How do you find friends on venmo

This wikiHow teaches you how to find and add new people to your Venmo contacts, using an iPhone or iPad. You can search people by name or username, scan a friend's personalized QR code from their phone, and add contacts from your phonebook or Facebook friends.

  1. How do you find friends on venmo


    Open Venmo. It’s a blue icon with a white "V" in it. You’ll typically find it on your home screen.

  2. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the menu button. This button is in the upper-left corner of your screen. It will open your menu panel on the left-hand side.

  3. How do you find friends on venmo



    How do you find friends on venmo

    Search People on the menu. This will open your Venmo contacts on a new page.

  4. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the Name or @username field. You can find it at the top of the Search People page. You can search your friends by their name or username here.

  5. How do you find friends on venmo


    Type your friend's name or username. Matching people will list below the search bar as you type.[1]

  6. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the person you want to add. Scroll down the matching results, and tap the name of the person you want to add to your Venmo contacts. It will open the selected person’s profile.

  7. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Add Friend below the user's name and picture. You can find it above the Pay or Request button on their profile. This will send them a friend request, and add them to your contacts as soon as they accept your request.

    • The Add Friend button will turn into Requested.
    • If you want to cancel your friend request, tap the Requested button, and tap Cancel Request in the pop-up.

  1. How do you find friends on venmo


    Open Venmo. It’s a blue icon with a white "V" in it. You’ll typically find it on your home screen.

  2. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the menu button. It's in the upper-left corner of your screen. It will open your menu panel on the left-hand side.

  3. How do you find friends on venmo



    How do you find friends on venmo

    Search People on the menu. This will open your Venmo contacts.

  4. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the Scan Code button. You can find it below the search bar at the top of the Search People page.

    • If you're prompted to allow Venmo access to your camera, tap Allow in the pop-up.

  5. How do you find friends on venmo


    Point your camera to your friend's QR code. Make sure your friend's code fits into the white square on your camera screen. This will automatically scan the code, and add them to your Venmo contacts.

    • If you want to see your own QR code, just tap the My Code button at the top.

  1. How do you find friends on venmo


    Open Venmo. It’s a blue icon with a white "V" in it. You’ll typically find it on your home screen.

  2. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the menu button. It's in the upper-left corner of your screen. It will open your menu panel on the left-hand side.

  3. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Settings on the menu panel. It's listed next to a gear icon towards the bottom of the menu. This will open your Settings menu on a new page.

  4. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Friends & Social in Settings. You can find it listed next to two figurehead icons under the "PREFERENCES" heading.

  5. How do you find friends on venmo


    Slide the Phone Contacts switch to

    How do you find friends on venmo

    . When this option is enabled, all your phone contacts will be automatically added to your Venmo contacts if they have a Venmo account.

    • If you're prompted, tap Allow to allow Venmo access to your phone contacts.

  1. How do you find friends on venmo


    Open Venmo. It’s a blue icon with a white "V" in it. You’ll typically find it on your home screen.

    • Linking your Venmo account to Facebook adds your Facebook friends who have Venmo accounts to your Venmo friend list.

  2. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap the menu button. It's in the upper-left corner of your screen. It will open your menu panel on the left-hand side.

  3. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Settings on the menu panel. This button is listed next to a gear icon towards the bottom of the menu. It will open your Settings menu.

  4. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Friends & Social in Settings. It's listed next to two figurehead icons under the "PREFERENCES" heading.

  5. How do you find friends on venmo


    Slide the Facebook Connect switch to

    How do you find friends on venmo

    . This option is at the top of the Friends & Social page.

  6. How do you find friends on venmo


    Tap Continue in the confirmation pop-up. This will redirect you to sign in to your Facebook account.

  7. How do you find friends on venmo


    Log in to your Facebook account. Once you're logged in, you'll be redirected back to the Venmo app, and your Facebook will be linked to your Venmo account.

    • If you're automatically logged in, just tap the blue Continue as <Your Name> button.

  8. How do you find friends on venmo


    Slide the Facebook Contacts switch to

    How do you find friends on venmo

    . This option is under the "Adding Friends" heading at the bottom. When it's on, Facebook friends who join Venmo will be automatically added to your Venmo contacts.

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  • Ask your friend for their exact username to make sure you can find the right account, especially if they have a common name.

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  • It can help to ask your friend what their profile picture looks like if they have one to find their account more easily.

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  • Scan your friend's QR code to make sure you add the right person as a friend.

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Article SummaryX

1. Open Venmo.
2. Tap the three-lines icon on the top-left.
3. Tap Search People.
4. Tap the "Name or @username" field.
5. Type a name or username.
6. Tap a person in the results.
7. Tap Add Friend.

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