Name something that can be to tight around your neck

Name something that can be to tight around your neck

Name something you wear around your neck Family Feud live answers are provided on this page; this game is available on the Google PlayStore & Apple AppStore. Be the fastest contestant to type in and see your answers light up the board. Play Family Feud® Live. Answer the best Feud surveys and play the best gameshow game, EVER! Master the questions and take all the coins for yourself.

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Name something you wear around your neck Answers:


  • Name a way you might be able to tell a good witch and an evil witch apart [Family Feud Answers]
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  • Name something you might use to make a scarecrow [Family Feud Answers]

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bow tie


a narrow piece of cloth worn around the collar and tied into a bow. Bow ties are typically worn by men on formal occasions.



a thin scarf that a woman wears over her hair and shoulders, especially in Spain



a long narrow piece of cloth, made of wool or cashmere, worn around the shoulders



a large piece of cloth worn around the shoulders, especially with an evening dress



a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck under the collar of a shirt. It is tied with a knot. You use expressions such as jacket and tie or suit and tie to refer to formal clothes for men



a piece of cloth worn around the waist as a skirt or around the shoulders as a shawl

English version of thesaurus of accessories worn around the neck and shoulders

The Family Feud Answer Survey Says

A Pen

What's Family Feud Live?

Be the fastest contestant to type in and see your answers light up the board! Play Family Feud® Live and enjoy new graphics, surveys and challenges to become the Ultimate Feuder! Play Family Feud® Live any way you’d like. With 4 game modes to choose from, there’s a Feud-style for everyone! Who is the ultimate Feuder?

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CHALLENGE 1-ON-1 IN CLASSIC FEUD FUN Answer the best Feud surveys and play the best gameshow game, EVER! Master the questions and take all the coins for yourself!
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Featuring: - 4 game modes: Classic, Fast Money, Tournaments and Live - Test your Feud skills and take your opponent’s coins - Over 2,500 Brand New Surveys - All-New Live Gameplay - Laugh with your opponent using our FREE In-Game Chat Family Feud Live! uses Facebook to ensure that everyone you meet is authentic.

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How many questions are in family feud?

Two members of the winning family are asked five questions, one member at a time. One member stays on stage and is asked the questions while the other member is off-stage. After the answers are given (or if the time limit, either 15 seconds or 20 seconds, is up), the answers and their point values are revealed.

How does family feud fast money work?

Fast Money (known as Big Money in England) is Family Feud/Fortunes bonus round, where two members of the winning family attempts to guess the highest scoring answers to five different questions as they can within the time limit, originally, it was 15 seconds for the first player, then 20 seconds for the second player; ...