How many calories in an ounce of red wine

The real story behind wine’s calorie count and nutritional value

How many calories are in a glass of wine?

You’d never know this from looking at your typical bottle of wine, but the answer is simple: For most dry table wines that hover somewhere between 11 and 14 percent alcohol by volume, a 5-ounce glass will contain about 120 to 130 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Most wine labels tell you the alcohol content and little else. But two recent measures aim to make nutritional information more widely available to drinkers. In 2013, the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) ruled that alcohol producers could voluntarily print a “Serving Facts” label on their bottles, similar to what you see on packaged food products in the grocery store—though it’s still unclear whether many producers will opt in.

Meanwhile, starting in December 2015, chain restaurants will be required to disclose calorie information for alcohol, as well as for food, on their menus.

What would a nutrition label look like for an average bottle of dry table wine?

How many calories in an ounce of red wine

Here's a sample label based on data from the U.S.D.A.

Where do wine’s calories come from?

One key source of calories is alcohol, which contains 7 calories per gram. So a glass of Zinfandel at 15 percent alcohol by volume will likely contain a few more calories than a glass of Albariño at 11 percent alcohol by volume.

Also contributing to the calorie count are carbohydrates—including sugar—which bring 4 calories per gram. A typical dry wine may have around 4 grams of carbs per pour, whereas the same serving of a sweet dessert wine can deliver about 20 grams of carbs.

Remember, these figures apply to 5-ounce glasses of wine—which, a 2013 study found, many drinkers fail to gauge accurately. You may be pouring more calories than you realize.

What about low-calorie wines, like Skinnygirl?

If Skinnygirl wines are low-calorie, then most wines are low-calorie. One serving of any of Skinnygirl’s offerings—whether Pinot Noir, Moscato or Prosecco—boasts 100 calories, a marginal 20 to 30 fewer calories than in any other dry table wine. That difference is equivalent to about two stalks of celery.

Skinnygirl wines clock in at a relatively normal 12 percent ABV, but other so-called diet wines are much lower in alcohol than many wine lovers expect when they’re imbibing: The Skinny Vine, at 95 calories per glass, offers wines as low as 7.3 percent ABV; Weight Watchers wines, with 89 calories per glass, stand around 8.5 percent ABV.

Are wine’s calories “empty calories”?

Wine by itself may not make a meal, but calorie counts don’t tell the full story of wine’s nutritional value. Although the jury’s still out, drinking wine—especially red wine—in moderation has been linked to a range of positive health outcomes, potentially including weight loss.

Studies from researchers in Spain and Boston have observed lower weight gains among moderate drinkers than among nondrinkers. Other scientists have found that people consume fewer calories overall when drinking wine. These results, of course, may be influenced by confounding lifestyle factors: It’s possible that wine drinkers as a group tend to make healthier lifestyle choices than nondrinkers, not that wine itself takes off the pounds.

Still, other research has found evidence that red-wine polyphenols might prevent fatty foods from being converted to fatty tissue, and that red wine could keep glucose from entering fat cells. We still can’t be completely sure of wine’s effects on weight gain—more research is needed.

Read Vintage, Appellation and … Calorie Count?

Red wine is a popular alcoholic drink that is almost indispensable at parties. The more the economy develops, the more demand for red wine increases. Does regular consumption of red wine result in weight gain? How many are red wine calories per bottle?


  • 1 How many are red wine calories and carbs?
  • 2 Does red wine calories make drinkers fat?
    • 2.1 A red wine calories glass is good for your health
    • 2.2 Does red wine calories and carbs lead to obesity?

How many are red wine calories and carbs?

Red wine is an alcoholic drink that is produced from fermented grape juice. Almost all red wine calories come from different types of grapes and different amounts of carbs. Although calories in a bottle are high, specialists consider red wine an easy-to-consume beverage.

There are three types of red wine: dry red wine, sweet red wine, and sparkling red wine. Each type will provide the body with different red wine calories. Dried red wines will have less sugar and fewer calories than sweet red wines. Sparkling red wine is the lowest-calorie of these three types. 

On average, 1 glass red wine has 300 cal, and a bottle of it is 600 cal. Red wine calories amount you take in the body depends on how much red wine you consume. In red wine calories vs beercomparison, the calories in red wine are slightly more. A can of beer contains 155 calories, but a glass of red wine contains only 125 calories.

The simple formula for calculating the red wine calories is:

ABV * Ounces * 1.6 = Calories

You can calculate the number of calories you consume from red wine so you know how to drink red wine in the right amount.

