Spider-man no way home x reader

Request: “Omg for sure OKAY SO I have a NWH idea, reader is dating Peter (Tom’s) and when all the other Peters come, they’re confused because in their universe reader looks exactly the same (bc why not); and maybe like reader died in another universe so one of the Peters is super happy to see them. I don’t know but I’ve been wanting to see a fic with this idea since a few hours ago”

Pairing: Peter Parker (Tom & Andrew) x Reader

Tags: @idli-dosa @katherineholmes @d1nne @gabiatthedisco @love-granger​ @systemfailuresunshine​

Warning: No Way Home Spoilers!

[ Part 2​ | Part 3 ]

Spider-man no way home x reader

Originally posted by buckypascal

“Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.”


It had been a long and hectic day. 

To make matters worse you hadn’t seen your boyfriend Peter since the morning. Now here you were in Ned’s grandma’s apartment with MJ. You were both in charge of Doctor Strange’s box while Ned proudly wore the sling ring.

You all tried to distract yourselves by watching TV but it only made things worse. Every single news channel was reporting about the fight that had just gone down in Happy’s apartment complex.

You knew Peter definitley didn’t leave the fight unharmed. The number of villans he had coming after him was overwhelming. Any superhero would be exhausted after that. 

“I’m gonna press it.” You blurted out.

“What?” Ned asked slightly taken back.

“I know he told me to wait, but I’m gonna do it.” Your patience was running out.

“I just wish….I wish we could see him.” Ned made a gesture with his hands and a couple of sparks appeared out of thin air.

You and MJ lifted your heads up and turned to look at your best friend. “Ned?” MJ asked. 


“Do that again.”


“With the same hand gesture.” You added.

“I just wish we could see him.” Ned moved his hands around again.

This time an even bigger portal appeared but it quickly vanished. The three of you stood up in anticipation.

“Okay.” Ned tried again. He kept his right arm still while his left one moved in a circular motion, “I just wish we could see Peter.”

The portal opened again but this time it stayed. You smiled as you saw Peter standing at the end of an alley.

“Peter, come here!” You shouted excitedly.

You sighed in relief as you realized you were finally going to see your boyfriend again.

But what you didn’t know was that this other Peter couldn’t believe his eyes. 

He thought he was looking at a ghost. His dead girlfriend was calling out for him. It had been 10 long and painful years, a decade since he last heard your beautiful voice or seen your warm smile.

You heard Ned’s lola (grandma) say something to him but you didn’t pay close attention. Your expression was laced with curiosity as you looked at Peter. He just stood there motionless, like he was thinking deeply.

Even through the mask you could tell he was confused.

“Lola, you’re right. I am magic.” You heard Ned say. “Is that him?” MJ asked.

Peter lifted his arm up waving slightly. You waved back still a bit confused by his behavior. 

“Yeah…yeah it has to be.” Ned replied causing you to nod. “Yeah I don’t think it’s anyone else……” As confident as you wanted your response to be it came out more like a question.

MJ and Ned started shouting, “Peter! Peter!”

“Hey, Peter!”

“Let’s go, come on!” You waved at him to come.

You walked over with your arms extended ready to greet your boyfriend or so you thought with a hug.

Although you noticed Peter’s run was slightly off it wasn’t until he jumped through the portal when it hit you that this Spider-Man/Peter wasn’t yours.

You quickly brought your arms down.

Peter couldn’t believe he was standing in front of you. You were alive and breathing. You were looking at him with your beautiful e/c eyes. You were safe. You were okay.

“WHOA!” MJ and Ned exclaimed also noticing the obvious difference.

Although you were taken aback by this different Spider-Man you couldn’t help but stare back at him as he stared at you through his mask.

Just like your Peter this one towered over you. But with this other one you only reached his shoulder. Unlike with your Peter, you reached his chin.

Unbeknownst to you this other Peter couldn’t believe you were standing in front of him. You looked exactly the same as you did during your guy’s senior year. It felt like he had gone back in time to before you died.

Warm tears accumulated in his eyes. He wanted to hug and kiss you so badly but even he knew you weren’t his Y/n. You were just another version of her.

But no matter what universe you were from you were still as beautiful as always.

He also didn’t want to freak you out more then you probably already were. As this Spider-Man leaned towards you Lola’s scream startled you all. 

He quickly snapped his head in her direction, “Hi. Hi.” He waved.

But this only caused Lola to throw a pillow at him. 

“No no no. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m a nice guy.” He reassured before pulling off his mask.

Without a doubt this wasn’t your Peter. But this guy was still kinda cute. Well….very cute. Handsome.

No. Wait, stop. You have a boyfriend Y/n.

You shook your head before taking a few steps back. Ned and MJ were both as equally as confused. I mean so were you but you still tried to keep a straight face.

“Okay.” Peter put his arms out. 

“Who the hell are you?”

“MJ you could’ve asked more nicely.” You suggested while raising your eyebrow at her.

“He’s in our world, dressed like your boyfriend who is also our best friend. There wasn’t exactly a nice way to ask!” MJ exclaimed clearly on edge by the situation.

