Is it better to tan before or after a shower


By Veranda Sun

 Posted June 21, 2019

 In Blog, Tips

Don’t Shower After Your Tanning Bed Session2019-06-212019-06-10// Sun Boulder Clean Tanning Salon//


Showering After Your Tanning Bed Session Could Ruin Your Tan

We love tanning beds! They offer a quick and easy way to get a great-looking tan, regardless of the weather or the time of day. Of course, the body will be exposed to heat, even if it’s for a short period of time. So, once you’re done with your tanning session, you will probably feel the need to take a shower —you know, to refresh yourself.

Although a shower may sound nice, it is not necessarily a good idea. Not if you want to enjoy that tan for more than a day. Here are some of the reasons why you should avoid showering after a sunbed tanning session.

A shower after your sunbed tanning sessions could ruin your tan.

Keeps Your Tan From Being Absorbed by the Skin

Do you know how when you work out hard, you still feel hot and sweaty for some time after you are finished? The body doesn’t immediately cool down and stop sweating. It takes some time. Something similar happens to the melanin in your skin.

As you may remember, melanin is the pigment that gives color to your skin. It is stimulated by UV rays, which makes the skin darken. That stimulation doesn’t only happen when you’re in the tanning bed or booth. It’s a process that keeps going even after you walk out of the tanning salon. If you shower immediately after your tanning session, you’re going to stop the process and minimize the effectiveness of your tan, and that’s the total opposite of what you want.

Kisses Your Bronzer Goodbye

Bronzer or tanning accelerators are meant to speed up the tanning process and give your skin that extra glowy look. A shower will wash away every last drop of that solution, which will not only impact the final look of your tan but you will have wasted your money on a product that didn’t even get a chance to work its magic on your skin.

Gives Your Body Some Time to Tan

It feels like a quick process, and it is, but your body keeps working after you hop out of the tanning booth. Give it at least a couple of hours before you decide to take a shower. You’ll get more effective and longer lasting results that way.

The majority of tanners isn’t sure about showering after getting a tan. Can you shower after a tan, and how long should you wait before you get a shower?

To be honest, this is not a though question to answer. First of all, it’s ok to get a shower after your tanning session. But how long should you wait? That depnds on the type of tanning session you just had.

I have written this article in away to help you understand what some common misconceptions are. I’ll also tell you how long you should wait after each type of tanning session, before you take a shower.

Tip: Make sure to keep your skin hydrated after showering. Your face and neck in particular. This moisturizer from LilyAna (Amazon) will help your tan to last longer. It’s been used by thousands of people and has a very high rating on Amazon.

In a hurry and need a quick answer? The table below will give you an overview of the minimum time between your tanning session and taking the first shower.

Type of tanning sessionWaiting time before showeringTanning bedNo waiting timeTanning bed with use of bronzers2 HoursSpray tanning4 HoursSpray tanning with Bronzers8 Hours

Table of Contents

  • Shower after Tanning: Myths and Facts
    • The Importance of  your First Shower after Tanning
    • Myth #1: Taking a shower after a UV tanning session washes the tan away
    • Myth #2: Taking a shower after a spray tanning session fades the tan away
  • Why is it Okay to Shower after the UV tanning session?
  • Why not to Shower right after Spray Tanning
  • How to Shower after Tanning?
  • Why Is The Shower Water Brown?
  • The Best Time to Shower
    • Showering after Tanning Bed
    • How long after a Spray Tan can You Shower

Shower after Tanning: Myths and Facts

I’ve been asked this question in the salons I’ve worked for many times. People always wonder if they can shower after a tanning session.

Some want to wait as long as possible, while others want to shower straight away as they feel dirty and sticky after getting a tan.

People discuss this topic a lot causing all this overthinking and overstressing to lead to a lot of misunderstandings and myths.

Here are some facts and myths people have associated with showering after a tanning session.

