Original porcelain gas and oil signs ebay

Finding Original Gas and Oil Advertising Signs on eBay

Whether you're in the business of fuel or just like the aesthetic of vintage signs, eBay offers a range of original gas and oil signage. From Texaco stars to oil well signs, you can find an array of vintage decor options for your home or garage. Here's how to find affordable original gas and oil advertising signs on eBay.

Exploring the company signs you can find on eBay

Many of the antique gas and oil signs you can find on eBay date back to the 1950s or earlier. You may see signs for companies you're familiar with as well as some older or lesser-known companies. Here are some of the brands you're likely to see represented:

  • Shell: Older Shell station signs and pump plates can often be seen for sale. Since the company logo has stayed largely the same, it's easily recognizable.
  • Esso: This company's vintage signs, especially its older lighted signs, are frequently found on eBay.
  • Mobilgas: This 1950s company's pegasus-adorned signs can still be found in the listings.
  • Atlantic Refining Company: This company's signature red oil well signs are one of its most recognizable signage products.
  • Texaco: These visually appealing old gas station signs usually feature the Texaco star.

Which sign material is right for you?

While shopping for preowned signs and vintage gas signs on eBay, you're likely to see two main materials used: porcelain and metal or tin. Gas and oil tin signs have the benefit of usually being lighter than porcelain. However, if the paint is chipped, they may also develop rust spots. On the other hand, porcelain signs are more prone to chipping over time, usually on the surface. Many porcelain signs are double-sided, which can make them more difficult to hang than metal signs. Essentially, no one material is necessarily superior to the other, but each has its advantages.

Taking the time to evaluate condition

Vintage and rare porcelain signs have a distinct vintage feel, but since many of these signs are older and have been exposed to the elements, you'll find them on eBay in a range of possible conditions. As you shop, be sure to zoom in on pictures and look for any existing damage. In many cases, a slightly worn appearance just amplifies the vintage aesthetic of a sign, so some damage isn't necessarily all bad. Here are some of the damage types you're likely to come across:

  • Porcelain chipping: Many of the large outdoor signs for older gas stations were made of double-sided porcelain. Many of these signs have chipping around the bolt holes, and some have more extensive chipping.
  • Rust: Tin or other metal signs may be prone to rust. If you plan on displaying the sign indoors, some rust shouldn't be an issue.
  • Fading: Since many of these signs have been displayed outdoors, they tend to be somewhat faded.