40 dreams of st john bosco pdf

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Absolutely amazing. Some of the dreams are really difficult to read without crying!! It really points out how important it is that we focus on eternity while we still can.

Gripping spiritual read to help you polish up your soul.

Looking for a good spiritual read to get you motivated to do better? This book will certainly make you want to make you pull up your spiritual bootstraps so to speak.

St. John Bosco (1815-1888), founder of the Salesian order famed for taking care of and teaching poor and abandoned boys, was given the gift of prophetic dreams. His first prophetic dream happened when he was nine years old and it showed him his future vocation. From then on he

Gripping spiritual read to help you polish up your soul.

Looking for a good spiritual read to get you motivated to do better? This book will certainly make you want to make you pull up your spiritual bootstraps so to speak.

St. John Bosco (1815-1888), founder of the Salesian order famed for taking care of and teaching poor and abandoned boys, was given the gift of prophetic dreams. His first prophetic dream happened when he was nine years old and it showed him his future vocation. From then on he would have many more throughout his life. We know at least 179 were published in the original Italian edition of the 'Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco'.

Quite a number of his dreams were about the state of the souls placed under his care, namely, the boys of his oratory school, who were virtuous and on the path to Heaven, others and who were just bumbling by but not trying to become more virtuous, and what their particular vices were and how they could have avoided them. He was also shown prophetic events foretelling the future of his Salesian Order, what would hinder or protect it, and he also dreamed about the future of the Church.

This book features a selection of 40 of his dreams, several of them about the spiritual states of the boys as they can also be applied to us and our spiritual life.

However, some of these dreams might surprise and even shock you, for St. John also saw boys on the road to damnation. If you have ever seen pictures of St. John Bosco with the boys of his oratory and notice how young the boys were, (sorry, there are not any in the book, you'll have to Google them), you'll get spooked as you begin to wonder how such young ones could set themselves on the path to Hell so soon in life, especially when they had a saint to help them!

It would make you stop and think that if children could become sinners on the path to damnation, and at such an innocent time on earth when they didn't have half the evils surrounding them like kids today, what is going to happen to the likes of us in our modern times if we don't really watch it?

Definitely a good book for Lent.

Here are a list of the 40 dreams:

