How to write a quadratic equation in standard form with given roots

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Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation in standard form.
-2, -5

Answer by nerdybill(7384)
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Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation in standard form.
-2, -5
If these are roots, then it must be that:
(x+2)(x+5) = 0
Now, simply expand with FOIL and simplify:
(x+2)(x+5) = 0
x^2+5x+2x+10 = 0
x^2+7x+10 = 0
Standard form is:
f(x) = a(x - h)^2 + k
(x^2+7x)+10 = 0
Completing the square:
(x^2+7x+12.25)+10-12.25 = 0
(x+3.5)(x+3.5) - 2.25 = 0
(x+3.5)^2 - 2.25 = 0
f(x) = (x+3.5)^2 - 2.25

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Which of the following could be the equation for a function whose roots are at  and


Correct answer:


If the roots of the equation are at x= -4 and x=3, then we can work backwards to see what equation those roots were derived from. If we factored a quadratic equation and obtained the given solutions, it would mean the factored form looked something like:

Because this is the form that would yield the solutions x= -4 and x=3. If we work backwards and multiply the factors back together, we get the following quadratic equation:

Given roots . Write a quadratic polynomial that has as roots.

Correct answer:


We can make a quadratic polynomial with  by mutiplying the linear polynomials they are roots of, and multiplying them out.



Distribute the negative sign


FOIL the two polynomials. This means multiply the firsts, then the outers, followed by the inners and lastly, the last terms.





If we know the solutions of a quadratic equation, we can then build that quadratic equation.

Find the quadratic equation when we know that:

 and  are solutions.

Correct answer:


Since we know the solutions of the equation, we know that:

We simply carry out the multiplication on the left side of the equation to get the quadratic equation.

Which of the following is a quadratic function passing through the points  and ?

Correct answer:


These two points tell us that the quadratic function has zeros at , and at .

These correspond to the linear expressions , and .

Expand their product and you arrive at the correct answer.

If the quadratic is opening up the coefficient infront of the squared term will be positive. Thus we get:


If the quadratic is opening down it would pass through the same two points but have the equation:


Since only  is seen in the answer choices, it is the correct answer.

Which of the following roots will yield the equation .

Correct answer:


When we solve quadratic equations we get solutions called roots or places where that function crosses the x axis. Not all all will cross the x axis, since we have seen that functions can be shifted around, but many will. When they do this is a special and telling circumstance in mathematics. Since we know that roots of these types of equations are of the form x-k, when given a list of roots we can work backwards to find the equation they pertain to and we do this by multiplying the factors (the foil method).

If you were given an answer of the form  then just foil or multiply the two factors. If you were given only two x values of the roots then put them into the form   that would give you those two x values (when set equal to zero) and multiply to see if you get the original function. 

For our problem the correct answer is .

Use the foil method to get the original quadratic.

First multiply 2x by all terms in  :  

then multiply 2 by all terms in  : .

We then combine    for the final answer. 

Choose the quadratic equation that has these roots: 


Correct answer:


The roots or solutions of a quadratic equation are its factors set equal to zero and then solved for x. When roots are given and the quadratic equation is sought, write the roots with the correct sign to give you that root when it is set equal to zero and solved. For example, a quadratic equation has a root of -5 and +3. How could you get that same root if it was set equal to zero? With  and  because they solve to give -5 and +3. Thus, these factors, when multiplied together, will give you the correct quadratic equation.

Our roots were .

So our factors are  and .

Now FOIL these two factors:








Write the quadratic equation given its solutions.

Possible Answers:

None of these answers are correct.

Correct answer:



These two terms give you the solution. SO, work backwards.

FOIL (Distribute the first term to the second term).

Combine like terms:

All Precalculus Resources

How do you write a quadratic equation into standard form?

The process of converting the vertex form of a quadratic equation into the standard form is pretty simple and it is done by simply evaluating (x - h)2 = (x - h) (x - h) and simplifying.

How do you solve quadratic equations with roots?

For a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0,.
The roots are calculated using the formula, x = (-b ± √ (b2 - 4ac) )/2a..
Discriminant is, D = b2 - 4ac. If D > 0, then the equation has two real and distinct roots. If D < 0, the equation has two complex roots. ... .
Sum of the roots = -b/a..
Product of the roots = c/a..

How do you find the roots of an equation in standard form?

The roots of any quadratic equation is given by: x = [-b +/- sqrt(-b^2 - 4ac)]/2a. Write down the quadratic in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0. If the equation is in the form y = ax^2 + bx +c, simply replace the y with 0. This is done because the roots of the equation are the values where the y axis is equal to 0.


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