“It’s okay no worries.” The stranger reassured. 

“I’m Peter Parker.”

“That’s not possible.” MJ retorted.

“I am Spider-Man, in my world. But then yesterday. I was….I was just here.” Peter explained.

You frowned a bit. The poor guy was probably just as confused and nervous about the situation just like you all. After all, he was just in an alley. 

As Peter walked backwards MJ put her arms out in front of her while Ned raised his arm that had the sling ring on it. You took a few steps forward. Although you knew nothing about this Peter you still believed him.

After all, maybe you existed on his world? Maybe you were neighbors? Former classmates? Best friends? Co workers?  Who knows. But something told you you could trust him.

“String theory, multidimensional reality, and matter displacement. All real?” He asked. He looked like a little kid in a candy shop.

“Yeah.” The three of you confirmed. 

“I knew it.” He pumped his fist.

If there was something this Peter and your Peter also had in common it was that they were both huge science nerds. Which you found very adorable.

Somethings never change.

Ned looked at you and MJ, “This has to be because of the spell.”

“The spell? Like, magic spell?” Peter asked. “There’s no spell.” Ned stated. “No spell.” 

“Magic’s real here, too?” He questioned. 

“I mean-”

“Shut up, Ned.” MJ hissed. 

“It’s not real.” 

“Shut up.”

“There’s magicians and stuff.”

“Stop talking. Stop.” If looks could kill MJ would have pulverized Ned by now.

“But there’s no, like…”


You rolled your eyes at your best friends’ banter. 

“Prove it.” MJ looked at Peter, “Prove what?”

“That you’re Peter Parker.” 

That’s it you had to step in. You stood in front of the new Peter with your hands on your hips.

Before he could respond you spoke up, “All right that’s enough MJ. I believe him, alright? Just look at him it’s obvious he’s Peter Parker. Why would he lie?”

“Still can’t be sure until he proves it.” MJ insisted.

“I don’t carry an ID with me, y’know? It kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing.” 

You nodded, “Exactly that’s a great point.” 

MJ threw a bread roll at Peter but before it could hit him you extended your left arm and easily caught it.

“MJ stop.” You glared before placing the bread on the table. She was standing in a fighting pose.

“Why’d you do that?” Peter asked.

“I was seeing if you have the tingle thing.”

“Spidey-Sense.” You corrected.

Peter stared at you like he was remembering something but then he shook his head and looked at MJ again.

Well that was weird.

“I have the tingle thing, well Spidey-Sense. Just not for bread.” He shrugged.

“Don’t you dare.” You told MJ as she picked up another bread roll.

You turned to look at Peter, “I am very sorry about her. As you can see she is a deeply mistrusting person.”

You laughed nervously causing Peter to feel a tug in his heart. It took all the strength in his body to stop himself from hugging you. Even in this world you were incredibly kind and you trusted him.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. I respect it. As long as you’re okay then everything’s perfect.” 

You looked at him confused. But before you could ask him what he meant he jumped and hung from the ceiling with his right arm.

“Crawl around.” MJ moved her finger in a circular motion while her other hand held onto the bread roll.

“Crawl around?” Peter asked.



The two argued back in forth. You were becoming stressed out by everything that was happening. You breathed in and out deeply a few times to get rid of the heavy feeling in your chest. 

As MJ argued with Peter he frowned when he noticed your state. You were doing everything his version of you did when you were anxious and stressed. 

You had your fists clenched together in a ball, you tried to steady your breathing and walked back and forth. Clearly all this arguing was only making things worse. An anxiety attack was the last thing he wanted you to have.

He sighed and looked at MJ. 

“Fine I’ll do it.” 

Ned and MJ were confused but quickly put the pieces together when they saw him looking at you.

He placed his hands and feet on the ceiling into a crawling position This caused you to look up at smile. Ned’s grandma spoke but since you all couldn’t understand Ned translated for you all.

“My lola’s asking if, you could just get the cobweb there. Since you’re up there.” 

“Yeah.” Peter put his mask in his mouth. He crawled to the corner of the wall and removed the cobweb with his hand.

“Thank you.” Lola said as he jumped down.

“We good?” Peter asked extending his arms out. “For now.” MJ replied. You shook your head, “No, we’re good now. Thanks.” Peter smiled.

“You’re acting a bit strange. Do you know me? Do I exist in your world?” You asked.

Peter’s heart dropped. He shifted his gaze from you to the floor, “I-uhh….Y-you existed in m-my world.” He looked back up at you. His eyes were starting to tear up. You felt so bad for bringing it up.

Hell, you were my world.

You furrowed your eyebrows but your eyes quickly widened as his words sunk in, “Did I die? What happened?!” You placed your hand on his shoulder. He froze at your touch so you took a few steps back. 

He sighed, “I think it’s best if I don’t tell you. Now’s not a good time. But if you truly want to know I promise I’ll explain everything later.” 

You nodded.

