5 3 skills practice solving multi step inequalities

What are the steps to solving multi step inequalities?

Step by step guide to solve multi-step inequalities.
Isolate the variable similar to equations..
Simplify using the inverse of addition or subtraction..
Simplify further by using the inverse of multiplication or division..
For dividing or multiplying both sides by negative numbers, flip the direction of the inequality sign..

What is a multi step inequality?

Introduction. Solving multi-step inequalities is very similar to solving equations—what you do to one side you need to do to the other side in order to maintain the “balance” of the inequality. The Properties of Inequality can help you understand how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide within an inequality.

What is the difference between multi step equations and multi step inequalities?

Explanation: When solving a multi step equation, you use PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, add, subtract), and you also use PEMDAS when solving a multi step inequality. However, inequalities are tricky in the fact that if you multiply or divide by a negative number, you must flip the sign.


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