(1) The First Dream – The dream St. John had when he was nine about Our Lord and Our Lady showing him his future vocation and mission.
(2) The Monthly Test - prophetic dream preparing him for a Latin test at school. Heaven gave him the answer beforehand!
(3) The Dream of the Shepherdess – a sequel to the dream he had at nine years old, the continuation his mission and the future glory of the Salesian order.
(4) The Future of the Oratory – this is a series of three dreams put together – 'Youngsters Fighting', saw a vision of the unruly boys he would have to work with and make them virtuous – 'The Churches-The Martyrs', St. John seems in his dream to be getting nowhere with the boys, so he is shown a large church where the martyrs of Turin were killed, it would be the future church of Our Lady Help of Christians, and the graces grow. The dream also shows him another church, where the Theban legion were martyred. - 'The Ribbon of Obedience', the means to keep the clergy volunteers from leaving him, it is the birth of his new order.
(5) The Martyrs – a dream of martyrs once again on the field that was shown to him in the previous dream, it is another future dream of the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians and also future indications about the Order. The three martyrs would be the patrons saints of the work.
(6) The Future Church of St. Francis de Sales- again, how Providence would make the order grow from nothing
(7) Two Boys attacked by a Monster – St. John sees the spiritual state of two boys who left the Oratory
(8) Deadly Nooses – a vision of ugly cat like demons and how they strangle souls and keep them from making a proper Confession.
(9) The Partridge and the Quail – St. John was shown which boys were eating meals of partridge meat and others meals of quail meat, a symbol of those following the path to Heaven and the means to attains it, others falling prey to sin, in particular gluttony.
(10) The Precious Handkerchief of Purity-an allegorical / symbolic dream on the virtue of purity and how to protect it.
(11) A Horned Cat-a symbolic dream of the constant battle to retain the virtue of purity.
(12) A Fiendish Elephant – St. John shown a vision of a rampaging elephant – a demon bent on destroying his boys – he sees those who join it, those who fall victim to it and those who are spared and why.
(13) Death's Messenger – foretold the sudden death of one of his boys and was given a chance to warn all the boys of the dangers of not being prepared for death at all times.
(14) Fierce Crows and a Healing Salve – demons attacking the boys in various ways – some will wish to be cured, others will not
(15) St. Dominic Savio – St. John's Beloved Pupil –
(16) The Dream of St. Dominic Savio – a vision of St. Dominic in heavenly glory in the Choir of Virgins, he gives St. John advice on the Order and advice for his boys.
(17) Boys' Gifts for the Blessed Virgin Mary - the gifts symbolise those children who were in the state of grace and those who were not – the ugly gifts were explained and cast away as gifts unfit for Our Lady. The good children are crowned with heavenly roses according to the virtues they practised. They must continue to practise these virtues if they wish to keep their crowns.
(18) Innocence Preserved by Penance – a long dream explaining the virtue of innocence and the consequences of losing it and the means to preserve it.
(19) In the Land of Trial – the battle of living in the world but not of it.
(20) A Ghastly Pit – a symbol of temptation and the dangers of falling into mortal sin
(21) Ten Hills – another symbolic dream of the obstacles that must be surmounted in the world.
(22) Devils in the Church – the demons that attempt to distract everyone at Mass
(23) The Snake and the Rosary
(24) The Fourteen Tables – a series of banquet tables showing the state of the souls of the boys – those in mortal sin, those who were repentant sinners, and those who never lost their baptismal innocence
(25) A Little Marmot – a symbol of the devil causing distractions and discouraging the boys from making a good Confession. (St. Bosco also gives four pieces of advice to follow in this chapter if you wish to live a good long and healthy life).
(26) A Fierce Dog – St. John sees a fierce dog snapping at one of his pupils – the symbol of a troubled conscience.
(27) A Giant Mastiff – a much bigger dog, told St. John that a particular pupil had a muddled conscience as was concealing sins in the Confessional he was too scared to confess.
(28) Consciences Revealed – St. John sees his boys adding up figures on a tablet, like a maths test. Some boys sums were rejected, while those who had correct tallies were allowed out to play. Some boys don't come into the examination at all. The tablets represented the good works and virtues of the boys, those outside had blank tablet- nothing to show and in a state of sin. St John was allowed to know who was in what state, and, gave a warning for those with no tallies to show how to do better.
(29) A Pack of Monsters – the devil attempting to attack the boys -some fall victim, others do not, and, St. John gives a remedy on how to successfully withstand the devil.
(30) The Red Horse – a giant red horse appears – some times it appeared to have riders, at other times it seems to have wings. St. John thinks it is a demon but receives the answer it is the 'red horse of the Apocalypse'. St. John requested someone to do some research on the red horse, and of course the Apocalypse shows the red horse to be the horse of war and bloodshed. The editor of the book suggests St. John saw the rise of the democratic governments of Europe at the time which were causing so many bloody revolutions and hateful persecutions and hardships against the Church – (we recall this was the time of the 'Prisoner Popes'). St. John promoted charity, wholesome publications and love and loyalty to the Chair of St. Peter , that is the authority of the Holy Father, to counteract this 'unbridled monster' St. John said.
(31) A Mysterious Vine - a Horrible Monster shows up in the first part, it tries to devour St. John, but he wards it off with the name of God and holy water, (Satan trying to stop him and his work) – also admits he dreamed of dying and standing before the Judgement seat of God, a reminder to always be prepare for death and not to let anything cause him to lose the Eternal Kingdom. He then explains the detailed dream of a Vine he saw, that showed him the state of the souls of the boys in his care.
(32) To Hell and Back – probably one of his most lengthy dreams, and most frightening.
(33) The Rose Pergola – Roses and Thorns – St. John see his path filled with thorns and roses and what they all represent regarding his mission.
(34) The Struggles of the Society- advice to St. John and future members of the Salesian order.
(35) The Phylloxera – the dangers of what will destroy a religious house – half measures will not help in this case but extreme ones, and tolerance cannot be allowed in this instance as the 'phylloxera' must be removed immediately.
(36) The Bull, the Carriage and the Nails – a vision of a seven horned bull representing Satan is on the loose – St. John is shown how to defend his boys and the order- then, he has a lengthy vision showing him the the future successes of the order and the conditions to attain them, also, evil to be avoided.
(37) The First Missionary Dream – St. John sees that the first missionary efforts of the Salesians is to be set up in Argentina.
(38) The Angel of Arphaxad – the second missionary dream. Sees the countries his order will go to.
(39) The Future of the Salesian Missions – fifth missionary dream.
(40) The Two Columns in the Sea – the famous vision representing the Church under persecution in future times with St. John's explanation and the remedy to survive it.
(41) A Letter Written by St. John Bosco on Education – features an extra dream about the oratory.

