What is your greatest weakness interview question best answer

What are 3 good weaknesses in a job interview?

Examples of weaknesses on the job.
Inexperience with specific software or a non-essential skill..
Tendency to take on too much responsibility..
Nervousness about public speaking..
Hesitancy about delegating tasks..
Discomfort taking big risks..
Impatience with bureaucracies..

What are 3 examples of weaknesses?

Examples of Weaknesses..
Lack of knowledge of particular software..
Public speaking..
Taking criticism..
Lack of experience..
Inability to delegate..
Lack of confidence..

How do you answer the biggest weakness question?

You can mention skills that aren't critical for the job, discuss skills you have improved on, or turn a negative into a positive. Even though the question is about weaknesses, your answer should always be framed around the positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee.


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