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Ron Larson received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Colorado in 1970. At that time, he accepted a position with Penn State University in Erie, Pennsylvania, and currently holds the rank of professor of mathematics at the university. Ron is the lead author for over forty mathematics textbooks from 6th grade through calculus. Many of his texts, such as the 9th edition of is calculus text, are leaders in their markets.

Ron Larson is one of the pioneers in the use of multimedia to enhance the learning of mathematics. He has authored multimedia programs that range from 1st grade through calculus. To help with the development of his textbooks and multimedia programs, Ron founded Larson Texts, Inc., which with its publishing wing, Big Ideas Learning, employs about 60 people. Ron’s most recent new textbook series is called “Big Ideas Math”. It is the first middle school mathematics series to adhere to the NCTM’s new “Focal Points Curriculum”.

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