How to use crest white strips reddit

Get some toothpaste with stannous fluoride and use a fluoride mouthwash. Also, take your time to listen to your body. If you need to skip a few days, do it.

As another commenter mentioned, fluoride will fill the outer tooth to prevent sensitivity. Stannous fluoride is the most effective and longest lasting form of fluoride available. It's in a number of mainstream, over the counter toothpastes these days.

Dental hygienist here. I always tell my patients who are interested in whitening to start with the Crest white strips. If you do not like the results, then feel free to go down the route of what your dental office offers. Note that not all offices do the in office whitening with the light. I did the zoom whitening (with the light) back when I was a teenager, and it definitely caused extra sensitivity back then. Some offices only offer take home trays that are professional grade, as opposed to OTC. There are professional grade Crest white strips you can purchase from a dentist that are stronger than ones you can find in a store, for example.

I have used white strips in the past, myself. I’d definitely recommend using a toothpaste for sensitivity a couple weeks prior and continue to use it throughout your whitening, and use the strips as directed (it depends on which type you get). Make sure you brush and floss before using the strips each time, and, while whitening, try to avoid heavily stained foods/liquids (i.e. coffee, tea, wine, blackberries, etc). Your teeth are porous at a microscopic level!

Some people have darker teeth than others naturally, as well as some people’s teeth stain more easily than others. Do not overdo whitening on your teeth, as it can make the enamel brittle in time. Back in hygiene school, nearly all of my professors were completely against whitening, because super white teeth do not necessarily equate to healthy teeth.

When you do the strips, follow the instructions. If you notice your teeth are where you would like them earlier on than the supply you were given in the kit and you are happy with them, feel free to stop and use the extras to touch up at a later time. Also, make sure to keep up with your oral hygiene after whitening, as well! Good luck to you!

So I bought one of these kits off of Amazon and it comes with 14 treatments.

The box advises to use two kits per year

Also says that each treatment should be once per day for 30 minutes.

For those who are experienced with these strips, my question really is, if I have 14 treatment, should I use the kit for the next 2 weeks every day for 30 minutes or would that be too much to bare on my teeth and instead I should do only 2-3 treatments per week taking a day or two brake in between?

Also once I have used up the 14 treatments, when should I buy another kit? Or should 1 kit be enough for a good couple of years?

So I've always been someone who doesn't smile much, but recently I started taking some anti-anxiety pills and something good actually happened in my life, so I laugh and smile much more, which is good, but unfortunately that reveals my yellow teeth :(

I brush twice a day for about 5 minutes, and I always use whitening toothpastes. I've tried pretty much every brand. I've even given up sugar and soda and that didn't seem to help. I drink soda and eat chocolate again now because it didn't make a difference, but I will stop if I use a good whitening product. I don't smoke or drink tea/coffee.

I'm thinking about trying those whitening strips, because I don't really want to spend a few thousand on getting them professionally whitened. Do they actually help? I'm not looking for hollywood white, just something close to white (as opposed to close to yellow) would be great.

Thanks in advance

As long as you use the strips for the recommended time, then any time is good.

I'd recommend staying away from pigment rich foods and drinks, (such as tumeric, coffee, red wine) to get the effect. As otherwise you are not going to see much improvement.

However remember that strips will only remove the external staining. For more deep stains, whitening kits sold by your dentist for either in clinic use or to take home, have a safe concentration to use effectively.

I'd recommend staying away from home remedies / trying to dilute your own hydrogen peroxide.

They were a lil uncomfortable, but like my dentist online and what I've seen irl say they're not the most longterm and they can do some damage to your teeth.

I would do maybe a box of White Strips, but in conjunction with that, make sure you floss every day; I used to avoid flossing as I hated threading and looping it, but floss picks made it so much easier. Also, I recommend using an electric toothbrush (I personally have a Sonicare) which is good at scrubbing the plaque, especially the yellow gumline where a lot of my yellow used to accumulate. I mouthwash after every brush to kill bacteria (and the Purple Listerine is really good at whitening). My personal fave toothpastes are Arm & Hammer Advance White for whitening and then Sensodyne after I use up a tube of the Arm & Hammer.

It's important to also regularly get your teeth cleaned by the dentist and also ask them for tips. Mine was really helpful by suggesting I hydrogen peroxide brush every now and then, but no one knows your teeth better than they do.

Sorry if I'm going overboard, but I completely get going through it. My teeth used to look like candy corns and it took me a while to where I no longer needed to slap a filter on every photo where I flashed a smile. If you need any other white strips or teeth tips, ask away!

Do I brush my teeth after I use Crest White Strips?

It's safe to brush and floss your teeth after using whitening strips. It won't reduce the whitening effects of the treatment. Manufacturers recommend doing so gently. This will help you avoid gum irritation and discomfort.

Should you brush your teeth before or after White Strips?

We recommend that with any form of whitening that teeth are brushed beforehand. This is to ensure that any plaque (this sticky surface layer on your teeth) is removed and that any whitening agent present in the strips or gel gets the closest contact with the teeth.

Is it better to use whitening strips in the morning or at night?

The best way to use them is either during the day or before bedtime. If you use them before breakfast your teeth may get stained as the enamel has micro porosities after using whitening strips and also sensitivity may occur.

How long do you have to use Crest White Strips to see results?

Achieve professional-level teeth whitening results and remove 14 years of stains in just 30 minutes a day with Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects. You'll see a whiter smile after 3 days, and full results in 20 days.