Here within these walls sister act lyrics

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  • Artist: Sister Act (Musical)
  • Translations: Italian



Here Within These Walls (Reprise)

Outside, that's her place

All in all, it's surely for the better

Given time and prayer,

you'll soon forget her.

Still it won't be easy, I can tell.

Outside she shall go

And somehow we will stumble through her show.

The pope won't be amused, but even so -

may he bless you all and her as well

And here within these walls,

once we're free of her,

we'll be as we were -

completely unaffected.

Here within these walls,

safe from the worldly stir,

we'll stay as God arranged.

She will be all right I'll pray.

Heaven speed her on her way.

But here within these walls,

we'll stay unchanged.

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    Translations of "Here Within These ..."

    Sister Act (Musical): Top 3

    Music Tales

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    Outside, life's a mess.
    No one's pure of spirit any longer.
    There's no wrong or right,
    just wrong and wronger.
    People have amused themselves
    to death.
    Outside, life is grim.
    Filled with smut and scandal
    to the brim.
    I suppose there may be room
    for Him -
    Frankly, I don't plan to hold
    my breath.

    But here within these walls,
    days are filled with grace.
    God is in his place,
    his wisdom still respected.
    Here within these walls,
    life has a different pace
    from life beyond our doors.
    And for what it's worth,
    this life's now yours!

    Outside all is vice.
    People now are absolutely shameless.
    Most, including those who shall
    be nameless.
    Hardly seem to know or even care.
    Outside, all is sin.
    And I won't have the outside
    coming in.
    Trust me, it's a battle you
    won't win -
    Frankly, dear, you haven't got
    a prayer.

    Here within these walls,
    life is sweet and good.
    Faith is understood,
    and selfishness rejected.
    Here within these walls
    Work, prayer, and sisterhood
    are what life's built upon.
    That's how it will stay,
    or else you're gone!

    So put aside your gluttony!
    Put aside your pride!
    As for carnal lust,
    you need a break, I trust.
    Put it all aside!
    Put aside interperance!
    Profanity as well!
    Put aside each remnant
    of your former worldly shell.

    Here within these walls, (Ave)
    all is stripped away.
    Surrender and obey, (Maria)
    that's all that is expected.
    Here within these walls, (gratia)
    all else is kept at bay.
    Though the world may go astray, (plena)
    here etenal truths hold sway.

    Here within these walls, (Salve Regina)
    Life is truly blessed! (Mater misericordiae)
    Here you're God's own guest (vita, dulcedo)
    celestially protected.(et spes nostra salve).
    Here within these walls,
    all's for the very best,
    and always shall be thus
    and if heaven's will be done,
    here she'll just be one more nun, (Salve Regina)
    Safe within these walls as one of us!
    (salve, salve, amen.)