Sylvester stallone abandoned house rare cars

Sylvester Stallone was born in Hell’s Kitchen, New York in 1946. He rose to fame starring in a film he wrote for himself in 1976. Rocky catapulted him to superstardom and garnered six sequels and now two spinoff films in the form of the Creed franchise. And speaking of franchises, the actor isn’t only a part of one, but a whopping 4 multi-film franchises that include the aforementioned Rocky films. Rambo, The Expendables and Escape Plan are all franchises that he helped create and bring to fruition. He has countless other roles to his name and they have made him a legend in the world of cinema.

The actor started primarily as a writer, and slowly started to acquire roles for himself as he went along, his big break ultimately coming in 1976. He is respected as a writer, having brought home the Academy Award for his script for Rocky and being nominated for Rambo: First Blood Part 2 in 1986. In fact, he has penned most of the movies on his filmography as well as films he never even starred in such as Staying Alive with John Travolta and Homefront with Jason Statham and James Franco. He is also a respected director having many films under his belt.

But aside from all the work he’s done in art, what does this man do in his free time? Well he paints, he obviously exercises a great deal and he collects cars, and a lot of them at that.

His collection is definitely one you should check out, and we have it for you in this article, as well as some very interesting facts about his private collection, the cars in his films and some of his iconic roles that revolved around the motor vehicle.

21 His Humble Beginnings


He didn't always have the car collection he now enjoys, but Stallone was no stranger to the motor vehicle. Even before he became rich and famous, he was totally “into cars.” Growing up, he sure got in a lot of trouble, but working out, playing football and thinking about his favourite cars definitely helped him spend his misspent youth a little more positively than he was used to.

He had been expelled from a few schools as he grew up, and it would be some time before he turned over a new leaf, but he did eventually get there.

He was driven to succeed and did whatever it took to realize his dreams. He even cleaned lion cages at the neighbourhood zoo!

20 His Porsche Panamera

via Jalopnik

The incredibly iconic Porsche motor vehicle company has been around for a whopping 87 years and was founded in Stuttgart, Germany. The company has produced an incredible amount of vehicles that have risen to the top of the food chain like a very expensive cream rising to the top of a container. The prestigious and very luxurious Porsche Panamera has been in production since 2009 and is still going strong. Stallone, often endearingly referred to as Sly has got one of these in his collection and can often be seen driving it around LA.

19 His Bentley Continental GT


Bentley Motors Limited was founded in 1919, almost one hundred years ago in Crewe, England by HM and WO Bentley. To say that the company is renowned for its luxurious and expensive vehicles would be a grave understatement.

The Continental GT has been in production since 2003 and yes, Sly’s definitely got one in his collection.

Interestingly, in 2004 Stallone launched a Body Transformation Challenge through the magazine he was publishing at the time—appropriately named Sly—in which the winner would receive cash prizes and none other than a Bentley Continental GT now talk about motivation to get to the gym!

18 His Aston Martin


Not everyone can afford the cars in this extensive collection, let alone an Aston Martin DBS like this model here. But when you’re as prolific as this man, and you’re racking in decent coin for the work you’re putting out, you can start to afford the things you always dreamed of acquiring. This is definitely a prided piece of automotive luxury that Stallone holds close to his heart. He’s often pictured driving it and uses it extensively throughout the week. Interestingly enough, the colour black seems to be a favourite of his, as many of the cars in his collection are black.

17 The Use Of Cars In Some Of His Iconic Films


Sometimes when a car is used in film, it has the ability to almost become an endearing character all its own. This happens more often than we'd expect. Stallone is famous for using quality vehicles in his films. Now we're not saying that all the cars in every frame of his films showcase the best of the best, but he is a stickler for showcasing powerful vehicles on film, allowing them to perform on cue. Many of his iconic films showcase the motor vehicle in glorified--often over-glorified scenes depicting the power of the car, or even at times the technique of the driver him/herself. You'll read all about these iconic vehicles in detail as you read on.

16 The Cars In His Movies Seem To Wind Up In His Collection


And of course it’s no doubt that the cars we see in his films often wind up in his very own personal collection. This was the case for the 1950 Mercury used in Cobra.

It has been reported that he actually designed the car specifically for its purpose in the film and the car has been listed at a whopping $250,000 dollar value.

Read on to find out what happened to this car. Also, the 1955 Ford F-100 that he drove in the 1stExpendables film  wound up in his very own garage.

