Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

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Anonymous asked:

Erwin needed Levi's s/o for a separate mission at another base which Levi was not happy about. he was all grumpy and annoyed without her at the SC with him bc she's her sunshine and makes things bearable for him. When she finally came back from her mission, behind closed doors he just latched onto her and wanted affection. Sorry, I just adore Levi being a lil submissive and needy with his lover after she's gone for. a while.

Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

💜Solo Mission💜

Levi scowled from his spot leaning against the wall in Erwin’s office. He was not happy with what he was hearing.

“Wait. Why the hell do you need Y/N to go? Can’t Mike go, or shit, send Four-Eyes.” Levi interrupted.

Erwin’s large blonde brow rose at his Captain’s annoyed tone. He knew that Levi wasn’t going to like his plan.

“I need Y/N in Karanese, we will soon be having to launch further expeditions from their gates. She is better able to go and assess our needs in that district.

Y/N dealt with all the logistical aspects of running the Survey Corps, finding lodging for their soldiers a top priority now that Trost gate had been demolished.

She looked over at the annoyed face of her lover, detecting more that simple irritation beneath the grey orbs that stared back at her.

“I shouldn’t need more than two weeks to sort things out. If complications arise, I’ll send a messenger.” She turned back to Erwin, who nodded.

“Go pack. I need you to leave in one hour.”

Y/N stood and saluted the Commander, her eyes darting back over to Levi apologetically before making her way out of the office.


Tomorrow it would be four weeks. Four weeks since Y/N had walked out of Erwin’s office. Since she had thrown him a look and disappeared.

Tall ass bastard had kept Levi busy, talking about different matter until he had missed being able to see Y/N before she had left. He knew the giant browed bastard hadn’t done it on purpose, but he still wanted to kick him in the ass.

Within days of her leaving, everyone had started walking very carefully around a Captain Levi. They hadn’t really understood how much Y/N’s presence had affected his behavior until she was gone.

His normal dry and harsh humor had reduced more than one soldier to tears. His obsession with cleaning had made everyone under his command cringe when he walked into a room. In short, the entire castle was miserable because Levi missed Y/N.

She was the one that made things better for him. He relaxed around her, let things go or saw things in a different light when she was with him. What they didn’t know was that Levi looked at Y/N as the sunshine in his life. The bright star that chased away the darkness inside.

Levi walked down the halls, dissatisfied from another training practice. His squad was a bunch of morons. He was beginning to think that they survived by pure dumb luck.

He opened the door to his quarters, not really wanting to be there. He stopped dead as soon as he saw Y/N, her bag sitting on the floor and her turn to smile at him as she heard the door open.

“Hey bab-“

She was cut off by Levi, his body covering hers in a fierce embrace as he cut off her air supply.

Levi held on tight and breathed her in. She smelled like horses and sunshine and that unique scent of hers that always seemed to calm him down. His nose was bruised deep into her neck, his arms not letting up one bit as he continued to stand there for a long time.

Y/N reached up and stroked his hair gently as he closed his eyes at the feeling he had missed.

“I take it you missed me.” Her tone was teasing as she asked.

“No.” His voice was sulking as he bit at her neck when she giggled at him. “Yes. You can’t leave me here with these idiots again.”

Y/N tried to pull away, but he refused to let her. He pushed her back to where her knees hit the back of the bed. His weight made her fall back where he was closing following her.

He sprawled on top of her, uncaring about the fact that they were wearing the clothes that were undoubtedly dirty. The fact that Y/N was with him made him push aside his need to keep everything clean to the back of his mind and just enjoy the feeling of her next to him.

..I need to shower and change.” Y/N murmured as she lay underneath him.

“Not right now.” Levi answered, his voice muffled as he snuggled against her chest and hummed in happiness at hearing her heart beat agains his ear.

Y/N smiled as she looked down at the top of his head. Her solo mission had really made him miss her. She snickered at the thought of anyone every believing that Levi acted like this. It was something that she only got to see, and that was fine with her.

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Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change


“How the fuck did you manage to get into that uniform, Cadet?” Captain Levi frowned at Y/N as she was buckling the straps to her ODM gear around her thighs.

“Excuse me, sir?” Y/N was confused. Her uniform was perfect, she had checked three times before leaving her room that morning.

“With that body, it’s apparent Shadis is losing his touch in the Training Corps.” Levi continued.

.that’s what he was meaning. Y/N looked down at the hips that were wide and her thighs that were just too full to belong on a soldier’s body. She had trained just as hard as everyone else, but it just seemed to accent her shape rather than make it smaller.

She moved to grab her gear and swung around. She wasn’t going to let him affect her, but she had underestimated the Captain’s ability to insult.

“Are your pants made special or did I just not realize how much they stretch?” Y/N gritted her teeth as she attached the gears and metal box’s to her thighs. She would ignore him and pray that whatever foul mood he was in, he would focus it on someone else.

“I expect answers Cadet. I’m sure that your body can’t handle ODM maneuvering. How did you graduate as out of shape as you are?” Levi asked as he followed her to the start of the course.

Y/N was done. She quickly stripped the gear she had put on and shoved it into the stunned Captain’s arms and moved away. She practically ran back to the castle and headed directly for her room.

She spent hours locked inside, wondering how she was going to be punished for skipping training. At the moment she didn’t care, the need to lick her wounds from the Captain’s harsh comments greater than the fear of reprisal.

She had looked up to him. Admired the strong and fearless Captain. It was very sobering to find her was an asshole, his words acidic in their vileness.

A knock on her door startled her out of her self pity. She wondered at it as she went to the door to find the object of her distress standing there, his look intimidating.

“You left training.” He said gruffly, his arms crossed.

“Yes I did. Since I’m so out of shape and can’t use the ODM gear, what does it matter?” Y/N said, her face flush with anger.

A subtle wince crossed his face as he sighed. He pushed through the door and closed it, turning back to look at her with something akin to regret on his face.

Y/N had no idea what was going on. Why was he in her room? Why was he looking like that now?

“I’m sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut.” He offered, his eyes sliding away in

“But you did. So
..I want to know why.” Y/N demanded.

The Captain that had seem so commanding, so threatening earlier now looked like a nervous school boy. He shifted his weight on his heels as he found the window of her room suddenly fascinating.

This was different. Y/N wondered what was causing this sudden change in his demeanor. She stayed silent, wondering if he was going to speak and explain himself.


..shit.” He shoved his hand through his hair and suddenly his grey eyes were locked into her face as he spit out. “I fucking panicked.”

Now Y/N was really confused. Why the hell would THE Captain Levi panic around her? She looked as a faint blush dusted his cheeks and realization slowly dawned on her. He
..liked her?

He must have read the comprehension in her eyes because he nodded once. “Do you how fucked up it is to find yourself getting hard in the middle of a training field because of the way a brat looks in her damn uniform?”

Y/N felt herself blush at that comment. She hadn’t thought to look towards his groin, but her eyes flickered there now. A distinct bulge was beneath the leather skirt of the ODM harness.

Levi groaned as her eyes washed over him. “Don’t do that. It’s hard enough just looking at you. Don’t push my limits. I need to get to know more than just your curvy figure.”

She smiled at the thoughtfulness behind that strangled statement. Perhaps Captain Levi was a bit softer than she had thought.

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Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

💜Caught in the Act💜

Captain Levi was such a fucking tease. He had been driving Y/N crazy for weeks now. She just knew the man did it on purpose. The lingering glances her way, dark and calculating. The slow wipe down of his face and neck after sparing. She even swore that he had a little more wiggle to his walk when she was behind him.

Anyone else would have overlooked his seemingly innocent actions, but considering Y/N wanted nothing more than to have her way with the raven haired man, she noticed everything about him. For someone who had never been known to be in an intimate relationship, he knew how to tempt her. Hovering over her after pinning her down today was just the final straw.

Pulling herself out her musings, she found it was later in the night than she realized, all the cadets were tucked safely away in their rooms for the night. She pushed away from her desk and muttered curses as she gathered her clothes and soaps, heading for the communal showers to wash away the sweat and grime of the day.

In the showers, Y/N lathered up her supple form, spreading the sweet smelling suds over her skin. The bruises from the ODM straps accompanied the various scars that littered her body from the years of fighting Titans. The sponge ran over her hardened nipples, causing her to shudder slightly in pleasure. They tighten again as she follows up with her fingers, scraping a nail across the tip.

Since she was alone in the shower room, she took the time to glide her hands around her body sensuously, imagining it was a different touch. Levi’s calloused hands were running across her stomach and down her hips in her mind as the water cascaded over her body, washing away the suds.

She reached the apex of her thighs, sighing as her fingers ghosted across the protrusion of her sex. Swollen from neglect and need, her clit peaked out from between the folds of her femininity. Y/N closes her eyes as her fingers begin to circle around the engorged flesh, running from the hood of her clit to her entrance. The slick desire coated her fingers easily as she moved them.

