Life is tricky stay in your magic

Picture Quotes

  • Added Date - Dec 13, 2016

    Life is tricky stay in your magic

    Life is tricky, baby. Stay in your magic. There are many things that are beyond your control, and life can be very unpredictable. Don't let this change you or turn you into someone that you are not. You need to learn to be who you really are no matter what life throws at you, keeping what makes you special and unique. Every person has their own magic, and they bring something into this world that no one else can. Sometimes you feel pressure to conform, and to be just like everyone else, but do not give in. Believe in yourself and your abilities, no one else is identical and you have something to offer others that no one else can. If someone doesn't see this then it is their loss and they are not someone that you need or want in your life. Don't let life wear you down. Surround yourself with people who care about the real you and have your best interests at heart. This will help you stand strong when life gets tricky and things seem to spin out of control.

Picture Quote Topics

Attitude , Being Betrayed , Marriage , Relationship , Rap , Attraction , Personal Growth , Anxiety , Accidents , Musicians , Past Relationship , Flirtation , Efficiency , Power , Persistence , Joy , Losing Someone , Uncertainty , Team work , Im Me , Limits , I Love You For Him , Sex appeal , Jesus Christ , United States , Mothers Day Inspirational , Excitement , Winning , Confession , Originality , Speech , Modernity , Sympathy , Coolness , Better Than You , Friends With Benefits , Loss , Getting Old , Idols , Good Night Messages

​Perusing through my Pinterest feed, I came across this quote:

Life is tricky stay in your magic

It got me thinking, what does it mean to "stay in your magic"? And what is your magic, anyway?

So one day when the electricity was out, I sat down with pen and paper and made some notes. Here's what I came up with.

Your magic is who you are, your unique higher self that knows what's best for you. She is your joy, your wisdom, and what makes you you.

When life gets tricky, chaotic, dark, angry, messy - as it always does - you have to remain true to you. You gotta stay in your magic! 

check in with yourself

First things first! When life feels a little unstable, a little off, check in with yourself. Many times, our lives can get tricky when we're not listening to our callings, our passions, our intuition. Is your higher self/spirit/inner wise self trying to tell you something?

Sometimes it feels like a nagging or one of those pesky gnats that fly around your eyeballs and drives you crazy. You keep swatting at it, thinking you've finally gotten rid of it, but it always comes back. It's tiny, but it knows how to get your attention and you better believe it's not going anywhere until you recognize.

That's how our higher selves are sometimes. It can be quiet and gently nudge you to go a certain way or, if you continue to swat at it, it can ​fly straight into your eyeball or up your nose and cause all kinds of panic.

Don't panic, darling. Just listen. That's all it wants. And I guarantee when you listen to your spirit (your awesome, wise, magical self), and move in the direction it wants you to, life will get all kinds of spectacular. A little scary? Maybe. But well worth it.

Some easy ways to check in with yourself:

  • Meditate a little each day
  • Journal, let it all pour out
  • Notice the stirrings in your heart. Ask yourself, if I could do anything right this moment, what would it be?
  • Notice when you feel envy. Why? What is it about that person/situation that makes you feel envious? 

Life is tricky stay in your magic

​you do you

Staying in your magic means loving who you are and staying true to that person, no matter what's trendy or societally accepted or considered beautiful/smart/successful.

You gotta do you. Think about it - you're the only person on the planet like you. Sure, we're all similar in some ways and there are people out there who enjoy/hate the same things as you, BUT there's no one who looks exactly like you or talks like you or sashays down the street like you. That's pretty cool, don't you think?

When life gets topsy turvy and weird, just go with it. Shine your light in this crazy world. It needs your magic!

do what lights you up

When you find that thing you love to do, do it. Even if you only have five minutes a day to do so, use that precious time to do it, whatever it is: painting, writing, reading, dancing, smooching, walking, gardening, cooking, coloring.

To stay in your magic you have to follow your bliss. Otherwise, the hours and days pass with little meaning, ruts happen, life gets tricky. And even when it does get tricky, at least you'll have your bliss to hold onto.

be a light in a dark world

I believe we're all well aware of the pain and darkness this world holds. I've seen it with my own two eyes and it ain't pretty. I feel like a lot of people cover their eyes to the darkness or try and put a bandage on it or turn away and pretend like it's not happening.

I say we acknowledge the dark parts and walk into the shadows as beams of light.

Life is tricky for everyone, some more than others. To stay in your magic is to make life a little less tricky for those around you.

Make someone smile, give compliments freely, share your gifts and resources and time and money, lend a helping hand. Shine a little light in the darkness. It won't make it all go away, but it will be like the silver lining of a rain cloud and may help someone more than you will ever know.

Life is tricky stay in your magic

be open to change

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a huge fan of change. It's hard, mostly inconvenient, tricky. But, as the old saying goes, the only thing that's constant is change. Might as well get used to it, flow with it, be open to it.

The good thing about change is that it usually leads to better things. I can't say it always does because nothing is black and white, but even when the situation seems bleak, you can take away lessons from it. You can grow from it.

Here are some great quotes about change:

Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality. ~Nikos Kazantzakis
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ~Alan Watts
I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that. ~Gillian Anderson

fill yourself with gratitude

To stay in your magic you must also stay in gratitude. Why? Because gratitude is what fills your heart and soul up so completely that even when in the trickiest, darkest moments of life you will feel lifted up. In fact, it's especially important to find gratitude in your darkest moments. When you can't be the light, let your blessings shine.

Uncover the beautiful, happy, funny things/moments/people in your life. Let them lift you up.

Seek out the wild and magical places that fill your heart with gratitude.

At the end of each day, recount what you loved about the day. Write them down, share them, or keep them swirling around in your mind. Let them guide your dreams.

So that's that, my friend. Remember your magic, stay in your magic, and all will be well.

Photo Credits: Image 1/Pinterest | Image 2/Wildfox | Image 3/The Wheat Field