15 His Cobra Car Was Actually Stolen From His Own Garage


What has been popularly come to be known as his "Cobra Car"-the 1950 Mercury we mentioned earlier, was actually stolen out of his very own garage. It's true. It was in 1994 that the car would be stolen, and Sly would be without one of his favourite and most prized of possessions for a very long time. But very much like many of the characters he portrays, and like his life credo, he didn't give up on finding it, and a blistering 17 years later, he found the car and he was reunited with the car that made Marion Cobretti a legend.

14 He Treated Himself To A Mercedes-Benz G550


When most people do a good job and want to congratulate themselves on a job well done, they pat themselves on the back and crack open a bottle of champagne with loved ones. That sounds about right. But when Stallone succeeded in getting the acclaim of the harsh critics for his portrayal of Rocky Balboa in the first Creed film, he decided to celebrate in a most grandiose fashion he decided to buy himself a ridiculously overpriced Mercedes! Good for him that he could do it. After all, he deserves it and the film was in fact awesome, as was his performance.

13 His Custom Camaro SS


The old stereotype “Gino Camaro” doesn’t seem to bother Stallone one bit, as it definitely shouldn’t. Yes, he’s got machismo, yes he’s got that swag of a classic 60s Italian American greaser, but when it came to acquiring the cars of his dreams, nothing was going to stop him, not even a silly stereotype coined by the masses of the past.

His custom Camaro SS is definitely a sight for sore eyes and it is surely a departure from the models of the past, especially the tumultuous 80s.

It makes an appearance often, Sly opting to drive it to dinner every now and again even a luxurious dinner in the Hollywood Hills.

12 He Played A Mechanic In A Role That Was Close To His Heart


In the 80s, Sly had grown tired of playing the action hero roles that had brought him quite a bit of fame. He wanted to return to the movies that had a little more heart. So when he found this project to work on, he couldn’t have been happier, as Lock Up was definitely filled with a lot of heart and drama. In the film, he plays a mechanic who after making an innocent mistake is sent to jail. In prison, he is physically and emotionally tortured by a prison warden bent on revenge, and the only solace he and his fellow inmates have is a beautiful car that they can work on as they serve their time, a gorgeous 1965 Ford Mustang.

11 His Bugatti Veyron

via YouTube

He and his action icon colleague, Arnold Schwarzenegger have a lot in common. If it isn’t a set of bulging biceps apiece, or the plethora of major motion pictures they’ve brought to the screen, then it’s their admiration for very rare and expensive watches.

They can be quite competitive—in an endearing way of course, often trying to out-do each other when buying new watches.

But that competitiveness doesn’t stop at watches or at the box office. They compete in the car collecting domain as well. They each have the car pictured here and often drive them when they meet for lunch.

10 His Admiration For Car Racing


In 2001, Sly paired up with world-renowned director Renny Harlin for the second time to bring the world Driven—a film about the cart racing world. The two had previously worked together on Cliffhanger in 1993. Stallone wrote the script himself, completely immersing himself within a world he knew little about, but was so eager to learn. When making the film, he enjoyed driving a lot of the cars, even performing some of his very own driving stunts. Does the term: kid in a candy store come to mind? The result was a visual masterpiece, as Harlin is known to deliver—and stunts that are still talked about today.

9 Lincoln Hawk: A Role Tailor-Made For Him


As we stated earlier, Stallone often plays a car aficionado, or a motor head just trying to stay alive. In Over The Top, Sly played a soon to be widower father who is charged with the custody of his young son. There's only one problem: the boy's grandfather doesn't think that the truck driving / arm wrestling brute Sly plays is good enough for the likes of his grandfather. The film was indeed touching and it too has become a classic in Sly's listed bibliography. The film features an absolutely astounding and powerful 1986 White Volvo, as well as a beat up Autocar A64 that had seen better days.

8 His Custom Ford Mustang


No stranger to the Ford Mustang brand, Sly adores this particular item in his collection and has often been seen at the wheel driving about. The custom paint job is an awesome sight, and the car’s performance level is evident when he runs it down LA highways.

The Mustang in and of itself is a beast of a car, and that’s putting it mildly.

It is the favoured car of many motor heads and there is definitely many reasons for that. The Ford brand itself isn’t always the most popular brand of vehicle, but the Mustang speaks for itself, as it should. It’s reputation is well earned.