Running a hand back up to her breast, she began to massage the mound as she pressed a thumb against the bundled of nerves, a sharp sigh leaving her mouth at the flash of pleasure. Flicking the digit across her clit, her index finger presses into her tight cavern. The rotation of her wrist increases as she begins to breath heavily.

Sliding another digit into the heat, her moan was slightly louder as the feeling of being stretched set her nerves on fire. Shuddering as the fingers worked themselves in and out, her mind wandered to the Captain. She pinched her nipple as she imagined his mouth on it, biting her lightly. His fingers continued to prepare her for him as she clung to his broad shoulders. His tongue bathed her breast as he soothed the pain away, her mewl of pleasure causing his grey eyes to flash in desire.

Her hips bucked against his hand as the fingers curled when they thrusted back into her, striking a bolt of pleasure through her. Her legs began to shake as her orgasm overtakes her, her walls clenching around him as she whimpers a quiet, “Levi.”

Her hand stills as her body calms down. Sliding her wet fingers from within her, she sighs as she opens her eyes, satisfaction soothing the desire in her blood. Her eyes run around the room as she goes to turn back under the flowing water. Granite colored narrowed eyes watching her from the entrance makes her stop mid turn. Levi was leaned against the far wall completely undressed and aroused, shaving kit and towel lay forgotten at his feet, his rapt attention set on Y/N’s sated form. His predatory gaze seemed even more dangerous as he pushed off the wall and began stalking his prey.


Levi picked up his tea cup as he glanced towards the empty seat on the other side of Hanji. Y/N was avoiding him. Apparently, he had pushed her just a bit too far today. He had first noticed her lingering looks a month prior. Deciding to test his own hopeful theory, he began a counter strike of hot glances and exaggerated movement when he knew that she was watching. It was amusing to see her flush with desire as he pretended to be unaware of the situation. His goal was to bring her to him, but in true dipshit form, his clumsy attempts had apparently failed.

He hadn’t really meant to linger on top of her after their sparing match today. Too many Cadets watching their movements to engage in the campaign he had begun. This was a dance between the two of them, spectators not needed. But her breathing had picked up when he was on top of her, causing him to pause for long seconds, looking down at her flushed form beneath him. His mind was taken to a more secluded place, where she was under him naked and writhing. He had pushed off of her quickly enough after coming back to reality. Mildly embarrassed at his own lack of control, he had turned and walked away, not looking back at the woman behind him.

Shaking his head, he finished his drink and left the mess hall. Walking back to his office, he realized at some point he was going to have to talk to Y/N. As one of the veterans of the Scouts, he counted her among the few friends he had, regardless of his interest in her. He couldn’t let his ineptness at flirting drive her away. He snorted to himself, slightly amused at how bad he was at the entire thing. He pushes the issue to the back of his mind as he sits down at his desk to tackle the reports awaiting his perusal.

Several hours later he finishes the last document with a sigh. The daylight had faded and the stars had come out. The lamp he had lit earlier was beginning to run low on oil, indicating it was well past curfew for most soldiers. Rolling his shoulders to release the tension, he stands. Knowing that he would not sleep for several hours, he decides to take a shower to remove the grime from the day.

Stripping in the outer room, he lays his clothes on the bench to wrap a towel around his waist and grabs his shaving kit. The water is running, but with the late hour, he figures he would be running into Miche or Erwin. Their late night preference for showering was the same as his, not really wanting to bathe with teenagers. A sigh could barely be heard over the running water. He dismisses it as he goes to round the corner, thinking it was just the sigh of contentment at soothing aching muscles with hot water.

He stopped at the doorway into the showers. Y/N was there, water sluicing down her body as her hands roamed. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched her cup her breast in one hand as the other worked in between her thighs. He set down his shaving kit quietly and his towel slips from his body as he ignores it, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes narrowed as he concentrated on the movement of her body under her own touch. His member hardened, rising to brush against his stomach as he watched her slide another finger into her passage.

The sound of her moan shot straight to his groin as she pinched her nipple, causing his mouth to water at the image of his lips on the peak. He was so close to joining her in self gratification, his hand wandering lower to grasp himself. The sight of her pleasuring herself was such a turn on, his guilt at being a voyeur was nonexistent. It was a show he couldn’t turn away from if he wanted to. He stopped his hand, Y/N was close to cumming and he wasn’t going to miss it. Her body began to shake, making him throb even harder, imagining what it would feel like to buried in her hot core at that moment.

He almost explodes when he hears her call his name. She was imagining him. His desire ramps up to an almost intolerable level. Fuck it, tonight he’s going to make her his. His pupils are blown with lust as he watches her body tremble with the last throes of her orgasm. Her eyes open and she turns, catching his gaze. They widen as she realizes he was watching her, and his restraint snaps seeing her fingers glistening with her juices. He begins to move towards her, slowly, letting her see his intentions.

Levi reaches her, standing as close as he could get without pressing against her. Grasping her hand, he brings it up to his face. Never taking his eyes off of her, he puts the two fingers that were inside her in his mouth. He laps at her skin with his tongue, cleaning all of her essence off while enjoying the look of surprise and lust on Y/N’s face. Pulling the fingers free, he slowly pushes her hand down between them and sets her hand on his lower stomach.

Y/N looks down at her hand and his throbbing erection below it and brings her hot gaze back to his. His grey orbs burn into hers as she slides her hand lower to cup him. His body tightens up at the feel of her touch on his cock and it jumps in her hand. He leans into her body, lips hovering over hers, enjoying the feel of her rapid breaths on his skin.

“I’m glad I caught you, Y/N.”

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Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change



The muffled sound of groaning captured Captain Levi’s attention as he passed by the women’s shower room. He stops and tilts his onyx covered head, something feeling a bit off. Faintly, the sounds continue and then a male voice. Eyes widening, the short statured male quietly enters the showers, ready to bust the couple fornicating in a public place. He stops dead, wrath making his hands fist at the scene before him.

Y/N lays on the ground, naked and gagged. Her face bruised and her lip bloody. Her hands and feet being held by two male cadets. A third boy hovers over her, his hand in between her forced opened legs as she thrashes and twists, struggling against boy’s touch.

“Look at this boys, the bitch is wet. I told you the underground slut wanted it.” The boy laughs as he roughly pushes his fingers inside Y/N as she screams against the gag, her eyes glassy with fear and anger. “I’m going to enjoy this.” He reaches for belt buckle and maliciously chuckles as Y/N increases her attempts to get free.

In a blur of movement, the boy goes flying across the room, hitting the back wall. The other two boys look up and the first sees Levi’s fist coming towards him. After landing the hard punch, his foot kicks out and connects with the last boys face. Hit after hit, he lands heavy blows on the boys faces, standing and kicking them a few times as well, until they were rendered unconscious. The boy at the back wall was next, as he heaved the boy up and began striking him in the stomach and face repeatedly.

After finishing his mission of hurting the scum before him, he turns to find Y/N pressed against the far wall of the showers, curled in a ball, shaking and crying. Slowly walking over to her, his heart lurched as she flinched when he crouched down next to her.

“Hey, look at me Y/N.” He internally winces at his rough voice. She shook her head and pulled her arms tighter around her naked body. Levi stands up and walks to the towel hanging from the shower she was going to use before being attacked. Grabbing it, he walks back over to her and pulls her gently to her feet. Wrapping the fabric around her, he picks her up and begins to walk out of the room, Y/N providing no resistance in her shocked state.

Marching quickly down the hall, Levi stops in front of Commander Erwin’s door and kicks it several times. When the tall blonde man answers the door, his face registers surprise at his Captain with a naked and bruised Cadet in his arms. “Levi, what’s the problem?” He meets the shorter man’s gaze and sees the fury burning in his grey eyes.

“In the women’s shower room are three unconscious shit-bags that need to be locked up. I caught them assaulting Y/N.” He hisses as his grip tightens around her. At her small whimper, his expression changes to remorse as he pulls her against his chest.

“I see, take her to Hanji. Let her examine Y/N. I’ll take care of the trash with Mike.” The Commander’s blue eyes turn icy as he pulls his door closed, stepping out into the hallway.

“She will be in my room, I’ll have Hanji examine her there.”

Kicking Hanji’s door and yelling for her to bring her medical kit to his room, Levi made his way to his office. Opening the door proved quite awkward with Y/N still in his arms. Pushing into his private bedroom, he laid her down on his bed and lit the lamp on the nightstand next to it. He walked back into the office to wait for Hanji, when she burst into the room, carrying her medical bag.

“What’s the matter, Shorty?” She says.

“It’s not me, it’s Y/N.” He explains as her brown eyes widen behind her glasses. “

“What happened?” She asks as she heads towards the bedroom. Stopping short, her expression hardens as she sees the young woman drawn up in a ball on Levi’s bed. Whipping her head back to Levi, he answers the question in her eyes.

“I don’t think it got that far, but I need to you examine her. Erwin will be here shortly. What do you need from me?”

“Right now Levi, I need you to stay in your office while I check her over.” The short man nods and closes the door to his room.

