Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

I thought I'd comment since I was on a similar timeline. My miscarriage started with the heaviest bleeding on June 15th as well, bleeding subsided after about a week (I had some light to medium bleeding for 3 days before the 15th). On the morning of the 15th, my Hcg was at 322, by the 20th it was 14.

Yesterday morning I also had a very faint line on a First Response test, but I'm not trying to get my hopes up and will be re-testing tomorrow morning.

Did you have a period after your miscarriage? If so, how long ago was it? That's usually the best indicator, besides bloodwork, that your Hcg went down to negative in order to ovulate and have a period.

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 11:01 am

Ok, not got a clue what is going on, hoping someone can advise.

6 weeks ago I had a tiny bleed at about 6 weeks pregnant. Blood tests confirmed early miscarriage. I have had negative results from home kits since.

I had an internal ultrasound a week ago because I hadn't had a proper bleed yet. The ultra sound show that I didn't need any further treatment and that the womb lining was thick so I should expect a bleed in the next week. No sign of the bleed. I was due on the day I had the scan, if you count the small bleed as a period (as I was told)

I haven't been feeling myself, very weird in fact, tired faint, on and off different foods, hot and cold, feeling sick etc.

So I tested today, as a just in case. There is a line. Faint but definitely there.

Could this be something to do with the miscarriage? Do I need to see a doctor? Or do I wait a week to see if there is a bleed and if not test again??


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Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:09 pm

Anyone? I know it hasn't been long since I posted but quite confused and I don't know what to do!

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:12 pm

It takes a fair few weeks for pregnancy hormones to disappear, so thats probably why you still have a faint line. Just as hormones rapidly increase in the first few weeks of pregnanyc, they also slowly disappear once a miscarriage has occured. I know when i had my miscarriage last year, it didnt pass naturally and i had to have the pregnancy removed, it took a few weeks for the pregnant feeling to go away as the hormones decreased.

If you are unsure, go back to your GP?

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

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Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:15 pm

Yes I know what you mean about the levels, but mine had already gone down to less than five a few weeks ago, and from what I understand, to get a positive on a hpt you have to be higher than at least 25 sometimes 50. But then I am not sure. And I am, not sure if there is anything that could make my hcg levels raise again other than a new pregnancy?

Thank you for replying! My mum thinks I should wait, it is driving me slightly crazy, more because if it indicates a problem then I want it sorted as soon as possible. If this isn't showing an issue then I could wait a lot longer, just the possibility of an issue that is worrying me really...

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:17 pm

Yes I know what you mean about the levels, but mine had already gone down to less than five a few weeks ago, and from what I understand, to get a positive on a hpt you have to be higher than at least 25 sometimes 50. But then I am not sure. And I am, not sure if there is anything that could make my hcg levels raise again other than a new pregnancy?

Thank you for replying! My mum thinks I should wait, it is driving me slightly crazy, more because if it indicates a problem then I want it sorted as soon as possible. If this isn't showing an issue then I could wait a lot longer, just the possibility of an issue that is worrying me really...

Then wait a few days and do another test. Make an appointment with your GP in the meantime, and see what they advise.

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:22 pm

sorry! pressed submit when i was nowhere near finished!! yes, so your GP shouldnt mind doing a test there and then for you, and it might help to settle your mind a bit- it's such an anxious time regardless of if you had had your miscarriage or not- that faint line can drive you mad!!

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:33 pm

sorry! pressed submit when i was nowhere near finished!! yes, so your GP shouldnt mind doing a test there and then for you, and it might help to settle your mind a bit- it's such an anxious time regardless of if you had had your miscarriage or not- that faint line can drive you mad!!

You can say that again!! I went in to DH (still in bed, at the time, not now!) and said, can you see anything here, and he said yeah, one line in each box. He thought that was standard and a pregnancy would show a cross in one box, but I checked the instructions twice!

Not got a clue what to read from my body, the last three months it hasn't had a normal day, I guess a bit of time and the doctors is what I need. And a stiff drink. Might wait a bit for that one though, until I'm sure of what is going on!

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Katie C(207)

14/08/2012 at 12:42 pm

I was told after my miscarriages that if I had a neg it was neg and any positive after was just that a positive pregnancy test.

So I would say your probably pregnant if you have been getting negs and now have a pos!

Good luck


Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:45 pm

Hey hun

I agree with Katie I can't see why you'd get negatives previously and then a positive. Fingers crossed for you, when you get some answers you will have to let us know what's going on!


Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

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Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:45 pm

I was told after my miscarriages that if I had a neg it was neg and any positive after was just that a positive pregnancy test.

So I would say your probably pregnant if you have been getting negs and now have a pos!

Good luck


Thank you, would love that to be the case but obviously not getting too carried away until it is confirmed, even then, with what happened last time I can imagine I won't really believe it until further down the line.

All good thoughts welcome though

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 12:52 pm

Before i had my 9yr old i had a mc at 8 wks, i then fell pregnant 2wks after having the mc so did not have a period after the mc, the pregnancy went fine even though i was very nervous.You may well be pregnant again, good luck.

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Katie C(207)

14/08/2012 at 1:10 pm

Thank you, would love that to be the case but obviously not getting too carried away until it is confirmed, even then, with what happened last time I can imagine I won't really believe it until further down the line.

All good thoughts welcome though

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Completely understand!

Keep my fingers crossed for you!

Good luck.

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage


14/08/2012 at 2:45 pm

I just spoke to my GP who reviewed the ultrasound results and said that there was nothing at all retained so that wouldn't have any affect on this pregnancy test. As I told her it was a faint line she said I could retest to be sure.

So I got my answer, this is nothing to worry about, and could lead to something nice

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

That is as far as I am getting for now

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage
Thank you ladies
Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

Strong positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage

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