The Importance of  your First Shower after Tanning

When I say that the first shower you have after a tanning session is significant; I mean it. The truth is, the time at which you take that first shower has a big impact when it comes to having perfectly tanned skin. Tanning can take away the moisture from your skin leaving it dehydrated, showering helps to rehydrate your skin after getting a tan.

Depending on the tanning techniques and tanning lotions you use, showering can affect your tan immensely. Don’t worry! I’ll explain this further down in the article.

Myth #1: Taking a shower after a UV tanning session washes the tan away

No, it does not.

The tan that you get after a tanning session is produced by a natural pigment in your skin called melanin. During UV exposure, the melanocytes in your skin are triggered and begin to produce melanin. It can take 2-48 hours for your skin tone to visibly change.

The only reason it may take a while for your tan to appear is because your skin is recovering from the burn of the sun (or tanning bed). No matter how believable it sounds, your skin’s natural pigment cannot be washed off. If you could lose your tan by simply taking a shower, skin lightening creams wouldn’t exist.

There are even showers that have tanning lights in them. They allow you to get a tan whilst you shower.

But, there is something we have to focus on here. If you have used a bronzer or accelerator in a tanning bed session, it is recommended to wait at least 2-3 hours before taking a shower. Why? Unlike your natural pigment, bronzers and accelerators can be washed off. You have to make sure that these products are designed to last after showers too; not just for the tanning session.

Myth #2: Taking a shower after a spray tanning session fades the tan away

Yes, it does.

During a spray tanning session, most of the tanning on your skin is done by the bronzers. The primary purpose of bronzers is not to trigger the production of melanin but to be absorbed into your body to make your skin look sun-kissed and tanned.

While most tanning lotions use bronzers for customer satisfaction, they may not be present in all tanning products. Bronzers contain DHA (dihydroxyacetone), which sets on your skin and oxidizes with the air.

The oxidation results in your skin to appear much darker and tanned (note that this is only temporary). Taking a shower immediately or shortly after applying tanning lotion will cause the bronzer to wash off. The consequence of this will be a poor and uneven tan.

The best choice would be to wait at least 3-4 hours to allow the bronzer to set before taking a shower.

Why is it Okay to Shower after the UV tanning session?

Like I mentioned before, some people prefer not to shower after a tanning session. However, a shower after tanning does have its benefits (especially when you use lotions and bronzers during your tanning session). Here are some reasons why taking a shower after tanning is a good idea:

  1. During the tanning process, your skin undergoes extreme stress. Your body will also sweat excessively whilst being inside a tanning bed. The sweat will then clogs your pores, which can result in acne and all types of skin conditions. Do you see where this is going? Showering will clear your pores and skin of excessive sweat, preventing it from becoming a problem later on.
  2. During indoor tanning, your body is exposed to all kinds of chemicals. This can include bronzers, toners and artificial pigments. These chemicals will give you the tan you want, but are also harmful if they stay on your skin for long periods of time. Showering will wash off any unwanted chemicals and save you from any future troubles.

The waiting time between a tanning session and taking a shower varies for each person. You can ask people with experience how much time they think you need to wait, but in my opinion 2 hours is enough. When you tan without lotions and bronzers, you can shower straight away.

For Sensitive Skin

If your skin is sensitive, I do not recommend taking a shower right after a UV tanning session.

UV tanning doesn’t just affect the top layer of your skin but can also affect your insides. However, these concerns usually only apply for people with sensitive skin.

Showering with reddened or burnt skin can cause many reactions for people with sensitive skin. As I said before, during a UV tanning session, your skin undergoes a lot of stress. The reddening on your skin occurs when your body produces too much melanin, damaging the skin and DNA cells. Pouring water over your damaged skin is just like pouring cold water over a hot pan (try it in the kitchen, and you’ll understand!).

