Haikyuu x reader he calls you clingy and you change

Telling their S/o they’re being clingy

Haikyuu x reader he calls you clingy and you change

Warnings: some cursing not much tho and a little angst

Genre: Hurt comfort

Tsukishima x reader

Inspo: @kybabi

A/n: My grammar sucks 🥲

Haikyuu x reader he calls you clingy and you change
Haikyuu x reader he calls you clingy and you change

• He’s usually not a clingy person and not big on pda but behind doors, he’ll let you be cuddly and lovey with him

• of course with complaints but he doesn’t push you away though

• But today everything seems to be aggravating Tsukishima and honestly, he just wanted to be left alone

• But you didn’t know that

• On your end, your day hasn’t been going on to well either and all you wanted is to be in Tsukki’s arms

You sigh taking your shoes off noticing that Tsukki’s shoes were already there placed nicely against the wall. You were happy that your boyfriend was home already and was excited to finally see him. After a long day of being at work and dealing with rude people you just wanted to be in Tsukki’s arms.

You spotted Tsukki on the couch watching a documentary of some sort on T.V. You made your way towards him plopping yourself next to him.

“Hey, baby how was your day,” You ask gently poking his arm. You didn’t get any response from him, his eyes still focus on the T.v screen.

Usually, he would make a comment about his day or go on and tease you about something, but his brows were furrowed and his lips were in a form of a frown. You were a little worried now because you could see something was bothering Tsukki and don’t know exactly what.

Tsukki usually loves when you’re around but he just wanted to be left alone right now and just want you to go for a while, so he could have some time to put his thoughts together.

“Hey are you-” You were trying to cup Tsukki’s face so he could look at it but was cut off when shoved your hands away.

“God y/n can you not be so clingy all the time.” He said abruptly getting up as he makes his way to the bedroom leaving you behind and alone.

That night you both slept on y'alls shared side of the bed no cuddling like you usually do. You couldn’t help think ‘maybe I am too clingy’ 'did I made him feel uncomfortable’

Haikyuu x reader he calls you clingy and you change

Later that day you were in the kitchen trying to fix some food for yourself when you heard the door open and close, indicating that Tsukki had just got back home from practice. He made his way to the kitchen seeing that the light was on wondering why you weren’t at the door to greet him like usual. When he got there you didn’t acknowledge him in any way opting to ignore him.

“Hey”, Tsukki said standing there awkwardly shifting a little.

“Hey”, You responded not even turning to glance at him.

“How was your day”, you just shrugged for response grabbing your food and tries to make your way out of the kitchen, but before you could successfully make your way out of the kitchen Tsukki, gently grabbed your arm.

“Hey wait, what’s wrong with you today,” Tsukki asks his face contorted in confusion.

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Yeah, you’ve been acting not yourself”, At that moment you just snapped yanking your arm from out of his grip.

“What’s wrong with me!?? I thought this is what you wanted. You were the one who told me I was being too clingy yesterday when I was trying to comfort you so I decided to give you some space because I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but when I do I get told that I’m not being myself. Honestly Kei I don’t know what you want from me.” Angry tears started to fill your eyes as you furiously try to wipe them away.

The memories of what Tsukki said to you and how he treated you came flooding back to him. He could feel guilt seeping through him he didn’t mean what he said to you. Before he could respond to you, you were already trying to move past him mumbling how stupid this was and how he should forget you said anything to him.

Before you could fully make it past him, Tsukki grabbed your arm gently pulling you back to him. His arms carefully wrap around you giving you a small squeeze before placing his head on top of yours

“I’m sorry. I know I’m not good at expressing my feelings all the time and on that day I was aggravated and took out my anger on you and I shouldn’t have done that and I know me apologizing doesn’t take back what I said and you have every right to be upset with me but just know I didn’t mean what I said earlier” You could feel Tsukki arms tighten around you ever so slightly as you think over your thoughts trying to form a response through your hazy tears leaving the air filled with silence.

“I-it just hurts. I was just trying to make sure you were ok and you just snapped at me I just–” A sob erupted you shaking your body slightly as you grip Tsukki’s shirt.

“I know. I know. I’m sorry” Tsukki said gently, rubbing circles into your back.

“I’ll do better”

There was just a moment of silence with your small sniffles and Tsukki just holding you tight.

“I love you,” he says hoping maybe you’ll say it back.

“I love you too you idiot,” You said laughing slightly