Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

Posted by1 year ago


Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

I’ve had very regular periods my whole life, only missing one when I became pregnant with my son (now 14mths). My period is 5 days late and all tests still reading negative.

How late have tests read negative for you before getting a positive?

I’m thinking of just calling my doctor tomorrow and getting a blood test. Wondering if I should wait and just keep testing!

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Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

level 1

I didn't get a positive until 2 weeks after my missed period. Turns out I ovulated late that month.

level 1

Sounds like an off month. Like they say over in r/tryingforababy "your periods are only regular until they aren't". There are tons of reasons besides pregnancy for you period to be delayed (stress, exercise, no particular reason at all, etc). A negative test this late means either you ovulated late (and still could become pregnant), you ovulated late and Aunt Flo is on her way soon, or you haven't yet ovulated at all. None of those scenarios indicate anything is wrong.

level 1

I had a miscarriage 18 months ago and since then my periods have been funky. I was totally regular my whole life. I’m not sure if it was the miscarriage or my age (39) but now I can be up to a week late. It’s annoying. Maybe wait a couple more days to see what happens?

level 2

I’m so sorry for your loss 💙 yeah, I’m not sure. I stopped BFing at 6 months and my period has been regular since then so this is super random! I’m 26 for measure, not on any birth control. We’re not actively trying but totally okay with having another any time from now on!

level 1

Are you using digital tests? When I was pregnant with my second I knew I was pregnant, and somehow had a digital test and used it. It said negative. I knew that was wrong so I went and got a regular two line test and low and behold, two lines popped up. I do not like the digital for early detection.

level 2

No just the first response non digital

Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

As the title says but I thought I would explain more, I've been feeling some symptoms of early pregnancy, tiredness, nausea, alight cramping (we are trying) but like I said, we have two negative tests, I would also like to explain that when I did the tests both times there wasn't enough pee (it didnt feel like enough to me) could that have impact on the tests? There's times when I honestly feel pregnant but there's times that I don't. Anyone have any similar stories? I don't want to hold on to hope just in case I'm not. I'm gonna head to the doctor's next week if I dont get my period by then, currently have a bad cold (not covid, did a test) right now.

Posted by2 years ago


Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

Hi, I was wondering if any of you have experienced a late period, typical pregnancy symptoms and still the test is negative. Did your period come in just very late or where you actually pregnant despite the negative test?

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Late period but negative pregnancy test reddit

level 1

Turns out I'm pregnant. And yes that was the result I wished for. Thank you for your answers.

level 2

Congratulations! How many days post ovulation were you when you tested and it came back negative? I tested on day 29 and negative, still no period on day 33 🤷‍♀️

level 1

I was a week late so I tested and it was negative, next day I got my "period" and it was 4 days long week later I just tested for fun and it was positive. I was 4/5 weeks along when it was positive

level 2

Ah yeah I read that it is possible to experience a period like bleeding around the time where the first period would be. But what a rollercoaster.

level 1

I tested on day 28, 29, 30, 31 all negative and wasn't positive until day 32.

level 1

Oh! Congrats!!! Hoping for the best for u!!!

level 2

Thank you very much. I'm very happy.

level 1

I did this and then got my ‘ period’ then one month later took another test and boom pregnant

level 2

so it really wasn’t your period? u were already 2 months pregnant when u tested positive?

level 1

I got a negative day of missed period and for a few days following. Period came two whole weeks late after being regular every month.

level 2

Oh wow. Did you figure out why? Stress? Excitement? Birth control of some sort that affected your period?

level 1

Trying for my first daughter this happened a number of times. Both times I’ve been pregnant it’s been very obvious a few days before missed period and I’ve tested positive, but everybody is different!

level 1

Was the period heavy or lighter than usual? Or was it just spotting :0c

level 2

My period didn't come in. For some reason I didn't test positive until a few days after my period was supposed to come so was confused.

I was worried that my hyper focus and/or stressing about it made my period late instead of it being because I was actually pregnant. But I'm currently almost 9 weeks pregnant so happy news (for me at least) .

Can I still be pregnant if the test is negative and no period?

could i still be pregnant? If you take a pregnancy test after your period is late and get a negative result, you're unlikely to be pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate — about 99 percent — but a false negative is still possible. Try taking another pregnancy test in a day or two to double check.

What does it mean if my period is late but the pregnancy test is negative?

The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.

Can I still be pregnant

So, if you became pregnant, it would have happened about six days later in your cycle than usual, which means you won't get a positive pregnancy test until six days later. If you get a negative result and suspect you're pregnant, try testing again in a few days if you still don't get your period.

How long after a missed period can a pregnancy test be positive?

You can carry out most pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period. If you don't know when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used even before you miss a period.