Walking to his desk, he pushes his fingers through his hair and sits down with a heavy sigh. The light knock on his office door pulls him from his thoughts and he looks up to greet the solemn face of the Commander. “The men have been locked up and the MP’s should be arriving in the morning. Mike is going to watch over them tonight.” Erwin states as he walks toward the desk and sits down.

Calmly staring at the Captain, he waits for him to explain the entire situation. Quickly, Levi briefs him on the situation he walked in on and the results of it. “Godamnit, Erwin! What kind of trash did we let into the Scouts?” Levi spits out, furious at something like this happening to one of his subordinates.

“I understand your anger, Levi.” The blonde man replies as he examines his friend.

The bedroom door opens and Hanji comes out, her expression thunderous. The two men watch her as she paces the room. “I gave her a sedative. Levi, I’m sorry, but she will have to stay here until at least tomorrow. The good news is that you stopped them before they did any real physical damage, but she has some bruising and will be a bit sore from the attack. But before she knocked out, she revealed some disturbing information. Apparently those three have been harassing her for some time. She never reported it because they claimed her superiors would never believe, quote ‘an Underground Slut’. I want to beat the shit out of them!” Hanji rages.

Quirking an eyebrow, Erwin drawls out, “No need, Levi took care of that.”

“Good, they needed it.” The bespectacled woman replies.

“Did she say why she was in the shower room at that time of night? Most are already in their rooms.” Levi asked.

“She said that she prefers to shower alone, that she’s uncomfortable being so vulnerable around others
.They only managed to overwhelm her because they tackled her from behind. And it was three against one.” Hanji answers.

Levi nods, it makes sense to him, weakness isn’t tolerated Underground. She had not been on the surface long enough to feel secure with the girls in her training class. “I will have Y/N shower here from now on. Erwin, I want her placed in my squad.”

Considering blue eyes meet Levi’s determined grey ones. “Alright Levi. I’ll go start the paperwork and write up the report for Nile. Hanji, come with me.” Pulling her behind him, Erwin left the office.

After sitting for a few moments, Levi stood and walked to his bedroom and looked in. Her bruised face seemed peaceful in sleep, her form under the blankets relaxed. Something tightened inside his chest as he watched over her, an overwhelming need to protect her. Pulling a chair close to the bed, he settled in, watching her steady breathing as it lulled him to sleep, his calloused hand lightly gripping hers.

*Time Skip*

Levi woke before her. Looking down at their intertwined fingers, he realized he liked the feeling of her touch. Releasing her hand gently, he went into his bathroom and prepares for the day. When he walks back out, she was still in a deep sleep, so he goes to the Mess Hall for some tea and to bring her back a tray. When he reaches the hall, his squad is sitting together, talking and laughing. Observing them for a moment, he makes a decision and walks over to their table. Immediately the laughter stops as the table’s occupants look up at their Captain, awaiting his orders.

Surprising them, he motions them to move aside and settles himself among them. Observing them for a moment, he begins “Do any of you have issue with someone from the Underground?”

Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie all exchange looks of confusion before Armin answers. “Captain, you’re from the Underground. Are you asking if we have issues with you?”

“No, Armin, I’m asking about Y/N.” He replies as his gaze roams over his squad.

Jean speaks up, “No sir, we have no issue with Y/N. She keeps to herself a lot, but we figured she would come around eventually.”

“Good. Y/N is joining my squad.” With that, he stood and walked away from his baffled subordinates.

Arriving back to his room, he placed the tray on the nightstand sat next to the bed, looking at the sleeping girl in front of him. Why did he feel so protective? He cared about all his comrades, but this felt like more. Was it their shared background, was it that she seemed so innocent, like Isabel? He couldn’t tell, but he would figure it out eventually.

After watching her for what seems like hours, she starts to stir. Her eyes slowly open and blink. Realization rushes back into her orbs as she remembers the previous night’s events. Her eyes dart around the room as she tries to figure out where she is, her body language suggesting panic. Her e/c orbs connect with his and he sees her relax, realizing she is safe. Her small hand reaches out to touch the top of his hand where it is laying on the bed. “Thank you, sir” she whispers, a blush dusting across her cheeks.

“From now on, you will shower in my room for privacy. I have also had Erwin transfer you to my squad. The bastards from yesterday have been transferred to Trost, where they are going to be kicked out and imprisoned for the assault against you. Why didn’t you report this sooner? To Erwin, or hell to me?” His voice climbed as he fired off information and questions, but look on his face gave nothing away as he waited for her response.

She slowly answers, “It’s different for me. I’m a woman. You know as well as I do what we are ‘good for’ Underground. The way we are treated. I just assumed it was the same here.”

He scoffed. “Well, it’s not. You are a valued member of the Scouts. Your new squad will become your family, a feeling that you will come to enjoy, believe me. Your background doesn’t matter here. If anything, its a testimony to how strong you are. You didn’t grow up there, you survived.” Giving her hand a squeeze, he stood up, preparing to go and tackle the paperwork awaiting him. “Rest here for a bit longer and then go take a bath. I will have Sasha bring your clothes for you.”

“Why are you doing this for me, sir?” Y/N questions.

“I don’t know. But for now, I will just say I feel very protective of you.”

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Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change



Y/N giggles to herself as she looks in the mirror and adjusts the last strap. Perfect. She couldn’t wait to see the expression on his face when he sees her. Slipping her long trench coat on, she fastens it securely. Humming a happy tune, she slips out of her room and heads towards Captain Levi’s office.

Opening the door, she finds the office empty like she had expected. The busy Captain was currently locked in Commander Erwin’s office, finalizing the budget and planning the next expedition. Knowing that he should be back soon, she removes her boots and sits down in his office chair, turning to face the window while she waits.


Pinching the bridge of his nose as he walks down the hall, Levi sighs heavily. He hated the meetings he was forced to attend. Planning the expeditions was not the issue, but the damn budget? His main job was to kill Titans and lead his squad, not expensive how much toilet paper was needed to wipe asses. At least Erwin had chosen not to slash his tea budget. The taller man knew that without the calming brew, the trips to the infirmary would drastically increase for the cadets.

Stopping in the kitchen, he sets out his cup to steep. Idly waiting for the perfect brew, his thoughts wandered to Y/N. He had been neglecting her lately, not that she had voiced her complaints. No, she had been perfect, accepting his inattentiveness and leaving him to his work. The problem, his bed had been empty for the past week.

He never used his bed before starting a relationship with the vivacious girl. Sleeping in a chair for a few hours used to do the job. Y/N had broken him of that habit, making him see that laying wrapped up in her to be the better way to relax. The stress relieving activities before they fell asleep was a quickly addictive, happy bonus. Now, due to the damn workload he had dumped on him, he had been deprived of that luxury. He sorely missed it. Watching her walk out of his office after a goodnight kiss each night was beginning to grate on his nerves.

Finishing the tea, he made his way back to the office with determined grit. If he could finish the papers on his desk, he could free up the evening to spend with Y/N. Bolstered by that imagine, he opens the door to find that someone is sitting at his desk, facing the window to conceal their identity.

“Why the fuck are you in my chair? And why are you in my office?” His voice comes out low, menacing. Setting the tea on a side table, he takes a step into the office. Closing the door to prevent their escape, he takes another step towards the pending confrontation.

Turning around in the chair, Y/N faces the Captain. Watching his face change from annoyance to what would pass for happiness in the notoriously grumpy man was amusing to watch. His body relax as he realized it was his lover, come to spend time with him.

Pushing out of the chair, she stands and begins a slow measured walk towards the grey eyed handsome man. “You’ve been stressed lately, Levi. Let me help you relax.” She purrs as she toys with the belt of her coat, slowly pulling the loops free. His posture stiffens slightly as he gives her a confused look. Starting from the bottom, she begins to unbutton the coat. His breath catches, unsure of what is going on, but recognizing the slowly seductive movements.

She stops, just out of his reach as she slips the last button free. Slowly, she shrugs out of the garment and lets it pool at her feet.

He forgets to breathe. Forgets how to breathe, let alone that he needs to. His heart accelerates as he stares. Y/N stands bare before him, clad in only her ODM straps. The leather binding perfectly placed and tightened on her naked flesh. Her breasts pebbled in the cool air beneath the strap across her chest. Her femininity was slightly obscured beneath the leather skirt of the gear, but still bereft of protection. Her thighs and calves were accented by the cross strappings down to her feet. His mouth began to water as he reaches for her.

She saw his gaze turned predatory as he realized what she was wearing. He had grabbed her so fast she almost didn’t see him move. A hand behind her neck pulls her closer for a kiss as his other grips her ass, squeezing the flesh there. Groaning slightly, she fists her hands in his shirt, pulling him into her as she returns the attack on her mouth.

Walking her backwards, his mouth never leaves hers as he steers her towards the flat plane of his desk. When she bumps against it, he reaches behind her and clears the desk, papers and pens scattering across the floor in his haste. Lifting her onto the wooden surface, he spins her around as he darts to the chair she had vacated.