Why not to Shower right after Spray Tanning

A spray tan forces you to spend a lot of your time in a spray tan tent. Bronzers are applied to your body using tanning machines and tanning guns. Showering immediately after a spray tanning session has its downsides and here’s why:

  1. If you have used a bronzer to tan, showering will wash it off. Bronzers are an essential part of spray tanning, especially if you’ve been tanning without the use of the sun. The bronzers give you a temporary but beautiful sun-kissed tan. Showering a short time after a tanning session will wash it off like it washed off your sweat.
  2. You can cause your tan to look uneven if you shower too quickly after a tanning session. Assuming that the tan has not set or been absorbed yet, you’ll end up looking like a Siberian tiger. The water will wash off any unabsorbed spray tan, while the parts of the tan that have already set will remain and later start to show. You should avoid showering for some time if you do not want any uneven tan lines.

How to Shower after Tanning?

The advantages and disadvantages of showering after tanning are equal and don’t outweigh one another. If you want to shower after the tan, there is a proper way to do so. Here’s how:

  1. Use lukewarm water to shower. Never take a hot shower after a tan! With all the stress of tanning and the burning your body has to go through to change your skin tone, hot water is an enemy to your skin. Hot showers will not only irritate your skin but also put it under extraordinary distress.
  2. Take a shower, not a bath. If you’re a bath kind of person, you may find this unfortunate. I myself prefer long baths instead of showers, but when I’m fresh out of a tanning session, I limit my shower time. While you spend all that time standing under the running water or sitting in the tub, the water washes your natural and fake-tanning oils away.
  3. Avoid using soap. Of course you can use soap in places like your groin and armpits, but don’t use it all over your body. Soaps are designed to break down oil. Both your natural body oils and the one you got from your tanning lotion break down with the use of soap. Use fragrant soaps if you must, but keep them away from the most visible places on your skin where the tan will show.
  4. After your shower, don’t rub your towel all over your skin. Rubbing the towel not only removes all the tanning lotion but also removes moisture from your skin. Like I said before,  water is definitely necessary for keeping your skin hydrated. After you have finished showering, don’t just take all the moisture away with your towel. Pat dry your skin, don’t rub!
  5. Apply moisturizer immediately after showering to prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated. Some of the best moisturizers to use after a spray tanning session contain hyaluronic acid. After using UV tanning beds to get a tan, your skin will have lost most of its moisture so don’t forget to moisturize.

Why Is The Shower Water Brown?

Taking a shower after a spray tan might be one of the scariest moments of your life. You will notice that the shower water will start turning brown as you wash your body. Don’t panic when you see this though!

The brown water is caused by the bronzer from the tanning lotion you used. Bronzers are applied on your skin for the spray tanning process and not for the actual tan. It’s the chemicals in the lotion that make your skin tone become darker.

When you take a shower, the bronzer will wash off. This will cause you to notice some brown water. Remember, you shouldn’t panic when this happens because it’s totally normal.

The Best Time to Shower

So, the question is: How long should you wait to shower after a tanning session? The answer depends on the type of tanning session you have just gone through. Let me tell you more about this.

Showering after Tanning Bed

Showering after using UV tanning beds is not really a big deal. You can wait 2-3 hours before showering and safely assume that you are free to get wet. UV tanning doesn’t involve the use of any products that could be washed off, instead, it just triggers the production of melanin naturally. Showering after UV tanning may be a good idea to help prevent sunburn or damaged skin.

How long after a Spray Tan can You Shower

As for fake tanning (or using a sunless tanning booth), it is recommended to wait at least half a day before taking your first shower. The bronzers that you have used to get that tan will just wash away if you shower too soon. You can even consider sleeping with the tan on if you’re comfortable with it.

Should I shower right before I fake tan?

Instead, exfoliate or shave a day or two before application. On the day of, shower and completely dry off before cracking open that self-tanner.

Does your tan get darker after shower?

Does it gets darker? When you use a self-tanner, you'll notice that your tan can sometimes appear darker a few hours after showering. This is due to the product developing into your skin (namely, the DHA) once you have washed off the excess.


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