Harry potter fanfiction harry shows respect to goblins

1 - 20 of 28 Works in Goblins & Harry Potter

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  1. TagsSummary

    When the Dursley's ditch Harry at an orphanage, what if Voldie's horcrux bleeds through to protect it's container?

    A certain werewolf discovers the strangely mature parselmouth and summons the potions master of Hogwarts.

    Allegiences change and the Boy-Who-Lived, becomes the Boy-Who-Will-Survive

    Language:EnglishWords:13,044Chapters:6/?Collections:1Kudos: 505Bookmarks:135Hits:7500
  2. TagsSummary

    In a universe where goblins are more mythically correct, and changelings are a thing, Harry is a stolen child growing up with a vicious and vengeful race that loves him.

    He considers himself as a normal child, but there are many who think that those who raise you have something to do with who you are.

    Harry, Are you sure you are not s goblin?

  3. TagsSummary

    A story in which Harry Potter is a child who acts neither like his mother nor his father. Rather, Harry is a product of his less-than-stellar upbringing and strives to change the world in the way only the truly kind can.

    Or, a Slytherin Harry story that doesn't paint children as monsters or adults as set in stone.

    Language:EnglishWords:13,891Chapters:5/?Kudos:655Bookmarks: 162Hits:8626
  4. TagsSummary

    The second half of goblin-raised Harry’s seventh year at Hogwarts, in which he carries the war to Voldemort, works on the task of Ministry reform, helps his friends, deals with humans being very human, and, oh yeah, sometimes studies for those NEWT exam things.

    • Part 7 of From Litha to Lammas 2022
    • Part 8 of Realm of Song
  5. TagsSummary

    The title of the Grey Lady is one of Olde Times, entwined with the ancient history of magic and magical societies, an equivalent to both the Dark and Light Lord.
    The Grey Lady was the balance between the powers, the neutral ground, the third side of any conflict.
    But most of all, the title was lost to time.


    When Hadriana Potter is taken under the wings of Helena Ravenclaw, the ghost of the Grey Lady, the strings of Fate are woven anew.

    Language:EnglishWords:3,807Chapters:2/?Collections: 1Kudos:205Bookmarks:85Hits:3040
  6. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter, upon joining the Wizarding World, decides not to take any shit anymore. He's had enough of it - he's gonna pick one friend and just settle with them. So what if that friend is technically more of a pet? Ogre's make better friends than you'd think.

    [I'm gonna be honest with you I have a horrible track record for not finishing fics but I'm hyperfixated on this idea so I have more hope that I will on this one. No promises though.]

    Language:EnglishWords:3,152Chapters: 2/?Kudos:44Bookmarks:13Hits:857
  7. TagsSummary

    Ali Potter comes back to the past after a decade of war, being one of the last surviving people on the planet.
    Death decides to meddle, and give her a power unseen since Merlin.
    Join Ali, Artemis, Hedwig, Ron, and Hermione, and some gleefully grinning Goblins, as they proceed to give Albus Dumbledore, (who is not really bad but an idiot,) Severus Snape, (who is small minded at best, but could get better,) Tom Riddle, (who is an egotistical idiot for all that he is a genius,) and the Wizarding World in general coronaries.
    And they have fun whilst doing it.
    They may also become Dark Lords and Ladies, because, why not?

    • Part 3 of Female Harry Potter Time and Dimension Travel
    • Part 1 of Plot Bunnies
    Language:EnglishWords:10,614 Chapters:2/?Collections:1Kudos:168Bookmarks:94Hits:3025
  8. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter grows up differently, with people who love him.
    The outcome?
    A third side to a war that has been brewing for decades, and neither Dark nor Light stands a chance.

    Also Known As - Instead of brave, or cunning, or smart being his key trait, he is kind. It's deadly.

    • Part 5 of We Gladly Feast
  9. TagsSummary

    The second part of goblin-raised Harry's sixth year and the first part of his seventh year, wherein Harry deals with teaching Goblin Dueling, working on showing more humans the real way of things, fighting the Ministry, fighting Voldemort, locating Horcruxes, and listening to the mysterious songs sung by the shadowy people in the Realm of Song.

    • Part 9 of From Samhain to the Solstice 2021
    • Part 7 of Realm of Song
    Language: EnglishWords:30,078Chapters:7/7Kudos:2606Bookmarks:185Hits:27335
  10. Tags Summary

    Soul-marks are everything in the magical world; you can only ever marry or date your soulmate, every person has exactly one mark and match, and even house-elves are slaves because of their lack of marks. The Killing Curse, Unforgivable because it erases the soul’s mark as well as killing the body, has no known survivors. Until it does, and Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts bereft of his mark, the subject of furious debate as to whether his presence dirties the school or if it should be allowed at all. As Harry learns more and more about the underpinnings of the magical world, his fury grows, and he allies with other outcasts to bring down the corrupt system.