Gripping her ankles, Levi pulls her forward slowly until her feet rest on the arms of his chair and her ass hangs on the edge of his desk. Heavy lidded eyes roam, drinking in every curve and crevice exposed to him. Sliding his hands up and down her thighs, his fingers trace the straps, brushing the bare skin around them sensuously. Her hands begin to run through his onyx hair as a small sound catches in her throat.

Y/N spread open and waiting for him on his desk is bewitching. Levi knows he will never forget this image. Leaning back in his chair, his eyes darken with lust as he commands her. “Touch yourself.”

He watches as her eyes widen slightly and she whispers “Yes, Captain.” He had thought he was hard when she dropped the coat, but her submissive words sent a flash of heat straight to his groin. He shifts his seat, adjusting his cock to a comfortable position as he watches her. Laying back on one hand, her other starts at her neck, trailing down the smooth skin. Reaching her chest, she cups one breast, massaging the mass slowly. Reaching for the stiff peak, she rolls it between two fingers as she applies just enough pressure to make herself gasp. Levi notices the folds of her pussy begin to glisten as she continues to abuse the nipple. Leaving it red and swollen from her touch, she moves to the other, lavishing the same attention on it as her hips begin to jerk.

He realizes that Y/N could cum from nipple play as he watched her writhe. Filing the information away for later, he watches her fingers trail lower. A single digit circles her lips, lubing her finger with her juices. Dragging it up and down her folds, she moans quietly. Her noises make him throb as he strains against his trousers.

Reaching for his zipper, he releases himself from the confines as he watches Y/N continue to play. Her eyes devour him as he begins stroke himself, flashing with excitement as a drop of pre cum builds on the smooth tip. Working his cock slowly, he watches as she slips two fingers inside her pussy. He groans as her fingers slide in and out, sopping wet from her arousal.

Her pace increased, her fingers thrusting in and out faster as the pressure building inside of her is almost about to bust. Watching Levi attend to himself was making her hotter than she ever imagined. She closes her eyes as her legs begin to tremble and her throaty moans climb, signifying her release is moments away.

Levi pulls her hands away from her herself as he stands and buries himself in her in one smooth motion. She cries out, clamping down on his length as the feeling of him filling her triggers her orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over her as he rocks into her with hard thrusts.

He continued to pound into her as she rode out her orgasm. Pulling on her chest strap, he yanks her up against him. Swallowing her cries, he covers her mouth with his own in a passionate kiss. Gripping her hip, his thrusts get harder, go deeper as he chases his own release. When it breaks, his body tightens and he buries his head in her neck, growling as he empties himself into her.

Collapsing against her, he struggles to catch his breath. Savoring the moment, he feels her hands on him, softly running up and down his back. Shifting his weight off of her, he notices a lazy grin on her face.

“Did you enjoy your surprise, Captain?” Y/N smugly asks.

“Yes, fuck yes. I love your surprises.”

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💜Kidnapped💜 - 1 of 3

Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

Kidnapped - Part 1 of 3

********WARNING!!!!!!!********* Potentially Triggering Material/Threat of Rape/Forced Sexual Contact/NSFW****************** **********************************

I slowly opened my eyes, the light increasing the throbbing in my skull. What happened? Where am I? The last thing I remembered was Captain Levi shouting for me to look out. We were being chased by the First Interior Police. The rest of the squad was still chasing the wagon with Historia and Eren in it, while Levi and I split off, being chased by that madman the Captain called Kenny. As we moved through the city, trying to escape from the anti personnel ODM gear they were equipt with, my fear of failure was growing. All of a sudden, the Captain’s eyes widen and he shouts to me, then

“Oi, Oi, Oi!!! She’s awake! Time for the fun to begin!”

Glancing around me, I spot the tall, lanky man that had been chasing us. His malicious grin unnerved me, so I looked away as I take in where I was. A large warehouse, filled with crates and bags. The materials seemed to form a hidden alcove to keep this area private from the rest of the space. I see Captain Levi, in a chair with his hands tied behind his back around a support post, watching at me intently. His face is bruised, like he has been hit a few times, and the blood from the cut above his eye is still on his face. His steely grey eyes are narrowed, angry, but I see them widen as Kenny makes his way over to where I am laying tied up on the ground.

“Kenny, you bastard, leave her out of this!” My raven haired Captain struggles against the straps holding him down. The older man scoffs and reaches down to grab my face, pulling it towards him. I look into cold grey eyes, similar in color and shape to the Captain’s, but I see true evil lurking below the surface. I shudder, and try to pull away, but his grip tightens on my jaw.

“Well runt, you sure know how to pick ‘em
. You fuckin’ her?” He cackles, an evil grin sliding across his face.


” He drawls. “I bet a runt like you is still a virgin. What’s the matter brat, don’t know how to get your wick wet?” I flush at the older man’s crass words. The Captain’s face hardens as he throws a dark glare at the back of the man’s head. Kenny looks back at Levi and hums. “Yep, just as I thought.” Turning his attention back to me, he raises a thin eyebrow. “So how about you? Still have that cherry?” I spat in his face in response. For a brief moment I thought he was going to hit me, but then he shocked me by laughing.

“Hahahaha, you’ve got spirit, girl! Let’s play a game
.” he leers at me as I try to pull away.

The Captain begins struggling harder with his bonds. “Kenny, don’t do it!” He begins cursing as the straps dig into his skin making him bleed, but not loosening enough to slip from them. Kenny pulled me to my feet and pushed me forward to stand in front of Levi. As I catch myself before stumbling into the Captain’s lap, Kenny yanks me back by hair, bringing my head back to look him in the eye.

“Tell me missy, do you get wet for the runt? Seems like you would favor him.” He taunts.

Glaring at him, I spit out “I’m on his squad. I’m no one special to him and he’s just my Captain.”

Kenny looks from me to Levi for a long moment. The Captain is wearing his impassive mask, keeping his eyes purposely clear of emotion. A sly grin crosses the older man’s face. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

I close my eyes and brace for an impact, a slap, a punch, a kick, anything. I feel the bindings of my hands cut free. Curious, I open my eyes to find my hands free. Kenny had silently moved over to stand behind the Captain, twirling his wicked knife in one hand. “RUN Y/N!” Levi bellows. “Forget about me!” I clench my fists and take a step towards the men, I see Levi’s eyes widen.

“Damn I like you brat!” Kenny howls as he moves the knife towards Levi. “But, you attack me, he dies. You run, he dies.” I stop at his words, my face etched with anger. “Time for you to make a choice.” He drawls. “You see, I raised this runt, taught him how to drink and fight and kill a man, but I guess I missed the lesson about women. What kind of mentor would I be if I didn’t fix that mistake?”

My shock evident, I look at the Captain and screeched “He RAISED you?!!!?”

“Well, shit, Levi. It’s hurts my feelings you hide your childhood.” A phony pout crosses Kenny’s face.

Levi’s scowl is fierce as he snarls “Tch, I wouldn’t talk about a crazy bastard like you!”

Kenny glares at Levi before turning back to me, the glare transforming into a ghoulish grin. “It’s simple sweetheart, your gonna break the runt in, give him a chance to be with a woman before he dies.” When I gape in shock, he raises a hand and continues. “Your other option is much worse. You fuck your precious Captain, or I let ALL of my men have you.”

This can’t be real. Looking at the horrified expression on the Captain’s face, I go numb. “You’re insane.” I whisper, shooting Kenny a hateful look. I block out the laughter coming from the taller man and the shouts of protest and anger from Levi. I see him struggling even harder against the straps that render him unable to free us from this nightmare, his blood dripping from his wrists to the floor.

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad. He may be a runt, but he’s not bad to look at I suppose.” His taunting voice breaks through the fog in my brain.

I look at Levi and he stops struggling, his granite eyes bore into mine, wordlessly trying to convey a message. But I don’t know what he is trying to tell me. Still holding his gaze, I give Kenny my answer. “I choose Levi.”

Kenny whoops with depraved glee. “Boy, you are in for a treat! Have to say, I’m a little disappointed she didn’t choose the squad, it’d have been fun to watch
..Well, to get started, you’ve got to see the goods, Levi. Have you seen a woman naked before?” Kenny grins at Levi’s scowl. He walks towards me and his knife makes quick work of my shirt and bra, shredding them. Tearing them off of me, he stands back, appraising my form.

“Hot damn Levi, I’m jealous. She’s got a nice set of tits.” His hand reaches out towards my right breast and I pull away from him as I hear a low growl of anger come from the Captain.

“Don’t fucking touch her!”

With an mockingly impressed expression, he turns back towards me, “All depends on you doing what I tell you, brat. Now

I’m dying to see that ass of yours.” Gripping my pants in his hands, ripping sounds fill the enclosed space as the material is pulled away from my body. Standing in only my underwear, I look down at the ground, not wanting to see Kenny’s next degrading move. I feel his knife graze my hipbone, I gasp in surprise at the feel of the cold blade. Sliding it under my panties, he cuts them off with the flick of his wrist.