Here is a table of calories and carbs in different amounts of red wine:

Amount of red wine Calories/ carbs
100ml Red wine 82.9 calories
250ml Red wine 85.1 calories
Red wine calories per ounce 25 calories
Glass of red wine calories carbs 0-4 grams of net carbs & 153 calories
A bottle of red wine 530 - 660 calories/ a 750ml bottle

>>>> Read more: How to use Red wine for cooking beef, stew, steak and chicken?

Does red wine calories make drinkers fat?

A red wine calories glass is good for your health

According to some studies, drinking too much red wine can cause you to absorb more calories than usual, which can lead to weight gain. However, red wine contains the compound resveratrol and many healthy minerals. Consuming moderate amounts of red wine is very healthy.

Red wine is rich in polyphenols, including tannins, resveratrol, and about 5,000 plant compounds. Tannins in red wine are also found in chocolate and green tea. Tannin inhibits cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels, so it promotes heart health.

Red wine is extracted from grapes so it is rich in antioxidants, helps prevent cancer effectively, and slows down the aging process. Grape contains substances with health benefits of red wine such as resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, and proanthocyanidin. The antioxidants, especially resveratrol and proanthocyanidin are believed to have health benefits.

Research shows that people who drink about 150 ml of red wine per day seem to have an approximately 32% lower risk of developing the disease compared to those who do not. This is because a small amount of red wine may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by retaining HDL-cholesterol in the blood. The destruction of general oxidation and oxidation of LDL-cholesterol can also be reduced by up to 50%.

Other studies also show that red wine calories work well for the elderly with a high risk of heart disease and have the effect of reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke in men.

In addition, drinking 1-3 glasses of wine a day may reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Moderate red wine consumption also works to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women.

Does red wine calories and carbs lead to obesity?

Whatever alcoholic drinks will lead to many negative health effects when abused. Therefore, to control weight and bring beneficial health effects, experts recommend drinking only one 50Z glass of red wine per day. A glass of red wine calories is only 153 calories, which does not lead to obesity.

In the 1960s, a popular diet appeared called “Drinking Man's Diet”. A dieter will replace sugars and starches with alcohol. After following, it was found that drunkards lost weight after drinking thousands of red wine calories per day. In fact, drunkards convert the calories in alcohol into heat, which transforms food into chemicals that seriously affect the body's organs (cancer, liver disease, etc.).

One method to lose weight and make beauty that many women apply is to use red wine to bathe. Red wine helps to promote the circulatory system and is useful for blood circulation.

How to take a bath with red wine:

  • Use red wine to pour into a water bath at a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius
  • Then soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes
  • Massage body to circulate blood
  • Wash off with cold water

Applying this beauty method 1-2 times a week will help support the exchange process, thereby helping to lose weight. Bathing with red wine also helps relax and reduces stress. 

A 13-year Harvard University study of 20,000 women also found that those who drank a moderate red wine had a 70% lower risk of obesity compared with non-drinkers.

However, drinking red wine over the permitted amount can lead to many negative health consequences. Drinking over 30 grams of alcohol (about 2-3 drinks) per day has the risk of developing liver disease. In addition, heavy drinkers have a greater risk of depression than those who drink moderately or not.

The final thought

Red wineis beneficial for health and a life without wine is an unpleasant thought, but provided that you consume in moderation, they will be highly effective.

The recommended consumption of red wine is:

  • 1 - 1.5 drinks a day for women
  • 1 - 2 drinks a day for men
  • Should have 1-2 days a week without alcohol

Besides, eating foods with a small amount of beneficial protein before drinking red wine to curb the amount of alcohol consumed during meals.

Recommend for you

How many calories are in one 8 oz glass of red wine?

An 8 oz glass of red wine contains an average of 200 calories.

What wine is lowest in calories?

Chardonnay (White) If you want a low-calorie wine, a chardonnay is generally a good choice with about 123 calories and three carbs in a five-ounce serving.

How many calories are in a 12oz glass of red wine?

There are 289 calories in 12 ounces of Red Table Wine.

How many calories are in a 6oz glass of red wine?

However, a quick check of alcohol percentages of wines at the grocery store shows that many dry wines often exceed 15%. A standard 6 oz glass of dry wine with 15% alcohol has 175 calories. Super high alcohol sweet wines, like Port, Tawny Port & Banyuls, are a double whammy of sugar-carb calories, plus alcohol calories.