7 His 1932 Highboy Hot Rod


Any car aficionado will tell you that he likes all sorts of vehicles. We here at HotCars will definitely tell you the same. If it's got an engine, we're interested, big time. But, precious readers and motor heads alike, we'll find it safe to assume you all know that by now after seeing all the awesome vehicles we feature and write about week to week, day to day. Sly himself is one of us. A dude that is impressed with all forms of cars and vehicles, as his 1932 Highboy Hot Rod definitely proves. Your average "car freak" won't be driving one of those beasts around. It takes a special kind of gear head to appreciate the power and style of a good old hot rod.

6 The Comic Relief


Stallone has never been one to shy away from comedic roles, even when the critics were their harshest. But in 1993, he brought to the screen a film that would combine action, science fiction and comedy in one hilarious and entertaining package. The film takes place in the future and he plays a cop that is released from cryogenic captivity to catch a criminal from his time. In it, the police cruisers are interesting to say the least. Based on the 1992 GM Ultralite. They had the ability to drive themselves as well as a self-drive option. Let's just say the vehicle makes for many funny scenes, along with the hilarious concept that in that future time, toilet paper no longer exists! The film also features a beautiful 1970 Oldsmobile 442 (with bucket seats!)

5 It Isn't Just Cars He Loves


In 1982, he brought the character of John Rambo to light, after adapting the novel by David Morell into a very gripping and entertaining screenplay. The film packs a punch and has gone down historically as a classic. In the film, Rambo can be seen riding a dirt bike while he escapes the town police chief, heading for the mountains.

He also rode a beautiful Harley Davidson with the Italian Stallion emblem on the gas tank in Rocky as well as a beast of a chopper in the Expendables.

Cars are awesome on film, but as we learned with Easy Rider, motorcycles on film make for epic scenes, rendering the iconic stars riding them even more of an impressive force than they already are. They do that for normal people too .. just not on such a large scale.

4 He has An Extensive Motorcycle Collection As Well


So it isn't, nor should it come as a surprise that he has quite the number of motorcycles to his name as well. Perhaps the most cherished item is in fact the black and yellow Italian Stallion issue Harley Davidson from the Rocky films which he no doubt owns. He can be seen in many pictures online on that beauty and from many eras of his illustrious career. The motorcycle represents so much for him after all. In the Rocky film, the character purchases the bike when he has reached the pinnacle of his career at the time. Maybe for Sly, that was kind of art imitating life. He also has a few choppers laying around the old garage and has been pictured with them as well.

3 Jesse James Wouldn't Build Him A Custom Bike


Of all the public figures that have garnered themselves a few minutes of fame and time in the spotlight, perhaps Jesse James is the character that rubs the most people the wrong way. There is of course many reasons for this, as his public image has been tarnished every now and again and his name has been slung in the mud a few times over. He was once romantically linked to the ever beautiful and classy Sandra Bullock, and he made headlines for apparently breaking her heart. That was indeed terrible, but the worst tid-bit of information--the most terrible thing he could have ever done is so terrible. I've got a hard time writing it down, but here it goes: He wouldn't build Sylvester Stallone a custom chopper! Reasons behind this are unclear, but video of him talking about it shows him being quite negative and disrespectful. How could you, man? That's Rocky Balboa.

2 His Rolls Royce


Rolls Royce was first listed as a private company back in 1906. It would be the year later that it would be listed as a public company in 1907. In 1971, they became a governmentally owned company and continued to produce some stellar vehicles of a very high end. The government’s reasons for buying the company: they stated that it was too big to fail. Indeed.

The company is more known for building high quality and luxurious vehicles that only the rich could afford.

And yes, in case you were wondering Sly’s got one, and it’s definitely a beauty.

What kind of car is Sylvester?

And now one of its most recent creations, a stretch Cadillac Escalade made for none other than Sylvester Stallone, can be yours. A 2019 Escalade ESV that Becker customized for the Rocky star was recently posted for sale on the shop's website.

Why does Sylvester Stallone speak like that?

This caused paralysis of the lower left side of his face (including parts of his lip, tongue, and chin), an accident which gave him his signature snarling look and slurred speech. As a result, he was bullied as a child and so he coped with bodybuilding and acting. He was baptized Catholic.

How old is Sylvester Stallone right now?

76 years (July 6, 1946)Sylvester Stallone / Agenull

Where did Sylvester Stallone live in Maryland?

Silver Spring, MD Other major box office hits include First Blood: Rambo (a four-film series) and Cliffhanger. Stallone, predictably, lives in Hollywood. But as a kid and into his teen years, from approximately 1952 to 1962, he lived in this Cape Cod-style house located at 1956 Seminary Road in Silver Spring, Maryland.