Wolf whistling, he licks his thin lips as he stares at my naked form, motioning for me to turn around. After a long moment, he shakes his head and opens his vile mouth.

“Well, Y/N, what are you waiting for? Start the brat off with a blow job


Part 2 Here

Part 3 Here

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💜Recovering💜 4 of 4

Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

Recovering: Part 4 of 4

*****WARNING*****NSFW******Spoilers Ahead/Manga

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

“Drop the towel, Y/N.” He repeats. “Fair is fair.” His tone is hard and unyielding but the glimmer in his grey orb was teasing and playful.

She stood there for a moment is disbelief. Levi, Captain Levi wanted her to drop her towel and stand bare before him. She set her clothes down on the chair. She noticed he was following her every movement carefully. His sharp observant gaze was not affected by the use of only one eye in this moment. She reached for the tuck in the towel, slowly pulling the material free and let it fall to the floor.

He held his breath as the towel fell. She had actually done it. He had expected her to scoff and ignore his demand or cuss him and slap his face, even with his injuries. Y/N held her head up, unashamed of her figure. He drank in her curves. Her smooth shoulders seemed so soft even though he knew her strength. His hands itched to cup the gentle swells of her breasts. The sharp curve of her waist drew his eye and Levi felt the urge to bite her hip. His eyebrow quirked, as he took in her most private area. She was hairless, something that he hadn’t known women would do. Her slender thighs and calves were rounded out by larger feet but dainty in their appearance.

His reaction was a surprise to him. He felt himself hardening, a jolt of lust ran through him at the sight of her. He had always ignored physical attraction, tamping down his body’s desires but no amount of self control was working in that moment. He wanted her.

“Happy now?” She asked, bending to pick the towel up.

“No.” Her head shot up at his terse reply. “You bathed me. I haven’t touched you.”

“Are you suggesting you get to bathe me?” Her expression was curious and a bit frustrated.

He slowly moved to the other side of the bed. The stiffness of his movements told of his pain from the explosion. When he had settled himself back into a comfortable position, he motioned to the now empty spot where he had laid. “No. Lay down.”

He waited for her to move, to him or away from him, he didn’t know yet. But she had to move. He wouldn’t force her, despite his demanding tone. Even has battered as he was at the moment, Levi knew he had the strength to take what he wanted if that appealed to him. But it never had. Memories of the brothel where he was born were still too clear. The men that had visited his mother and the others with the sick desires they forced on them had killed his craving for intimacy for so long. Even when he had lived an undesirable life that kind of filth had repulsed him. No, if he was to touch her, it had to be because she wanted him to.

She left the towel on the floor. Straightening back to her full height, she bit her lip as she moved closer to him. Lifting the edge of the blanket, she slipped into the bed beside him, feeling the warmth of his vacated spot on her back. Closing her eyes, she asked. “What now?”

“Let me touch you
.please?” His voice had changed. It was slightly deeper, huskier. It shouldn’t have surprised her that he asked, but it did. She had come to the bed knowing what would happen, but it still made her smile that he did not force her to do anything she didn’t want. She had known she could have refused to drop that towel, he wouldn’t have done more than make a bad joke. But the possibility of turning her shower fantasy into reality had been too great an enticement.

She gently took his left hand and tugged on him. When he rolled over on his side, facing her, she brought his hand to rest on her collar bone. Releasing him, she lay back with her hand over her head, and waited.

His fingers moved hesitantly, softly gliding over her skin as if he were still waiting for her permission. He traced the delicate bone down to the soft peaks of her breast. He stopped when she gasped, his eye darting to her face, making sure she was alright. Finding her eyes closed, he experimented, tracing the pebbled nipple with his index finger before flicking it over the peak. Gasping again, she confirmed his hope that she was enjoying his touch. Cupping her completely, he massaged the swell gently feeling the flesh mold to his hand. He sighed when she arched up into his touch, greedy for more as he rolled her nipple between his fingers. His mouth watered, wanting to taste it, but he willed himself to behave.

Moving lower, he traced the faint lines of her abs. Softer than him, he marveled at the goose flesh left in the trail of his fingers. Her faint moans urged him on. She was enjoying his exploration of her body. Digging in slightly, he gripped the hip he wanted to bite, feeling his hand move with her curves. He slowly slid his hand down her thigh on the outside, pausing randomly to squeeze before working his way up to the apex.

His hand hovered over her, his eye fixated on her face waiting for her to open her eyes. When she finally did, he bored his question into her with a look. Absorbing her cloudy passion filled expression, he pressed his fingers to her core.

He found a nub of skin between the lips of her pussy. Slick with desire she shifted her legs wider to give him more room. He shuddered, not from disgust but with pure want as he stroked her silken folds. Coated in her juices, he slid his digits from the hood of her clit to the tease the entrance of her femininity. Her low moan drove him further. Dipping a finger in, she clenched around him as he was shocked at the tightness of her walls and pulsing heat from within.

Her face contorted under his ministrations. She bit her lip when his finger entered her and groaned when his thumb pressed against her clit. Her upper body lifted off the mattress in pleasure when he started rubbing her. His ears burned to hear her cries and when she called his name, breathy and low, his cock throbbed with need.

Pumping his finger in and out of her slowly, he watched her fall into the rhythm. Grinding her hips against his hand, she looked exotic to him, a siren. She fisted the sheets with one hand, and the other was on his forearm, gripping him as he moved his wrist, pleasuring her. Increasing his pace, he eased another finger in, relishing the tight squeeze she gave him in approval.

Minutes passed as the only sounds that were heard were her moans and the movement of her body rustling on the sheets. He felt her body tense up. With a swift hard flick of his thumb as he plunged his fingers into her, she shattered. His name poured off her tongue, loud and filled with sensual pleasure. Her walls tightened around his fingers and spasmed, pouring more fluid across them. He loved it, his touch making her come apart. His favorite thing was when she was coming down from the pinnacle, her eyes fluttered opened and found his. She gave a satisfied smile, just for him, her eyes drowsy from the force of her release as she shut them, sighing contentedly.

“So did you touch me like that, Y/N?” He sarcastically asked, lightening the mood.

She gave a short, tired laugh. “No.”

“Damn. I would have woken up sooner if you had, brat.” He gave a chuckle as she weakly swatted his arm.

“Can I?” She asked, opening one eye to watch him. His face froze and he started as he realized what she was truly asking.

He ease onto his back beside her. “If you want.”

“Oh I do. I kept it professional while I was patching you up, but
.when I showered that night, I imagined touching you and having your hands on me like this.”

.” He breathed. “Shit
.I need to finish recovering already. I want to kiss you without my stitches tearing. And I’m not fucking you until I can kiss you. I’m an asshole, but a gentleman asshole.” He grumbled.

She gave a bright laugh as she curled her hand around his length. He groaned at her touch. This recovery was going to take forever

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đŸŽƒđŸ‘»Kinktober 2019 October 10thđŸ‘»đŸŽƒ

Day 10: Hair-pulling/Waxplay/Micro-Macro/Bonds (Telepathic or Empathic)

The first time he heard Y/N’s thoughts he thought she had actually spoken.

“What the hell did you say, Cadet?” He stared at her with piercing grey eyes.

“I didn’t speak Captain Levi!” Y/N’s eyes were wide. Her inner monologue was running a thousand miles a minute. Watching her carefully, he realized he could still hear her.

‘Fuck, he’s so hot! Just please take me right now. I will gladly do whatever you want, just fuck me Captain!’

His eyes narrowed and he turned and walked away, hiding the faint blush that crossed his pale cheeks. He still caught her last thoughts.

‘Look at that ass. I want to grab it as he pounds into me.’

The next week, he ordered her to his office to test if it was only him that could hear her thoughts or if she could listen to his own thoughts. He had caught her thoughts randomly and they were all about him and

She was on the floor scrubbing the wooden boards and he leaned forward and made sure his thoughts were clear.

‘Y/N, I want to put you on my desk desk and bury my face in your pussy. Lick you until you cum all over me. Strip those clothes off of you and fill you with my cock until you scream my name.’

Levi’s grin was wicked as he noticed her back stiffen and her hand stutter in scrubbing the brush across the wood grain. But he let the grin drop as she turned back to look at him.

His normally placid face was only enhanced by a single arched eyebrow. “Yes, Cadet?”

Shaking her head, Y/N turned back to her task. ‘I swore I just heard him say he wanted to put me on his desk. God I must be just that horny. I’d probably beg to suck his cock and have him face fuck me. Shit! I need to finish this so I can go masturbate!’

Levi frowned. No fucking way was she leaving. He didn’t know how this connection between them was working, but his cock was practically vibrating with anticipation in his trousers.

‘You can masturbate in front of me. Laid out prettily for me on my bed. I’ll bite and suck on those sweet little breasts while finger yourself for me.’ He shuddered at the image of doing just that.

‘Shit! I’m going insane! I swear I hear Captain Levi saying the dirtiest things. My fucking panties are soaking from those thoughts.’ Y/N scrubbed a bit harder, trying to distract her.

