How much water to drink before donating plasma

How much water to drink before donating plasma

March 12, 2020

Congratulations, you’re on the road to donating plasma! Donors play a very important role in the lives of those who are sick; in fact, they are lifesavers. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of those who are eligible to donate choose to do so, which is why your contributions are so powerful. In order for you to have a healthy, comfortable, and most importantly, safe experience, there are a few important do’s and don’ts to consider.



  • Eat a protein and iron-rich meal no more than a few hours before your donation. You do not want an empty stomach!

Protein-rich foods include but are not limited to:









Iron-rich foods include but are not limited to:




Certain breakfast cereals




Broccoli & leafy greens


  • Fatty snacks and treats prior to your donation. These foods can have a negative impact on blood tests, potentially preventing you from donating.

  • Fast before your donation. It is important you’ve eaten a healthy meal within a few hours before your donation.

Fatty foods to avoid include but are not limited to: 



Potato chips


French fries

Ice cream

(*Healthy fats are okay.  These include avocado, fatty fish, eggs, nuts, cheese, and full-fat yogurt)


Much like with food, what you drink is an essential factor in the overall health of your blood plasma.


  • Drink plenty of water before and after donating. Drinking water is so important because it directly affects how full your vein is and how your plasma is separated. Make sure you have plenty of H2O in the 12 hours before and after your donation.

  • Limit drinks that reduce iron absorption such as coffee, tea, and milk. You don’t have to cut them out completely but reduce your intake. 


  • Drink alcohol for 24 hours before donating. Alcohol can lead to dehydration, making it difficult for you to donate.


How much water to drink before donating plasma


  • Get a good night’s sleep before donating your plasma, as it’ll allow for a quicker recovery and a more plentiful donation. 

  • Ensure your sleeves are able to be pushed up so the center team can access the veins in your arms.

  • Consider bringing a light sweater to keep warm during the donation process.

  • Bring any personal items that will help you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

  • Pack your phone, a book, or headphones to help pass the time. (All BPL Plasma centers have free WiFi!)

Following these tips and keeping yourself healthy will make you eligible to donate plasma and save lives. At BPL Plasma, our donors are our priority, and we thank you for your continued contributions.  We have over 50 locations nationwide, find your closest center here.

Drinking water prior to your appointment

In the three hours that lead up to your appointment, you are advised to drink three glasses of water, i.e. 750 ml. If you are donating blood for the first time and you have not had enough time, it is a good idea to think about rescheduling. 

If you donate blood regularly and you have not had sufficient water, you should be fine to donate, so long as you have consumed the same amount of water that you usually would on the day prior to the blood donation. 

As mentioned, any non-alcoholic fluid should do the trick, but water is best.

Three key benefits associated with drinking water before you give blood

As we have mentioned, you can feel faint when giving blood, which is the primary reason why you are recommended to drink water before your appointment. However, there are a number of benefits why people are advised to drink water, and this includes the following:

  • You are less likely to feel light-headed while giving blood or after giving blood, as lowering the volume of your blood can result in your heart rate or blood pressure dropping temporarily. If you have a bottle of water just before you donate, this can lower your risk of feeling lightheaded. 
  • Your donation is going to go more quickly, as water makes everything flow better.
  • Another benefit is that it will be a lot easier for the tech to locate a vein to start a donation. This is because when veins are hydrated, they are a lot easier to find.

Once you have had your blood donation

Once you are finished giving blood, your body is going to start to replace the water you have lost, and so all the hydration in your body is going to go toward replacing it. Therefore, your body must be ready with extra water when this happens. 

It is also advisable that you do not drink alcohol or anything with caffeine after your donation, as both can result in dehydration, which is the opposite of what you need in this situation. 

Working out how much water you truly need

Earlier, we gave you a brief outline of the amount of water you need. However, to get a precise quantity based on your body size and weight, there is an easy formula that you can follow. 

Start off by taking your weight in pounds and then diving it in half. The number is the number of ounces of water you should drink per day if you are not doing anything strenuous. 

If you do not know your weight or don’t have the time to figure this out, drinking around 16 ounces of water beforehand is typically advised to lower dizziness and fatigue and ensure your body is kept replenished and hydrated, so this is a good rule to follow. 

Other important points about food and nutrition 

Not only do you need to make sure you drink water, but you should never skip breakfast on the morning of your donation. If you do not fuel your body prior to giving blood, this can cause dizziness and nausea. Choose a breakfast that is rich in iron. Eggs are always a good choice!

You should try to eat a few hours prior to your donation so you can keep your levels of blood sugar stable. Avoid rich and fatty foods, as they can prevent iron from being absorbed back into your blood.

What happens if you don't drink enough water before donating plasma?

For plasma donors, staying hydrated is especially important. Drinking water affects how your plasma is separated and the fullness of your veins. If you're dehydrated, you may be deferred from donating plasma or put yourself at risk of not feeling well afterwards.

Does drinking a lot of water help with plasma donation?

Staying hydrated before the plasma donation process is crucial. Since plasma is about 90% water, drinking plenty of water is an excellent way to help your body recover post-donation. In the 24 hours before your donation, plan to drink the recommended 9 to 13 cups of water.

How can I hydrate quickly to donate plasma?

Drink at least 12-to-24 ounces of water or a sports drink 30-to-60 minutes before your donation. The primary reason for hydration is that we're collecting plasma and plasma is 90% water. Good hydration ensures the procedure will be well tolerated and the recovery more rapid.

How do I make blood flow faster when donating plasma?

Donor Tip: Pump your hand for faster donation times. Pumping your hand makes the blood in your arm veins flow faster. Squeeze your fist or an object and watch your plasma donation times speed up!