“What you should know is that you look exactly like her. Even how you act and talk, it’s the same. Which is why this is really hard for me.” He blinked back his tears.

You looked down sadly.

This wasn’t going to be an easy conversation so you understood if Peter was hesitant to speak about what happened. This was clearly still affecting him and a lot so maybe you and him had a deeper connection?

Maybe like the one you and your Peter have right now?

“It’s okay. Tell me when you’re ready, there’s no rush.” You reassured him.

Now you were nervous to find out what happened. Could history repeat itself?

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Ned, “So I opened the wrong portal to the wrong Peter Parker.” 

“I guess you keep doing it until we find the real one.” MJ replied.

“Ouch.” Peter responded.

“No offense.”

You chuckled, “What she meant was until we find the Peter from our world. Sorry, again.”

“Really, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.” Peter reassured causing you to nod.

There it was, another quality that his version of you and this you had in common. You both apologized too much even when you didn’t need to. If he ever did make it back home how was he going to leave without you?

He didn’t want to go back to a world without you in it. It was wrong.

“Ned you can do this, okay? Just believe in yourself.” You encouraged.

He nodded, “Find Peter Parker.”

“What’s the thing on his hand?” Peter asked.


“A sling ring.” You replied. “A what?” He asked.

MJ shushed you both.

“I’ll explain later.” You whispered.

“Find Peter Parker!” Ned moved his arm in a circular motion.

A portal opened but this time it appeared behind you all. An unknown man stepped out of it into Lola’s living room. He looked like he was in his late 30s or early 40s.

“Great, it’s just some random guy.” Ned snickered.

“Hello.” The stranger waved. “I hope it’s okay. I just came through this…” He looked at the portal behind him which quickly disappeared, “It just closed.”

Suddenly his eyes widened once he noticed you. 

“Y/n, oh my gosh you look exactly the same as you did during my senior year of high school! I mean that was technically 22 years ago but wow I can’t believe it’s you.”

“Hey back off that’s my boy’s girlfriend. I’m watching you.” Ned warned. “No we both are watching. Although I’m more concerned about the other one.” MJ added causing you to stifle a laugh.

“Excuse them. They’re a bit overprotective.” You pointed out.

This Peter found the sight in front of him amusing, “I completely understand.”

On his world MJ and him were also protective of you. You were shy throughout the first two years of high school so they always looked out for you. Even when you eventually came out of your shell MJ and Peter still protected you, their best friend.

“Look…I’m very sorry but I’m not your Y/n. I’m just-”

“Another version of her.” He finished your sentence causing you to nod.

“Yeah I pretty much figured it out when I saw your face on every single screen with the words: Y/n L/n is Spider-Man’s girlfriend in big red letters.”

You groaned knowing exactly what he was talking about. The media was never going to leave you alone after everything that happened the past few days.

Standing across the room was the other Peter. Although he knew he had no right to be jealous he still couldn’t stop the emotions from stirring around inside of him.

He should’ve known you’d have a boyfriend in this world. He should’ve known you were with the alternate version of him. But yet it still shocked him. 

He felt his heart drop to his stomach. What if you were going to die in this world too? He didn’t even want to think about that being a possibility. 

Hopefully he was just being paranoid.

“You just look, talk and act exactly like the Y/n I know. It’s insane.” The other Peter gawked.

“So I’ve been told.” You trailed off.

Peter looked at Ned and MJ, “I’ve seen you two-” He turned his head and noticed Ned’s lola, she smiled and waved. Peter returned the gesture, “Hi.”

Suddenly something caught his eye. You, Ned and MJ looked behind you. He had noticed the other Peter standing in the kitchen.

“Wait. He’s not your friend.” 

You could all feel the tension in the air. Both Spider-Men stared at each other before shotting a web. They both flipped in the air dodging the other’s web.

The first Peter landed gracefully on the kitchen counter while the second one landed in the same position as before. The second Peter shot a web and it landed on the first Peter’s right wrist.

Both men looked at each other with amused expressions before the first Peter jumped off the counter.

“So you’re Spider-Man, too? Why didn’t you just say that?” Ned asked.

“I generally don’t go around advertising it. Kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing. 

“He just said that.”

“I just said that.”

You and the first Peter spoke same time which caused you to look at each other and smile.

MJ glared at him while Ned cleared his throat. Ned’s lola spoke up and Ned translated, “My lola’s asking if you could clean up the webs you just shot.” He looked at the two men.

“Oh, sorry, Lola.” The first Peter apologized. “Yes, of course.” The second Peter added.

“I’m going to bed.” She stated before walking away.

“Night, Lola.”

“Goodnight, Ned’s lola.”

Well if there was another thing all three of these Peters had in common was that they were complete gentlemen. It’s no surprise why your two alternate selves decided to let them be in your life. 

Sadly now you only existed in 2 out of the 3 alternate universes. You were determined to find out how and why you died. To hell with fate you were going to change your ending. If you had to die in this universe you weren’t going to let that happen. 

Y/n L/n was going to live this time, again. No matter what.


Part 2