‘So take them off, Y/N. Better yet, come here and let me feel how wet you really are.’ He saw her shudder but not look back as her cleaning became frantic, as if she could scrub away the voice infiltrating her head. ‘I can hear your thoughts Y/N and you can hear mine. Drop the scrub brush and come to me.’

“Now.” Levi spoke the last word out loud.

When Y/N turned to him slowly, he had already shrugged out of his jacket and removed his cravat. He let her see his eyes filled with desire as he crooked a finger at her.

‘I won’t say it again, Y/N. Come, let’s fulfill off those dirty thoughts of yours.’

kinktober levi kinktober snk kinktober aot kinktober 2019 kinktober captain levi levi ackerman snk levi shingeki no kyojin attack on titan levi aot aot fanfiction levi ackerman x reader snk x reader aot x reader captain levi x reader levi x reader levi heichou captain levi fanfiction levi fanfiction levi ackerman fanfiction shingeki no kyojin fanfiction shingeki no kyojin x reader snk fanfiction attack on titan fanfiction attack on titan x reader

Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change

💜His Lieutenant💜

Erwin watched as Y/N idly scratched her pen in her hair as she studied the map. She nibbles on her lip as her brow furrowed in concentration as she moved a marker signifying a squad into a different position.

He was suddenly struck by the overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her. Erwin had been feeling usual around her, a jittery nervousness around her when she smiled at him.

He knew that it was unwise to want someone under his command. But the strong and willful soldier was one of his best and her allure was strong. Under different circumstances, he would find her to be a perfect match for him.

She sighed a shifted her weight, drawing his attention to her ass. Gods knew he had been staring at it a lot lately as she bent over the map table. The harness they normally wore no present, but the uniform trousers molded to her frame left his mouth dry.

He needed to tell her how he felt, the words scrambling his brain to the point where he couldn’t think of anything else.

“What do you think?” Erwin blinked owlishly at Y/N as she looked at him, waiting on his judgement.

“Huh?” Erwin tried to think about what she could be talking about.

“Erwin, are you okay?” Y/N frowned as she stepped closer to him, examining his face.

He groaned internally. She was so close, her concerned face within reach of him. Her scent drifted over and filled his nostrils. She was clean and sweet smelling, like a fresh meadow at dawn.

He didn’t think as he leaned in and kissed her. But the moment he pressed his lips to hers, he realized what he was doing and leaped back.

“I am sorry, Y/N! Please forgive me. Stupid. I can’t believe, I mean
You, pretty
.damnit.” Erwin’s normally charming tongue had failed him, leaving him to twist his words and stutter like a fool.

His blue eyes widened as she moved closer and lifted herself onto her tip toes. “Erwin, calm down. It’s okay.”

They closed as he felt her kiss him. He groaned and pushed her back against the table, his desire for his Lieutenant overriding his common sense. She didn’t protest as he picked her up and set her on the surface, knocking over the plans they had been working on.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth as he felt her start tearing at his shirt. Heat pooling in his groin, causing him to swell from the need to take her. Her cold hands on his skin made him shudder as he moved his lips to her neck and his fingers worked the buttons of her own shirt.

They undressed each other as they kissed wherever their mouths could reach, sucking and nipping at the skin as they drove the other mad with want.

He hated pulling away, even for a moment as he pulled his boots off as she did the same. She had hopped down from the table and pulled her pants off in a flash, standing before him completely naked before jumping into his arms.

He caught her, barely as he struggled with his own pants. He walked over to his desk, the space clear and set her on the edge as he finally managed to get his buttons undone. He felt her hand push into the material and grasp his hard cock, making him sway under her touch. His own hand pushing her thighs open and desperately seeking the heat between them.

He found her wet and it made him throb in her hand. She moaned as he slipped his fingers around her folds. When he found the entrance to her core, his fingers slipped into her easily, resisting only when he had fully sank them into her to the knuckle.

She tightened around him and whispered his name as he slowly started pumping them into her, relishing the heat and snugness around his digits. He couldn’t wait to slip his cock into her, and have that tight warmth around him.

.fuck me.” She moaned against his mouth.

Gods, he couldn’t wait. He let her guide him to her entrance and pull him gently closer, letting the tip impale her. She let go and he slid forward, filling her with a loud groan and a sigh.

He bit down on her shoulder as he started moving inside of her. Each thrust making her cry out as he pushed his cock hard against her cervix. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moved her hips to meet his thrust into her. She gripped his arms tight, her fingernails digging into his skin as she bit his chest hard. Her tongue soothed the mark as she moved to a new unmarked expanse of skin and proceed to mark him as hers again.

He had an arm braced on his desk, the other pulling her closer as continued to fuck her against his desk, reveling in tight grip of her pussy around him. He wasn’t going to last long, the excitement of her teeth on his skin and the unbridled passion of their hips meeting driving him to the edge faster than he had ever be taken.

He couldn’t figure out who was in charge, they moved in tandem as she pulled him closer with those strong legs, not letting him pull back to far. He had always been in charge in the bedroom, but with Y/N, he wasn’t dominant but he wasn’t submitting to her either.

When she came it was with a scream as she pulled on his hair, bringing his mouth to hers to muffle the sound as it bounced off the stone walls. She tightened around him painfully gripping his cock as he tried to move, push her through her orgasm. Her pulsing around him pushed him over the cliff. He sped up, his breathing ragged as he felt his entire body spasm as he came.

He moaned her name as he pumped his release into her eager body, his eyes flashing in passion. When he was done, he leaned his head against hers, sighing heavily as he came down from his blissful high.

“Holy shit
..” Y/N breathed, laughing as she moved her arms to his waist and kissed his neck again.

Erwin pulled back to see the sated face of his lieutenant. He grinned at her throughly fucked appearance. He picked her up and carried her through the door to his bathroom, eager to take her again in his shower.

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Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change



He struggled against the straps holding him down. He cursed and shouted at the man but all he got was a wicked grin in return and a bawdy laugh.

Levi had gotten them into a mess and he didn’t know how he was going to get them out. He had been hit from behind and knocked unconscious by Kenny when he had been flying toward the squad to warn them to let Historia and Eren go. He didn’t know how Y/N got there when he woke up in the abandoned farmhouse where he was tied up.

“Look at this girl, Levi
.How did you manage to get such a looker?” Kenny said as he taunted Y/N with the edge of his blade. He held Levi’s squad member by the chin, his arm wrapped around her as he ran the knife up and down her body, toying with her.

He seemed to enjoy her muffled shouts around the gag in her mouth. Thrilled at seeing her freeze when he pressed the blade beneath her eyeball. He was a sick and twisted fuck, Levi should know from the years he spent living with him in the underground.

“Kenny, let her go, you have me.” Levi growled, glaring at the man he had learned how to wield a knife from. That same knife was threatening Y/N.

“Why would I want to do that? Especially since the bitch chased after me and cut me to try and save your tiny ass.” Kenny asked, looking over at Levi.

“So runt, this your girlfriend?” Levi glared at him as he shook his head. He couldn’t let Kenny think there was an ounce of feelings for the girl, or she would be used against him.

“How about you, pretty thing? You like runts?” He coos at Y/N.

Her muffled “FUCK YOU” was clearly understood, even with the cloth in her mouth.

Kenny laughed, the sound wicked as it made a flash of fear curl in Levi’s gut. That laugh could mean nothing good.

“Feisty! I like you! I think we could have a lot of fun. What do you think, darlin’?” Her eyes were hot and angry as she stared into his cold and calculating blue orbs.

Kenny sliced her top off and started to press the blade to the edge of her throat when she started to struggle. “Hold on girl, I know you’re eager.” He cackled as Levi shouted at him to leave her alone.

She stood still and stared helplessly at the Captain as Kenny cut her clothes off. When she was naked, he didn’t look down, but kept his eyes trained on hers.

“Hot damn boy! Look at that ass!” He turned her around and Levi saw her perfect round ass before Kenny slapped it.

“God damnit Kenny! DON’T TOUCH HER!” Levi shouted as he pulled against the thick leather. Damn the man for using the tough ODM straps to bind his hands.

“Hmmmm so you do like her.” Kenny mused turning Y/N back around to face her Captain. He watched as Levi’s eyes widened and narrowed in hatred as he slid the edge of his knife over her breasts and down her stomach. He could swear he was hearing a growl come from the runt.

Y/N tried to stay still as the blade of his knife traveled over her skin, wincing when it made shallow cuts because of her jerking away. “How about you, girlie? You dream about taking your Captain’s cock?” She shuddered in disgust as his hot breath washed over her ear.

“She’s not bad, boy. I’m feeling a bit randy from seeing her like this. How about I bend her over and see if I can make her squeal?” Kenny asked running a hand up to cup her breast.

“Fuck! Keep your filthy hands off her you fucking crazy bastard. Just go ahead and kill me. Let her go.” Levi said, his words hard but his mind racing in horror. He needed to find a way out of this. Needed to save Y/N from that fate.

