How much can i earn in 2022 and still collect social security disability

Yes, you can work while receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, but only within strict limits. Payments will stop if you are engaged in what Social Security calls “substantial gainful activity.” SGA, as it’s known, is defined in 2022 as earning more than $1,350 a month (or $2,260 if you are blind). 

If your income exceeds those caps, you cannot collect disability benefits, unless you are taking part in one of Social Security’s "work incentives" — programs and trial periods aimed at helping SSDI recipients transition back into the workforce without sacrificing their benefits. Some work incentives are also available to recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is administered by Social Security and also provides benefits to people with disabilities.

The major such program is Ticket to Work, which offers people on SSDI and SSI job training, work experiences and other services to help them become self-supporting. As do other work incentives, Ticket to Work temporarily waives the SGA earnings limits, so you continue collecting your disability benefits while you engage in trial work with employers who have signed up to participate. If you get a job through the program, you go off disability benefits. The payments will resume if you have to stop working because your medical condition worsens.

SSDI beneficiaries are also allowed a trial period of up to nine months to test their ability to work. The trial months can be spread out over five years, and during these months you can get your full benefit regardless of your earnings. You’ll find more information on these and other work incentives in the Social Security publication "Working While Disabled — How We Can Help."

Keep in mind

  • The SGA limits are adjusted annually based on national changes in average wages. 
  • Some work incentives are specific either to SSDI or SSI, while others, like Ticket to Work, are available to both types of beneficiary.

Updated December 23, 2021

How much can i earn in 2022 and still collect social security disability
This January, people limited to SGA will be able to earn $1,350 per month up from 2021’s $1,310 per month.

If you employ someone who is receiving SSI, SSDI or Medicaid benefits, you may know that they are limited in the amount of income they are able to receive in a month to continue to receive their benefits. While many people don’t necessarily need to keep their income payments and would like to work more and longer for you, they may need everything they can get from the Medicaid services they carry to have an independent life.

You may have had discussions with them in the past about wanting to have them for more hours or pay them what you actually think they are worth instead of limiting their working time and income, but they may have refused out of concern for what the change would do to their benefits.

Each year, the Social Security Administration (SSA) adjusts the threshold monthly income eligibility amounts and the benefit payments are adjusted to reflect the rate of inflation over the previous year. At London Disability, we focus 100% of our attention and all our professional skill on keeping SSDI and SSI applicants and benefit recipients up to date on the latest developments that might affect benefits. We want everyone who already receiving benefits and all those thinking about applying for SSD or SSI benefits to be fully informed. For more answers to your questions, contact London Disability disability advocates and Attorney Scott London by clicking here or call 877-978-3405.

SSD 2022 Maximum Monthly Income Limit Rises from $1,310 to $1,350

Social Security Disability benefits are reserved exclusively for workers or former workers who earned sufficient work credits and whose physical or mental impairments are serious and long-lasting enough to prevent them from performing “substantial gainful activities” (SGA) for at least 12 months.

Eligibility for SSD benefits requires a “disability” as defined by the Social Security Disability Insurance program guidelines. The definition of a qualified disability includes an inability to earn a monthly income higher than the amount set by the Social Security Administration. In 2021, an SSD benefits recipient could earn no more than $1,350 in earned income per month to continue to be eligible for benefits. Beginning January 1, 2022, the monthly income limit for SSD will be $1,350.

What Income Is Not Counted? — Not all income you receive is considered “income” for purposes of the SSDI monthly earned income limit. Any unearned income, interest, or dividends from investments are not counted toward the monthly limit. Neither is a spouse’s income. SSDI also has no limit on the number of assets you have available. The only income that does count is income earned from performing work or in exchange for services you provided.

What If You Make More Than the 2022 Maximum Income Limit?

Earning more than the monthly income limit for eligibility has the effect of disqualifying the SSD recipient from the formal definition of “disabled.” The fact that an SSD recipient earned more than the monthly income limit is evidence that the benefits recipient is not “disabled” under the government’s regulations. The result is a suspension of benefits. However, SSD recipients whose income rises above the monthly eligibility income limit immediately become eligible for SSD benefits again when their income returns to a level beneath the maximum income set by the Social Security Administration.

Trial Work Period (TWP) Program Allows Higher Income & Continued SSD Benefits

The Social Security Administration understands that a strict monthly eligibility income limit can discourage many SSD recipients from attempting to return to work. To counter that disincentive, the SSA established the Trial Work Period (TWP) program. This program enables an SSD recipient to try to return to work without fearing they will lose their monthly SSD benefit payment. The program lets the TWP program participant earn over the monthly income limit for any nine months spread over a five-year period. Any month in which the program participant earns more than $970 (as of January 1, 2022) counts as one of their nine TWP months.

What Happens When Your Nine Month Trial Work Period (TWP) Ends?

The Trial Work Period permits nine months of above-the-limit monthly earnings while continuing to receive the full monthly SSD benefit payment. Once the nine months are all used, the Social Security Administration encourages the working SSD recipient to continue earning a higher income. SSD created the Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) of three additional months during which the SSD recipient can continue to earn more than the SSD income limit and still receive their usual monthly SSD payment.

After the three-month Extended Period of Eligibility is used, then SSD benefit payments will stop if the SSD recipient continues to work and earn more than the monthly income limit. But, for another period of 36 months, benefits will be resumed if the worker’s income falls beneath the monthly income limit for SSD benefits eligibility.

London Disability Keep You Informed and Receiving the Maximum SSD Benefits Possible

As experienced SSD and SSI eligibility experts, London Disability works every day to keep up to date on all the newest developments that might affect the SSD and SSI benefits you and your family depend on.

The laws, rules, and thousands of government regulations relating to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits or Supplemental Security Income benefits are overwhelming to anyone unfamiliar with the system. Our entire team of SSDI and SSI advocates and legal experts has served thousands of disabled clients over the years. We can get you the benefits you deserve.

What is the most money you can make while on Social Security Disability?

How Much Money Can You Make on Social Security Disability? You can make up to $1,350 (or $2,260 if you are blind) in 2022 on Social Security Disability or your benefits will stop, which is known as Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA).

Can I earn money while on Social Security Disability?

Payments will stop if you are engaged in what Social Security calls “substantial gainful activity.” SGA, as it's known, is defined in 2022 as earning more than $1,350 a month (or $2,260 if you are blind).

What is the income limit for SSDI in 2023?

SSDI income limits In 2023, most SSDI recipients can earn up to $1,470 a month from work without risk to their benefits, up from $1,350 the previous year. The cap is higher for beneficiaries who are blind: They can make up to $2,460 a month, a $200 increase from 2022.

Will I lose my SSDI benefits if I'm working over the SGA limit?

The SGA limit is adjusted annually to reflect changes in national average wages. In 2022, it's $1,350 a month ($2,260 for blind people). If you make more than that, your application for SSDI benefits will be denied.