This book, (TAN editions published 1969, reprint in 2014, ISBN: 9780895555977) also has in the back a list of other dreams that the editor / publishers says would be important for the Salesians to read and where to find them in St. John's Biographical Memoirs. If only they had them in the book too! This is the list they gave:

The Wheel (about vocations and 'other matters') – A Walk to Heaven – Purgatory: Advice for all – The Saving Raft, war on sin – The Ten Diamonds – A Diabolical Council against the Congregation – The Third Missionary Dream – The Fourth Missionary Dream

Again, I wish they had included them in the book, especially the first half – the one on Purgatory and the 'Saving Raft' sounds like it could have been useful for us too and not just the Salesians, especially as the one on Purgatory has 'advice for all' printed after it! I also would have liked to have read a 'Walk to Heaven'.

The book would have received the full five stars from me, but because they have told us about these dreams and then did not include them is a major disappointment. I'm docking the book a star because of it. St. John and his dreams gets the full five stars from me of course! But, since it is the book that is under review too, and I like to tell people what they're getting in a book, well, the publishers goofed on this one in my view.

There is also a chart in the back showing the references to where the dreams may be found in the original Italian addition of the Biographical Memoirs, what volume, the time period, the pages of each volume, the number of recorded dreams in each volume, the author and the year printed.

A very good book to read to motivate you to scrub up your soul, but be advised, you may be seized with the desire to make a General Confession.


Dec 19, 2013 Ange rated it it was amazing

This book will have you doing a lengthy examination of conscience and then beating a path to your confessor. It is incredible, and a little terrifying but also full of so much love and hope.

St. John Bosco is an amazing saint. Definitely one of the coolest. Lots of scary dreams and reality that illustrate the importance of a good confession, frequent communion, and frequent visits to the blessed sacrament. If you aren't Catholic and read this book and do not convert because of the wild dreams, there is nothing to save you lol. St. John Bosco is an amazing saint. Definitely one of the coolest. Lots of scary dreams and reality that illustrate the importance of a good confession, frequent communion, and frequent visits to the blessed sacrament. If you aren't Catholic and read this book and do not convert because of the wild dreams, there is nothing to save you lol. ...more

Just as the title says: “Forty Dreams of Saint John Bosco”, this book is a collection of several of his dreams. Quite sobering and very much rich in symbolism. Even though most of the dreams mentioned in this book pertained to how he can help the boys under his care go to heaven, anyone who reads this will benefit from the spiritual wisdom and advice.

94/100 (= 5.6/6) ≈ 5 Stars

From Memoirs. Some absolutely incredible dreams! So much to learn here. If only boys would read and take these stories to heart! The world would be completely different. Must-read for educators.

Second read-through.
This time I was looking for some reading material for the boy scouts. Still great.

Apr 10, 2011 Teresa rated it it was amazing

This book is incredible for Lent!!! It really makes you look at your own life and see how attached you are to sin. The dreams of St. John Bosco help you realize just how pleasurable the littlest sin is to the devil....

Excellent, excellent book!

Feb 14, 2011 Luellen rated it it was amazing

I am reading this book and it has been one of the most profound books on dreams I have ever read.

While the prophetic dreams of St. John Bosco happen around 1846 they are more revelant today than ever.

If you like reading about dreams get this book, it is excellent.

I have seen individual dreams of St John Bosco floating around the internet, so I knew that I loved this dear saint even before I started the book. It is not fiction, but it reminds me of the idea that if a protagonist is extraordinary and the things happen to him/her are extraordinary, that fiction will be a flash in the pan. But the story is about an ordinary person, who happens to encounter extraordinary things, if it is done well, it will become enduring.

Don Bosco complains. He argues. He's

I have seen individual dreams of St John Bosco floating around the internet, so I knew that I loved this dear saint even before I started the book. It is not fiction, but it reminds me of the idea that if a protagonist is extraordinary and the things happen to him/her are extraordinary, that fiction will be a flash in the pan. But the story is about an ordinary person, who happens to encounter extraordinary things, if it is done well, it will become enduring.

Don Bosco complains. He argues. He's afraid. He is all manner of things human. But because he eventually comes around and obeys, sucks it up, and even stands up against hell (especially when the boys under his care are involved), these foibles actually add to his eventual greatness. It's thoroughly a story about a man who conquers himself and becomes a saint, not about a saint who was clearly going to conquer all from the get go. His boys would get excited and look forward to the talks when it was announced that he had another dream to share with them. I can understand that. I found myself looking forward to getting back to reading when I needed to go do other things. That usually doesn't happen when I am reading religious material. It's good for me, and I am grateful to be in the habit of it, but more like grateful in the sense of having got my vegetables in. This was easy to read, and once I got into the groove, it was hard to put down.