    • Part 8 of From Samhain to the Solstice 2021
  11. TagsSummary

    After the Dementor attack, Harry goes to Gringotts to find out his monetary options in case his wand is snapped. He gets more than he bargained for.

    Where in Merlin's name does all the money come from? !

    What did the Weasley twins do if that is his account after investing in them the previous summer? !

    And what does the goblin mean, Hogwarts is taken care off? !

  12. TagsSummary

    Everyone expected Harry Potter to be the perfect Gryffindor, an avid prankster just like his father who will get into all kinds of mischief and mayhem once he arrived in Hogwarts.

    No one expected a hardened, goblin-trained warrior with one sole purpose - to permanently eliminate the monster that robbed him of his parents and nearly brought the world to ruin.

    No one knows what to make of him. But one thing’s for certain, Harry Potter will defy the expectations of everyone he meets, tearing apart plans and schemes with unflinching resolve, and attracting the attention of both friend and foe alike.

  13. TagsSummary

    A crack-treated-seriously-esque fic where Harry Potter gains an army of steadily increasing, steadily worrisome magical creatures by his side.

    (Don't mind any grammatical mistakes or story errors. This is purely for enjoyment purposes, I'm not beta-ed, and its like 20:00.)

    Edit: If you haven't already noticed, I upload sporadically and when I feel like it. (You try being an actual writer with a proper schedule at 14 while in high school. Yeaaaaah- nope.)

    Language:EnglishWords:2,370Chapters:2/?Collections:1 Kudos:482Bookmarks:116Hits:5608
  14. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter, o irmão gêmeo esquecido de 'Menino-Que-Sobreviveu', espancado até a morte por seus parentes trouxas abusivos, mas sua magia discordou em morrer tão cedo, então cavou fundo em sua alma e sangue e trouxe algo que o ajudará a sobreviver e viver, mas a questão é… Quem o tirará de seu destino cruel?

    Tom Marvolo Riddle, também conhecido como Lorde Voldemort, caiu no mais profundo dos vazios por seu vício em Artes das Trevas. Então, quando seu profetizado "Igual" e inimigo mortal, que também passa a ser o guardião de seu pedaço de alma, vem em seu auxílio e oferece-lhe outra oportunidade, ajudando-o a se recuperar da insanidade, preenchendo assim o vazio criado pelo cruel e impiedoso destino, o que ele vai fazer? Ele pode recusar o pequeno criador do caos de olhos verdes que se declarou seu 'filho em tudo menos no sangue'?

    • Part 1 of The Dark Prince
    Language:Português brasileiroWords:8,840Chapters:4/?Kudos:19Bookmarks:5Hits:1422
  15. TagsSummary

    The second part of goblin-raised Harry's fifth year and the first part of his sixth year, wherein Harry deals with Creature Culture classes, haunted Headmasters, meddling Malfoys, Horcrux hunts, and lots and lots of duels and souls

    • Part 9 of From Litha to Lammas 2021
    • Part 6 of Realm of Song
    Language: EnglishWords:30,831Chapters:6/6Kudos:3225Bookmarks:193Hits:34371
  16. Tags Summary

    Catarina Potter the girl who lived, loved and was betrayed. Brynhildr Grindelwald Peverell the woman who would seek her revenge and the old world will burn for a new one to rise from it's ashes.

  17. TagsSummary

    The Horntail’s voice is split into two discrete, tragic layers. Her roar is hoarse and deep—terrifying. Parsel transforms the roar into speech—and. Well. She sounds a lot like Lily Potter. Fierce but scared. Defiant. 

    This is some twisted fucking shit right here. Come one, come all—no entry-fee. Come watch a teenager brutalize a mother defending her children. Why? On pain of death, in his case! The catch? There is no catch! Get your eleven-year-old accustomed to blood-sports early on! Come, come!

  18. TagsSummary

    Harry loves money. A lot. But despite his gambling tendencies, he also loves daggers and maybe made a deal with Satan or was that death who knows.

  19. TagsSummary

    The second half of goblin-raised Harry’s fourth year and the first half of his fifth year at Hogwarts. Voldemort would probably like it if he had Harry’s attention all to himself, but let’s face it, Harry has a Tournament to ruin, insults to get revenge for, the Argent Ocean to research, more goblin and human magic to learn, interfering humans to handle, and a godfather to keep in line. Voldemort will have to wait his turn.

    • Part 8 of From Samhain to the Solstice 2020
    • Part 5 of Realm of Song
  20. TagsSummary

    The second half of goblin-raised Harry’s third year and the first half of his fourth year at Hogwarts. Harry is a proud participant in the next goblin rebellion, getting justice for his godfather, freeing artifacts who shouldn’t have to be enslaved to humans, and creating alternatives to silly human traditions.

    • Part 4 of Realm of Song
    • Part 8 of From Litha to Lammas 2020

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