Google give me the phone number to

Helpful Telephone Numbers

Service Phone Number
DHS HelpLine  1-800-692-7462 (1-800-451-5886 TDD 
for individuals with hearing impairments)
Autism Services 1-866-539-7689
COMPASS/Benefits Helpline (Cash Assistance, SNAP, MA, etc.) 1-800-692-7462
ChildLine (State Child Abuse Registry) 1-800-932-0313
CHIP Helpline 1-800-986-KIDS (1-800-986-5437)
Disability Services 1-800-753-8827
Governor's Office 1-717-787-2500
Estate Recovery Program 1-800-528-3708
Health & Human Services HR Delivery Center 1-717-787-5618
Pharmacy Services 1-800-537-8862, option 1
Secretary of Human Services 1-717-787-2600
Welfare Fraud TipLine 1-844-DHS-TIPS (1-844-347-8477)
Child Support Enforcement Helpline   1-800-932-0211

 Don't see the number your looking for? Please use the links on the right to find additional contact information for other offices.

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Phone numbers in examples

Most phone numbers in our documentation are examples. For information about what phone numbers to use in examples, see Example phone numbers.

Format real phone numbers

In the rare case when you're providing a real phone number to contact a real person, use the following formats, depending on whether the number is in North America or elsewhere.

North American phone numbers

To format phone numbers in the US, Canada, and other NANP (North American Numbering Plan) countries, enclose the area code in parentheses followed by a nonbreaking space, and then hyphenate the three-digit exchange code with the four-digit number.

Recommended: (415) 555-0132

International phone numbers

To format phone numbers in non-NANP countries, include the country and area codes. Separate the groups of digits with nonbreaking spaces. Insert a plus sign immediately before the country code (no space); the plus sign stands in for a prefix known as an exit code, which lets you dial out of a country. Each country has a different exit code.

For more information, see the ITU document about standardized formatting for phone numbers.

Recommended: +1 415 555 0132

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2022-02-28 UTC.

[{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "missingTheInformationINeed", "label":"Missing the information I need" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps", "label":"Too complicated / too many steps" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "outOfDate", "label":"Out of date" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "samplesCodeIssue", "label":"Samples / code issue" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "otherDown", "label":"Other" }] [{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "easyToUnderstand", "label":"Easy to understand" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "solvedMyProblem", "label":"Solved my problem" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "otherUp", "label":"Other" }]

Here's the answer:

“kannst du mir deine Handynummer geben?”

Watch a real native speaker say it:

Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. Here is a link to the video instead.

Here's how it sounds in a textbook:

Fun fact: the hundreds of thousands of people learning German with Memrise get this phrase correct 94.52% of the time!

How to Find Your Phone Number on Android, iOS or any other phone?

Use Web, Chrome, Windows, iPhone or Android app to find your number!

When you’re new to your phone, you may not know the phone number to the device. Heck! You never have to use your own phone number, right? Fortunately, there is a way to view the phone number assigned to your phone using

Use the number detection on the right →

We’ll give you a phone number to call, detect your number and show it on this page.

Or download the “What Is My Number (” app for Android, iOS to try to read your phone number from the SIM card as well. You'll have an easy app to show you your phone number in one touch.

What is My Phone Number?

Detect Now

Let’s try making a free call to our test number:


reserved for the next 90 seconds

It’s free for most operators, from any country.*
We will not pick up the phone. You will hear a busy signal and automatically hang up.

Come back to this app after making the call to see the number you were calling from.

* Please check with your mobile operator if unanswered calls are billed in your plan.

Let’s try making a free call to our test number:


Wow, there are too many people using the service right now.

0 people are in line before you to get the phone number.

Estimate wait time:

~ seconds

Enter number manually

Time Out

Your reservation has ended. Try again.

Get a new test number

Enter number manually

We’re sorry but we could not detect your phone number automatically

Enter number manually

Your phone number




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Can Google give me a phone number?

Google Voice gives you a phone number for calls, texts, and voicemails. You can use this number to make domestic and international calls from your web browser and mobile devices.

How do I get a phone number?

Apps That Give Out Free Phone Numbers Google Voice is one example, but there are many others that will give you a real phone number to make and receive internet calls. For example, you can download the FreedomPop app, the TextNow app, or the TextFree app from their respective websites.

How do I call Google phone number?

Use your Google Voice number for calls from your phone app.
Open the Voice app ..
At the top left, tap Menu. Settings..
Under “Calls,” tap Calls started from this device's phone app..
Select when to use Google Voice for calls from the phone app..
Under “Driving mode,” select when to use Google Voice while driving..

How can I get a free phone number?

Free Phone Number Services.
Google Voice. This is probably one of the more popular free business phone services because there are millions of Gmail users worldwide. ... .
TextFree. TextFree is an application available on the iOS and Google Play app stores. ... .
Callcentric. ... .
LINE. ... .