“Ahhhhh, I see.” Kenny’s eyes narrowed on Levi. “You haven’t had her yourself yet, have you?”

He drew the knife back up to where it was pointed at her jugular and pushed her forward. She gasped around the gag as she tried to keep herself from falling onto his obscenely sharp knife.

“Grab his cock, girl.” Kenny ordered. Y/N looked at him and he motioned her to get started. Her eyes met Levi’s in embarrassment as she felt his crotch and grabbed his cock, hard and straining against the buttons.

“Well looky there. The little runt likes the naked girl.” Kenny laughed as he scratched his chin. “Soooooo what to do?”

“What the fuck are you talking about old man. Everyone gets a boner from a naked girl.” Levi spit out, desperate to get his mind off this train of thought.

..but I’m thinking you really want to put that cock of yours in your soldier.” Kenny said conversationally. “So let’s see, I could fuck your precious girl here and let you watch, then watch as each one of my men have a turn with her.” Y/N started struggling and screaming obscenities against the gag as Levi pulled against the straps and hurled abuse at their captor.

.OR.” Kenny held the knife up to her eyeball again. “Damn let a man finish before you go choosing. Or
.I untie you and I get to watch you fuck your girl. Decisions, decision.”

He turned to Y/N and looked her in the eye “Well girl, what’s it going to be?”

He removed the gag and Y/N shot back “Fuck yourself old man!”

He laughed and turned to Levi. “Looks like she chooses you, boy!”


For his own sick amusement, Kenny traded his knife for his Anti personnel guns. Easier to keep them in line, he said. Levi wouldn’t have risked Y/N, the older man’s gun pointed directly at her head.

He had already seen what it had done to Nifa, he didn’t want to see the image of Y/N like that. He had been released, his hands untied and ordered to strip down by Kenny with ruthless glee.

He had burned with hatred as he took off the last of his clothes. Embarrassed because of the situation and the reaction of his body to Y/N’s lithe form.

“We don’t have time for the full shebang, so how about you two just get to fucking.” Kenny ordered as he lounged in the chair where Levi had been tied up.

“Where on the fucking floor?” Levi argued, trying to buy time to figure a way out without getting their asses shot.

“Take her against the wall or just bend her over brat. You act like you haven’t gotten laid.” Kenny grumped, annoyed at the back talk.

“I prefer to fuck without a gun at my back, asshole.” Levi retorted earning a snicker from Kenny.

He had turned to Y/N and wordless apologized as he lifted her into his arms. There was no way they were getting out of this lose/lose situation. Either he was forced to have sex with Y/N or Kenny and fuck only knows how many others would take her. He cared about her too much to see that happen.

.I’m sorry.” Levi said as he felt her wrap her arms around him.

“It’s okay
just gut him the first chance you get.” Y/N whispered as he slowly lowered her down onto his shaft.

She wasn’t a virgin and neither was he, but they had never had sex before. Never thought about violating that boundary. As they both groaned as the feeling of the other, Y/N wondered if this wasn’t opening a rabbit hole.

He used his strength to hold her up, refusing to put them on anything filthy in this farmhouse. She wrapped her legs around him and blocked out the commentary from the Captain of the Anti Personnel Squad as she started using her thighs to move up and down on his cock.

Levi’s hands were holding her ass, gripping it as he lifted and lowered her, rocking his heels as he lifted his own hips up into her.

“Holy fuck runt. I think you might have actually fucked someone before.” Kenny drawled.

“Shut the fuck up, Kenny.” Levi gritted his teeth as he spit the words out.

Y/N leaned down and kissed him, surprising him as she rolled her hips around and squeezed him with her tight walls. He felt himself flex in response and push her down a bit harder on his cock.

“The window.” Y/N breathed casually in between the thrusts of his cock into her pussy. “We can make it if you push me against the wall.”

He threw his head back and looked at the far window. “Glass” he said right before he latched on to her neck with his lips.

“Going to have to chance it.” Y/N said.

“Stop whispering over there! It’s bad manners!” Kenny glowered. They both turned and glared at him.

“Ohhh fuck
.fuck me against the wall.” Y/N threw her head back and moaned as Levi ran the kisses down her throat. He pressed his tongue against a shallow cut Kenny had inflicted and licked it gently.

“Now you guys are getting into it!” Kenny hollered as Levi walked backwards towards the window.

“Yes! Levi
.NOW!” She cried, tucking her head into his chest.

Levi took two running steps and threw himself backwards through the window, still firmly imbedded in Y/N. The glass shattered and they fell to the ground and breaking apart, hearing the outraged cry of Kenny and the thump of his boots as he got up to run after them.

“Y/N, Run!” Levi jumped up and grabbed her hand to make a run for it when they heard a loud crash from the front of the house and shots being fired.

Y/N recognized the voices of their squad and Hanji as they ran around the back. An MP came flying out the back door straight into the waiting fist of a very angry naked Captain. When he had knocked the man out, he tossed the cape to Y/N to cover herself and waited to see if there was going to be another visitor.

Y/N started stripping the straps and uniform off the man. She handed Levi a pair of pants and he pulled them on just as another victim came out the back trying to escape. Levi had quickly dispatched him as well, guarding Y/N as she procured clothes for herself. When they were decent, they ventured into the house to find his squad rounding up the members of Kenny’s squad, their leader on his knees in front of all of them.

“Well, shit
.” Kenny muttered as he looked into the very angry face of a shirtless and shoeless Captain Levi.

The rest of the squad eyed Levi and Y/N curiously but decided not to question them considering the rage etched into the Captains face.

When they were hauling the prisoners out to the wagons to transport them to a safe place to interrogate them, Levi caught Y/N by the arm and held her back.

His eyes didn’t meet hers as he struggled to find the words to say. Y/N took pity on him and caught his attention by placing a hand on his warm bare chest.

“It was a lose/lose situation Levi. Although I have to say is
.” She waited until he looked at her and she grinned at him. “You owe me an orgasm.”

Levi’s eyes flashed dangerously as he smirked at her words. He could handle that, as long as they didn’t have an audience this time.

Mobile MasterList

shingeki no kyojin attack on titan levi ackerman captain levi snk levi aot fanfiction levi aot snk x reader aot x reader levi ackerman x reader levi heichou captain levi x reader levi x reader captain levi fanfiction levi fanfiction levi ackerman fanfiction snk fanfiction attack on titan fanfiction attack on titan x reader shingeki no kyojin fanfiction shingeki no kyojin x reader

Levi x reader he calls you clingy and you change



“Shit! Everyone defend the wagons!” Levi bellowed as he stood up and engaged his ODM gear.

The Abnormal had appeared out of nowhere, crashing through the line of trees to crush one of the supply wagons and it’s team of horses and eat the soldiers. He knew that if the creature took out any more of their wagons, they were all going to be in deep shit.

The squad deploys their ODM gear, swinging up from their horses and follows their Captain into battle. Levi hooks into a tree opposite the creature at Y/N darts in front of the beasts eyes, catching his attention in a practiced maneuver.

The reach for Y/N was late as she darted down making the Titan bend to search for his quarry, exposing his nape beautifully for Levi.

The gears turned as his bolts retracted, freeing him to spin in the air as he zipped across the space, his blades slicing neatly through flesh and felling the creature.

His eyes automatically looked for and found Y/N where she was already joined Eld and Gunther where they had just taken out a regular Titan. She looked back at Levi, her fingers to her lips to call for their horses and she subtly grinned at him.

He nodded back before glancing at the wreckage of the wagon, clicking his tongue at the ruined supplies but mostly the half eaten soldiers laying among the remains of the horses. There was nothing to be salvaged, he determined, before depressing the triggers of his gear to catch up with the rest of the squad.


“Look, it’s shitty, but everyone is going to have to double up.” Levi announced as the rest of the squad looked around.

Petra looked towards Oulo, a move that Levi caught. He knew that the couple would want to share a tent. It made his next announcement so much easier to pass as innocent.

“The lovebirds will share a tent, but keep it down. No one wants to listen to the two of you fuck. Eld, you and Gunther will share a tent. Y/N, you’re with me.” Levi announced flatly, his eyes flitting to where Y/N was leaning against a tree.

There was no reaction other than acceptance, but he knew that was normal. Erwin had announced that the wagon that had been crushed had carried half of the Special Operations Squad’s gear. But most importantly, everything Y/N had brought including her clothes. Leaving Y/N without a place to sleep unless she shared with someone. And Levi had made damned sure it was him.

Levi stayed out at the fire with Eld and Gunther, letting Y/N do whatever it was women needed to do before bed. It wouldn’t do to act as suspiciously as Petra and Oulo had,racing off to their tent as soon as the meal was finished. So he languished by the fire, calmly sipping another cup of tea, when he really wanted the other two morons to get the hint and go the fuck to bed so he could.