But it is not only a good read. The point of St John Bosco's supernatural life is to prick the consciences of those who hear about it. He was trying to help many of the roughest boys of his time, and some of them were on the path to hell. But one doesn't have to be a street person to get convicted in a lot of his words. I took notes and am trying to implement change--not just say, oh, yeah, that is really bad.

The passage that has stuck with me with the greatest horror was when St John Bosco forced a demon to admit how effective his traps truly are. "With these nooses I drag ninetenths of mankind into Hell.” Bosco, St. John. Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: The Apostle of Youth (p. 23). TAN Books. Kindle Edition. That was a hundred and sixty years ago, give or take. That same demon is out there, and I suspect that his tactics have only worked better over time.

Overall this was a fabulous book. The revisionists make movies about him in their own image, but St John Bosco was ever so much more than that. I both recommend it and plan to read it again many times in the future.


Sep 10, 2018 Vincent rated it really liked it

The book has some very good moral lessons on confession, temptation, and striving to lead a holy life.

This materialistic world that we live in, has infected our minds so much that we discount spiritual realities to some extent due to our lack of faith. Through his dreams, St. John Bosco make these spiritual realities become concrete. The devil is as real as a wild animal and the threat he poses is deadly as a mountain lion is deadly.

My favorite dream, the one that stands out the most, was not a

The book has some very good moral lessons on confession, temptation, and striving to lead a holy life.

This materialistic world that we live in, has infected our minds so much that we discount spiritual realities to some extent due to our lack of faith. Through his dreams, St. John Bosco make these spiritual realities become concrete. The devil is as real as a wild animal and the threat he poses is deadly as a mountain lion is deadly.

My favorite dream, the one that stands out the most, was not a warning but an invitation to be holy. It involved Dominic Savio in a quasi-heavenly place, but as Savio informs the priest, is not heaven exactly. The imagery in this scene fills you with wonder and is truly awe-inspiring.

With all this being said, about halfway through the book, I began each new chapter with a subtle dread, because the moral lessons started getting redundant, where the devil is some cat/elephant/snake/dog/horse, or some other thing, and some boys succumb to the evil thing and some don't. I breezed through the last half of the book because, at least for my part, I felt the lessons were learned.

Overall, I recommend this book to get a taste of what St. Bosco was all about. This method of lessons involving turning abstract spiritual ideas into concrete imagery, will absolutely help your faith. This book is also a source of inspiration. St. John Bosco is an important and holy saint to know about and his body is numbered among the incorruptible saints.


Oct 10, 2021 Corp rated it it was amazing

A wonderful read about my confirmation saint. It has many great lessons for Catholics, and throughout it, two primary and simple messages shine through: visit and receive the Eucharist often, and make frequent and good Confessions. There are also countless beautiful insights about obedience, mortification, devotion to Mary, and other important topics. A great read for any Catholic!

Jul 26, 2021 Andrea rated it really liked it

Very interesting! The dreams don't reveal anything different than what we know but are great reminders to be watchful and to be ready because we don't know when it will be time for our judgment. I got to get a glimpse of how much St. John Bosco cared for "his boys" and their salvation. Very interesting! The dreams don't reveal anything different than what we know but are great reminders to be watchful and to be ready because we don't know when it will be time for our judgment. I got to get a glimpse of how much St. John Bosco cared for "his boys" and their salvation. ...more

Jul 20, 2022 Matt marked it as to-read

7/20/22 recommended by Patrick Madrid, talked about one of the dreams being how some things seem nice and rosy but slowly cause you to go downhill where you can’t return and will bring you to hell. He read it as a ~14 year old boy.

Some incredible prophecies

Some of the prophecies clearly appear to be foe our time. Also shows the great love St John Bosco had for his boys and for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jan 07, 2022 Susan rated it liked it

First book down in my plan of reading more writings from Saints this year. Don Bosco is the patron Saint of our homeschool, so it seemed fitting to start with him.

An amazing collection of visions. I found it very thought - provoking, especially about topics such as purity, the reality of Hell, and how little it takes to get a start down the path to Eternal Damnation. I highly recommend it, especially for Catholic teens.

Great one to read to kiddos on a campout.

Saint John Bosco (Italian: Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco), popularly known as Don Bosco, was an Italian Roman Catholic priest, educator and writer of the 19th century.

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How many dreams did St John Bosco have?

Here are a list of the 40 dreams: (1) The First Dream – The dream St. John had when he was nine about Our Lord and Our Lady showing him his future vocation and mission. (2) The Monthly Test - prophetic dream preparing him for a Latin test at school.

At what age John had a dream?

At the age of nine, John had a mysterious dream which led him to his future mission.


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