Pain under right breast and shoulder blade

What are the symptoms of pericarditis?

The main symptom is a sharp pain in the center or left side of your chest. The pain may spread to the shoulder blade. For some people, this pain is dull instead of sharp. It may be worse when you lie down or take a deep breath.

The pain lasts for hours or days and doesn't get better when you rest. It's different from a type of chest pain called angina, which only lasts a short time and usually gets better with rest.

Other symptoms may include a mild fever, weakness, and feeling very tired.

Pericarditis usually isn't dangerous. But your chest pain could be caused by something more serious, like a heart attack. Getting diagnosed and treated early can help keep pericarditis from leading to other problems. That's why you should call a doctor right away if you have any kind of sudden chest pain.

Costochondritis is a condition that causes pain in the front of the chest. It is the result of inflammation at the point where the upper ribs attach to the breastbone (sternum).

Costochondritis is a relatively harmless condition that will usually go away without treatment. However, it can cause anxiety as its symptoms may be mistaken for a heart attack. The sudden onset of chest pain should be assessed immediately by emergency services or a doctor.


There is often no definitive cause for costochondritis. It can be associated with an injury to the rib cage or with unusual physical activity or strain (eg: heavy lifting or severe coughing). Costochondritis can occur after a respiratory illness such as a cold or flu and in people with underlying conditions including fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosus and ankylosing spondylitis.

Costochondritis affects females more often than males, and more commonly occurs in adolescents and young adults.


The main symptoms of costochondritis are pain and tenderness at the junction of the ribs and the breastbone as a result of cartilage tissue between the bones becoming inflamed. The pain increases with movement and deep breathing and decreases with rest and quiet breathing. Pressure placed directly on the affected area will also cause significant pain.

The pain can vary in intensity but is often severe. It may be described as pressure, aching or sharp pain. It is usually located on the front of the chest, but can radiate to the back, abdomen, arm or shoulder.

The pain usually occurs on only one side of the chest, most commonly the left, but can affect both sides of the chest at the same time. Symptoms of costochondritis usually last for between one and three weeks.

Costochondritis symptoms can be mistaken for a heart attack. However, the pain of a heart attack covers the whole chest and is often accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea and sweating. If the onset of pain is sudden, contact emergency services or a doctor.


A diagnosis of costochondritis can usually be made by assessing the nature of the symptoms and by the fact the pain can be reproduced by pressing on the affected area. Sometimes tests to rule out other more serious conditions may be recommended:

  • A chest X-ray
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG), which is a tracing of the heart’s electrical activity
  • Blood tests.


Often the symptoms of costochondritis resolve without treatment. Where treatment is required, the aim is to reduce inflammation and control pain. Treatment usually consists of:

  • Rest and avoiding activities that worsen the pain
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and pain-relieving medications such as paracetamol
  • Ice and/or heat packs applied to the area
  • Gentle stretching of the upper chest (pectoral) muscles two or three times a day.

If the pain is extreme and/or prolonged, a corticosteroid medication such as hydrocortisone may be injected into the affected area to help reduce pain and inflammation. In rare cases, where the condition does not respond to medical treatment, surgery to remove the inflamed cartilage may be required.


Flowers, L.K. (2020). Costochondritis (Web page). Medscape Drugs and Diseases. New York, NY: WebMD LLC. [Accessed: 20/08/20]
NHS (2029). Costochondritis (Web Page). Redditch: National Health Service (NHS) England. [Accessed: 20/08/20]
O'Toole, M.T. (Ed) (2017). Costochondritis. Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions (10th ed). St Louis, MI: Elsevier.

Last Reviewed: August 2020

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What causes sharp pain under right breast and below right shoulder blade?

Some possible causes of this pain include injuries, infections, muscle strain, inflammation, and gastrointestinal issues. A strain or injury are common causes of pain under the right breast, and the pain usually gets better on its own.

What Does pain under right breast indicate?

Pain under your right breast does not usually indicate a medical emergency. It is more commonly a symptom of illness or injury. Common causes of pain under your right breast include costochondritis, pleurisy, or a gallbladder attack. It may also be caused by a hernia, strained muscles, or damaged ribs.
Most chest discomfort, especially on your right side, is not related to your heart. Your chest is home to other organs and tissues that may be inflamed or injured, causing you to feel pain. Any aches you feel are most likely due to: muscle strain.

When should I be concerned about pain under my right rib?

Any pain you feel under your right rib cage isn't usually anything to worry about, but if the pain is severe or persists, you should see a doctor as it could be caused by an underlying condition.