Y/N was a nervous wreck. She had nothing to change into, and she didn’t want to ask the Captain for something to wear. She had already had to improvise a way to clean her teeth and bathe. She shrugged and decided that it wasn’t practical to be upset about it. Surely he wouldn’t mind if she slept in her undergarments. It was better than keeping her uniform on.

Levi entered the tent just as Y/N had bent over to place her folded uniform neatly on a towel. His eyes raced over her form as he drank in the sight of the woman he wanted in a pair of tiny cotton panties and a thin tank top.

He kept his expression neutral, acting as if he had seen her that way a thousand times. She would have only known how badly she was affecting him if she had felt the rapid beating of his heart. He crawled over to where his own belongings had been set up, folding his jacket and untying his cravat before reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

Y/N turned to face him right as he had put down his shirt. The pale ivory skin of his hardened chest seemed to glow in the low lamplight. She barely caught herself from gasping but she knew that he caught the way her eyes widened as she looked over the planes and valleys of his contoured upper body.

“I run hot.” His words were simple, but Y/N couldn’t help the rush of heat between her thighs at his words. She nodded and turned back around, busying herself with settling down on the pallet and turning her back to Levi.

He smirked to himself. He hadn’t missed the way her nipples had tightened under the thin material of her shirt as she had gawked at him. It wasn’t because of the cool night air, it was pure arousal that had caused that reaction.

He was quiet as he extinguished the lamp, throwing the tent into darkness before slowly dragging his trousers off. When he settled in behind her, he made sure to leave the blanket open, letting as much cold in as possible as he laid down in just his underwear.

Y/N shivered as she felt the cold air chill her feverish body. She slid back and pressed her back up against him, expecting to feel his own back. Instead, she felt herself wiggling back against the Captain’s front, her ass now pressed firmly against his groin.

Levi held his breath, his body reaction instantaneously to the ass he had spent so many hours staring at, wanting to touch. There was no way she couldn’t feel his rapidly hardening cock growing against her.

Y/N was breathing heavy. She felt like she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs, although she had to admit to herself she had thought things might finally happen once it was announced they were sharing a tent. They had been dancing around the chemistry between them for longer than either one would admit.

His arm had naturally come to rest on her waist, his skin hot against her own. It felt like every nerve in her body had transferred to her ass and waist, all she could feel in that moment was Levi.

She pushed her hips back, her ass pushing against his cock. A tiny moan escapes her as she rubbed against him, the throbbing tempo of his body against her.

He still hadn’t moved, hadn’t breathed yet. He felt Y/N pull away a bit, a rush of disappointment coursing through him. But then he felt her shift, her hand reaching back and with starting accuracy, her hand covered his cock over his underwear. The slow movement of her fingers as she started to explore him.

He released his breath as a low groan in her ear. The sound of his excitement send a hot flash of heat to her pussy, making her start to throb. His hips jutted forward, pushing himself against her hand as she massages his length.

She removed her hand from his cock, and could sense him tensing up for rejection. Her hand cover his where it lay idle at her waist. She led his hand up over her stomach to have him cup her breast. She breathed out a bit louder as she felt his reflexive squeeze on her flesh as she pushed herself into his hand.

Y/N reached back to cup him again. Her fingers molding themself around his shaft as she gave him a light squeeze. His low, croaked out “Fuck.” made her shiver against him, her panties now soaking with her arousal.

The darkness and their breathing is all that surrounds them. His hands dive under the flimsy material of her tank top, pushing it down to expose her hardened nipples to his touch. He starts rolling a pebbled tip between his thumb and forefinger, soft sushing her as her pants filled the canvas tent.

She wasn’t passive, her own hand sneaking down the band of his underwear to rub her thumb across the aching tip of his cock before trailing down to gently fondle his balls. Levi almost drew blood when he bit down on his lower lip to keep from yelling out.

The feeling of her hands on his bare cock was overwhelming, making him twitch with urgent need. He responded in kind, letting his hand wander down to delve into her panties. His fingers were met with slick arousal already coating her sex completely. Heat pooled in his groin knowing that he made her this way, her wanting him turned her on that badly.

She shuddered as her hand stilled on him, her mouth opened but she kept herself quiet as he pushed two finger in between her folds to slip easily into her body. Her hips rotated against his wrist, every stroke making her hand flex as her breathing became shallow.

He couldn’t take anymore. He hadn’t thought about the position they were in before, but it was perfect for what they needed right now. If she was on her back, he would be too tempted to pound into her, letting the entire camp know what was happening in his tent.

He pushed her panties down, indicating what he wanted. Y/N removed her hand and lifted her hips, shimming the material down her thighs and kicking it off at her feet while Levi removed his own underwear.

Laying side by side, front to back he moved them into position. His hand grasped her thigh and hooked her right leg back over his waist, her pussy now open and waiting for him. He shifted forward, his hand guiding his cock towards the wet heat of her core.

He paused, the tip of his cock pressed against her slick entrance. He moved his head over hers, his teeth nipping at the shell of her ear. His low whisper meant for her only.


She whimpers in response. Her hand shooting back to grip his hair, her head turning to let their mouths fuse together as he pushes into her body at the same time.

Her low groan was muffled by the tangling of their tongues. Levi realized its the first time he’s kissed Y/N. And it’s right as her body started gripping his cock in her passage. She couldn’t see it, but his eyes flutter shut as he lets himself just feel.

Y/N’s gasp as he bottomed out was swallowed in their leisurely thorough kiss. It had been years she had a lover. The feeling of being stretched out foreign now. His girth pushed against her walls, making her throb around him even harder.

When he started to move, he resisted the urge to slam his hips against her ass brutally. His thrusts were slow and measured. But that didn’t mean they weren’t deep, or there wasn’t power behind them. The pace let them stay quiet, his hand holding her thigh as he rocked into her again and again.

Her hand stayed in his hair, her fingers curling and pulling as he brushed against her cervix each time he pumped himself into her body. He shivered every time she tugged on his hair, his cock flexing inside of her as she arched up against him. Her hips pushed back when he pulled away, her body eager for the next thrust.

He knew that his orgasm was building, felt her own trembling as she started to move a bit unsteady against him. Her walls were starting to hug him tighter, drawing him further into her body as she pulsed around him.

His measured breathing was becoming a bit more ragged against her ear. His words coming out haltingly as he whispered against her.

“When we
..get back, I’m taking you
..to my quarters. So I can fuck you

just as hard
.and as fast
.as I want.” His hot breath was accompanied by his tongue tracing her lobe. “I can’t wait
..to hear you scream
..my name.”

Y/N’s back arched, her fingers tightened hard against the strands of his hair as her orgasm crashed over her. The intensity robbing her of the ability to make a sound as she opened her mouth to silently scream. Her pussy clamping down on him as the wet wave of her release washed over his still thrusting cock.

Her hips jerked and he felt the tightening of his balls, signaling his own end coming up. Her hand flew to his hip as she managed to breath out


His fingers dug into her thigh as he thrusted one last time into her body. His teeth bites into her bare shoulder to keep himself from yelling out his pleasure. Each pump of cum shot into her body felt like bliss, her throbbing passage eagerly receiving everything he had to give her as he empties himself into her.

Their breathing is the only thing heard inside their tent. The darkness of the night concealing their expression from one another. But the trembling of their bodies against one another told the other exactly how they were feeling. They stayed locked together for long minutes as the surrounding sounds of the campsite and forest filtered into their self-made bubble.

He pulled away gently and felt Y/N shift as she reached down at their feet. He felt her wiping him away from between her thighs.

“I’m taking a shot that prevents pregnancy.” She whispered, explaining why she had wanted him to stay embedded inside her.

Levi hummed quietly, hating when she removed her leg from his and turned to face him. He felt her press a cloth into his hand and realized she had cleaned up using her panties. He used an unsoiled portion of the cloth to wipe himself off and put them aside.

He pulled on his underwear and wrapped an arm around her, hauling her onto his chest as he lay on his back. They didn’t speak again, just let the feeling of what had happened float around them as they drifted off the sleep.


The next morning was a flurry of activity. Packing away the camp to push on to the next stop to unload supplies to create another cache of goods further into Titan territory. Levi kept his eyes on his own work resisting the urge to look over to where Y/N was checking the gear before they set out.

He reaching into his pocket and touched the panties he had slipped in there this morning when he had dressed. She couldn’t wear them like they were, covered in their fluids from the night before. He repressed the urge to grin at the fact that only he and Y/N knew that she wasn’t wearing panties.

“Let’s get this shitty day started.” He ordered as he passed by his squad without glancing at them.

He had to act like that. He couldn’t let anyone realize just exactly how much he was enjoying camping. Especially when he was “forced” to share his tent with Y/N.

Mobile MasterList

shingeki no kyojin attack on titan levi ackerman captain levi aot fanfiction snk levi levi aot snk x reader aot x reader levi ackerman x reader levi heichou captain levi x reader levi x reader captain levi fanfiction levi fanfiction levi ackerman fanfiction snk fanfiction attack on titan fanfiction attack on titan x reader shingeki no kyojin fanfiction shingeki no kyojin x reader