demands that society examines itself in the mirror. We can study societal problems and attempt to find solutions. Coming together as a community to listen to opposing points of view is necessary.

What makes theatre so special?

Theatre is different from other arts because it is movement and voice and telling a story. It is bringing words from a page to life. But it is so much more than that. It incorporates many different art forms into one piece of art.