Tell me about yourself interview question customer service

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Get Ready for Your
Customer Service Job Interview

You've got the customer service job interview. Well done! Prepare thoroughly using these common customer service interview questions and answers and be sure of standing out as the best candidate for the customer service job opportunity.

All customer service positions involve creating a positive relationship with the customer and ensuring the interaction the customer has is an efficient and satisfying experience. Expect interview questions that explore your ability to provide the right service to the customer.

How to introduce yourself in a customer service interview

Customer service is all about establishing good relationships with the customer. How you establish rapport with your interviewer will provide a good indication of your ability to interact with customers.  First impressions count and how you introduce yourself in the interview is key. 

  • Stand up, look directly at the interviewer, give a firm handshake and introduce yourself
  • Use the interviewer's name in your introduction to start the process of building rapport,  "I am pleased to meet you, Mr Brown"

Customer service job interview questions and answers

Candidates at a customer service job interview are asked a number of different questions:

  • standard interview questions
  • customer service specific interview questions
  • behavioral and competency customer service interview questions

Standard interview questions and answers

These often begin with the interview  question:

Tell me about yourself

This can be a tricky question to answer. You can use these good sample interview answers to Tell me about yourself to help you develop your own winning answer.

Standard customer service interview questions include:

  • Why should we employ you?
  • Why do you want to work here?

Interviewers are impressed by candidates you have prepared good interview answers that demonstrate the relevance of their skills and experience to the position. We provide a comprehensive list of common interview questions with sample interview answers.

Common interview questions about customer service

Frequently asked interview questions include:

  • What does excellent customer service mean to you?
  • What is your customer service philosophy?
  • What are your customer service strengths and skills?

Find excellent answers to these questions at Customer Service Job Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions for customer service

You can also expect customer service behavioral interview questions that look for evidence of the key competencies needed to succeed in a customer service position.

These customer service skills include customer service orientation, problem analysis and solving, accuracy, adaptability, patience and stress tolerance. Typical behavioral interview questions around these competencies and interview answer guidelines are found at Customer Service Behavioral Interview Questions

What is good customer service?

For detailed answers to questions about how you define and understand customer service go to:

What is Customer Service?

How do you Measure Customer Service?

Customer service jobs include those in retail, the call center, on a help desk and in sales.

Interview questions for different customer service jobs 

Specific interview guides for each of these positions include a list of job-specific interview questions with practical interview answer guidelines.

Customer Service Manager Interview Questions

Call Center Interview Questions

Retail Job Interview Questions

Help Desk Interview Questions

Sales Interview Questions

Bank Teller Interview Questions

Fast Food Job Interview Questions

Store Manager Interview Questions

Restaurant Manage Interview Questions

A number of customer service jobs are part-time. Find out how to answer part-time job interview questions.

How to prepare for your customer service interview

Before your customer service job interview carefully research the company. Familiarize yourself with the company's services and products, their mission, vision and future plans.

Find out who the company's competitors are and make notes of interesting facts about the company. Even if you are familiar with the company, you will learn valuable information from preparing for your job interview

Gain a full understanding of the customer service role at Customer Service Job Description

Use this research to prepare some insightful questions to ask in the interview. This list of good interview questions to ask include those that explore organizational strategy and plans, management style and ethos and the job itself.

These example answers for interviews will help you handle any job interview question successfully.

Your interview communication skills

Good communication skills are key to success in a customer service position. Listen carefully and ask relevant questions to clarify what the interviewer is asking.

Answer concisely and clearly. Use these communication tips for job interviews to help you.

Inspirational Customer Service Quotes

Your customer service job application

Customer Service Resume Objectives

Entry Level Customer Service Resume

Customer Service Manager Cover Letter

Customer Service Cover Letter

Everything you need to succeed in your customer service job interview

Prepare for any customer service job interview by using the interview guides put together by experts in the industry.

The better prepared you are the more confident and professional you will be in your job interview. Impress the interviewer and get the customer service job you want.

Latest Update - Customer Service Trends 2022

  • As brands try to become more "human" the quality of customer care becomes more important as people seek a human connection in a digital world.
  • Increase in home-based customer service representatives as technology means people can connect from anywhere to anywhere and work from home becomes more popular.
  • Customer service will be offered on an increasing number of digital platforms and channels and customers will expect to be able to start their interaction in one channel and complete it in another.
  • Increased access to and use of customer data means customer service will become more and more personalized.
  • Growth in digital interaction between customers and customer service agents as faster networks allow for this.
  • Increased focus on customer service delivery in non-traditional customer touch-points such as accounts receivable and shipping.

To Top of Page

What is the best answer for Tell me about yourself?

A simple formula for answering “Tell me about yourself” Present: Talk a little bit about what your current role is, the scope of it, and perhaps a big recent accomplishment. Past: Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or mention previous experience that's relevant to the job and company you're applying for.

How do you introduce yourself in a customer service interview?

Focus on your strengths related to customer service If you've had some customer service jobs before, you should focus mostly on that in your introduction, briefly explaining what you did, learned, achieved, and how it makes from you a good candidate for the position.


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